How to Study the Great Continuum of Consciousness

By George A. Boyd © 2017

Some of you have looked at our article on the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and were uncertain about how to proceed. We recommend you follow these seven steps when you study the Great Continuum of Consciousness.

  1. Begin studying each band of the mind. So, the first band of the mind is the Conscious mind. Set your intention that you wish to study the Conscious mind.
  2. You identify the levels of that band of the mind. For example, the levels of the Conscious mind are… [list].
  3. You describe the function of each level through the vehicle of consciousness that operates there. You would do this by describing each level in turn: “The function of the waking state of awareness is [describe].” You would then list the function for each center of the Conscious mind.
  4. You next focus your attention on a focal point at each level and note the content. For example, “When I focus my attention on the deep body awareness center of the Conscious mind, I become aware of my muscles, organs, bones, and nervous system, and the activity of my physiological functioning.”
  5. Once you have focused your attention on each level of that band of the mind, you will label each focal point to create a landmark. So for example, you would note the place where you focus your attention at each level, and hen, you label it: “this is my waking state of awareness, this is my movement center, this is my sensory center, this is my deep body awareness center, this is my feeling center… up to the highest center, the Subconscious Gateway center.
  6. Practice moving your attention to any one of these levels in this band of the mind and holding your attention there to monitor the content. Do this until you can move your attention at will to any of the focal points of this band of the mind.
  7. Optional: If you wish to do a more in depth study of the first three bands of the mind—the Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind—and you have not meditated before, you might wish to take the Introduction to Meditation Course. If you have completed one of our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program, you could opt to review our “Adventures in Pinda” webinar series.

To study the Superconscious mind, those who complete one of our intermediate courses have the option of studying the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, our master consciousness studies program. Those who wish to have a guided meditation format exploration of the Superconscious mind, they can take the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation in an in-person or online format, or take the online version of the Satsang Program Home Study Course.

To extend your knowledge of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, after you have identified the focal points for the Conscious mind, you would do the same thing for the Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious minds. You would study each level of the Superconscious mind: Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental in this same way.

The Continuum is broken into segments using accordions in the article to let you study the different bands using these seven steps. You should strive to build a clear road map with landmarks for each level, so you can focus your attention on any level you select.

We encourage you to study this map of the Continuum of Consciousness. We encourage you to study the associated maps of the Supracosmic Sphere and the Transcendental Sphere that are available in our Library. [To access these articles, you will need to sign into the Library. If you don’t have access to the Library yet, you can sign up for your free membership here.]

What we offer you through this website

© 2017 by George A. Boyd

Q: “What can I, who am unfamiliar with Mudrashram® teachings, expect to gain from this website and these teachings?”

A: We give you the keys to unlimited spiritual growth, balanced spiritual development at the cutting edge of spirituality, and enable you to transmute the karma along your unique path to God and to turn your inner darkness into Light, and ascend in full consciousness to spiritual Mastery in this lifetime.

Want to learn more?

We offer you a variety of articles on our Open Stacks page and in our Library to learn more about our teachings. There are hundreds of free question and answer short videos in the Library, too.

Want to go deeper?

We offer 16 books on meditation—plus three books of poetry—and over 300 webinars on a variety of topics. Want a taste of what we offer? Download the free book on our home page! We continue to generate new articles every week on our blog that shed light on a variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics.

Need personal and spiritual guidance?

For spiritual guidance, we offer you eleven different readings [view these under the Our Services menu tab], meditation consultation, and attunement with guidance channeling.

You can now receive enhance personal support for the Introduction to Meditation and Accelerated Meditation programs with individual coaching. Just sign up for the coaching option when you enroll for these programs. As more of you opt for coaching, we will have a less expensive group coaching available.

You are now able to take online coaching courses—on life coaching, for recovery from cult involvement or religious abuse, for overcoming the issues of growing up in a dysfunctional family, and for establishing a stable recovery from addiction.

Are you ready to learn to meditate?

Those of you who are beginners can take the Introduction to Meditation Program. If you’ve meditated before, you can skip ahead to the Accelerated Meditation Program, where we give you the secret keys to transformation and ascension in full consciousness. Not sure which meditation program is best for you? Take our test!

Learn best in person?

We offer you the in person version of the Accelerated Meditation Program, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation. As we mentioned above, we also offer you options for coaching to assist you to master our online meditation programs, the Introduction to Meditation Program and the Accelerated Meditation Program.

Want to enhance your helping skills?

Those of you with a background in counseling, psychotherapy, Yoga therapy, holistic healing, and hypnotherapy can now receive certification as a Stress Reduction Consultant. Psychotherapists and counselors can learn how to add evocative meditation techniques to augment their therapy effectiveness through our Meditation for Therapists Practitioner Certification Course.

Professional yoga teachers (RYTs) may wish to earn six hours of continuing education credit through the Yoga Alliance for the Meditation for Hatha Yoga Teachers and Students Training. Go to our public webinar page and select the public tab. You get a certificate of completion and documentation verifying you have successfully passed this course once you pass the final exam for this course

Need continuing support?

For students of the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, Accelerated Meditation Program, and Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, we offer bi-monthly Light Sittings, and once monthly webinars for our advanced students with our Master Meditation Teacher. [We offered once-monthly question and answers sessions from 2011 to 2023: the content from the webinars of 2011 to 2020 is now available in three books on the completer page for those who have finished one of our intermediate meditation courses; a fourth volume collecting the content from the webinars of 2021 to 2023 is under development.]

Want to move to advanced meditation with us?

After you complete the Accelerated Meditation Program or the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation with us, you can take the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation; study the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, our two year consciousness studies program; the Satsang Program Home Study Course, our course on guided meditation and communing with the spiritual guide; or the Samadhi Week program, for those who complete the Advanced Course, which teaches you to enter into the deepest stages of meditation.

Do you want to advance to the stage where you can teach others?

We offer teacher trainings for our most advanced students—where you can learn to teach the Introduction to Meditation Program, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, and the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Do you want to ascend to Mastery in this lifetime?

We offer you step-by-step guidance to pass through each stage of your Path until you ascend to full Multiplane Mastery, the stage in which you can work on every Path and lead each spiritual essence at any level of the Continuum of Light to Mastery, Liberation, and final freedom.

This is the most complete spiritual system ever developed to support you through every stage of your personal and spiritual journey. You have found us: you can begin right here on this website, right now. We invite you to experience the Mudrashram® Way for unlimited spiritual growth and integral personal development.

Why Do People Want to Learn to Meditate

By George A. Boyd © 2017

There are a variety of motivations why people adopt meditation and other modalities to work on themselves. Here are seven major reasons people take up this practice:

  1. There are those who want to experience stress release, more conscious presence, and more control in their lives. Mindfulness training helps people achieve this aim.
  2. There are those who desire to deal with their life challenges. For example, people want to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, lose weight, earn more money, or be more successful in their business. Modalities such as autohypnosis, hypnotherapy, affirmations, belief in the Law of Attraction, or targeted coaching for their life concern assist them handle these practical life concerns.
  3. There are those who are on a quest for meaning, authenticity, and the discovery of spiritual truths. These benefit from the study of spiritual books, psychotherapy, self-introspection, personal inventory, journaling, philosophical inquiry, and contemplative reflection.
  4. There are those who seek the experience of mystery, enlightenment, and union with the Divine within them. These gravitate towards Taoist breath work, martial arts, hatha yoga, meditation methods that unite the attention with the Soul, and the Jnana Yoga practices of spiritual discernment.
  5. There are those who yearn for a conscious relationship with God, and want to live in harmony with their Soul Purpose and the Divine Will. These find solace in faith in God, prayer, worship, study of scriptures, and practices of mystic spiritual communion like Nada Yoga and Guru Dhyan Yoga (meditation on the form of the guide form of the spiritual Master).
  6. There are those who aspire to gain spiritual powers, to breakthrough into ecstatic union with the Divine, to gain Samadhi and Self Transcendence. These are attracted to Mantra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga Paths.
  7. There are those who choose to make their conscious ascension, unfold their core spiritual potentials, and gain spiritual salvation—fulfilling each aspect of their Divine Purpose and Plan and ascending to Mastery in this lifetime. These are drawn to Integral Meditation.

The Mudrashram® System of Integral Meditation has programs to assist seekers who approach meditation with any of these seven motivations.

  • For type one, we train you in mindfulness and stress reduction practices in our Introduction to Meditation Program and Foundations of Practical Meditation Course.
  • For type two, we teach you powerful meditations to access the subconscious mind—autohypnosis, affirmation, and process meditation—in our intermediate courses, the on-line and by-mail Accelerated Meditation Program and the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.
  • For type three, we teach you contemplative practices in our intermediate courses, and how to do introspection and inventory in our Introduction to Meditation Program.
  • For type four, we teach you methods to awaken the Soul and gain enlightenment in our intermediate courses; in our advanced course, the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation; and the Samadhi Week Program.
  • For type five, we teach the practices of Nada Yoga and effective prayer in our intermediate courses, and the practice of conscious communion with the guide in our advanced course and in the on-line Satsang Program Study Course.
  • For type six, we train you in the key practices of Mantra Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga in our intermediate courses, and introduce you to Kriya Yoga in our advanced course.
  • For type seven, we teach you the three core practices of Integral Meditation—transformational mantra, opening the channels of the Nada with the spirit, and ascension in full consciousness as the attentional principle—that enable you to accelerate your spiritual progress and travel the Light Stream to conscious spiritual Mastery in this lifetime.

We invite you to explore the teachings of our system of Integral Meditation on this website through reading articles on our Open Stacks page and in our Library. If this resonates for you, you may wish to study our webinars and read our books, or obtain a personal guidance session. If all this makes sense to you and you feel ready to meditate, you are welcome to begin studying meditation with us on this website or in person.

The Four Rings of Light Ministry

By George A. Boyd ©2017

When a Mudrashram® Initiate or an accepted disciple gives a Light Sitting, the ministry of the Light expands through four zones:

  1. To the people present in the room – A Light Sitting can be called if there is even one person who asks the Swamis for the Light; this is set up in advance in a scheduled meeting, as we do in our Los Angeles Community Satsang Program. This Light Sitting can also be done as a webinar where there is auditory and visual contact with the Initiate or the advanced disciple authorized to do Light Sittings.
  2. To all Mudrashram® students, living or dead – The Light touches all students who have taken the Introduction to Meditation Course, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, Accelerated Meditation Program, or Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation—whether they have completed these programs or not, whether they are active in Mudrashram® or not, the Light will still bless them.
  3. To the community of seekers, who have sought our services – This includes those who have come for readings, consultations, webinars, or workshops, or those who have requested assistance with a Kundalini issue—the Light will bless them.
  4. To those for whom the people attending the Light Sitting extend the Light – This occurs in our Light Sittings when those present feel the suffering of others and send the Light to them (world ministry), and through intentional request, where those who are present, state or point out with the beam of intention those they wish the Initiate or advanced disciple to bless with the Light.

This circle of influence of the Light creates a force field of Grace, Light, Love, and Power that extends from the Initiates or those authorized to send the Light to those who receive it. This force field is the energetic “ashram” of our lineage, which is not limited by the physical presence of the Initiate or accepted disciple sending the Light.

Whenever the Mudrashram® Masters conjoin their Light and do the Light Sitting ministry, this force field is sent forth as waves of Grace through the Transcendental, Supracosmic, Cosmic, Transplanetary, Planetary, Subtle, and Personal [e.g., the Metaconscious, Subconscious, and Conscious levels of the mind of those receiving the Light] zones of the Consciousness to each individual in direct attunement—the Initiate or accepted disciple anchors a scintillating jet of the Light into the Soul of each on present, and those who call for the Light.

The complete Light Sitting has four parts:

  1. Reception of the Light – receiving the Light through all seven octaves [i.e., Transcendental through Personal]
  2. Performing Attunement Meditation – sending the Light to others throughout the world
  3. Opportunity for personal request – asking the Light be sent as a special blessing of the Light to those about whom participants feel concern
  4. Inspired discourse (satsang) – channeling a message from one of the Swamis sending the Light during the Light Sitting

An abbreviated Light Sitting consists only the Reception of the Light. These shortened Light Immersion sittings typify our ministry during our Community Satsang programs.

The Light Sitting has ten octaves of ministry, ranging from the most superficial to the most profound. These include:

  1. Blessing – the Light touches all centers within those receiving the Light and gently stirs them into activity
  2. Purification – the Light burns away impurities in the inner vehicles and etheric channels
  3. Healing – the Light overshadows the etheric body of the Soul and the Pranamayakosa and augments the healing activity of the individual’s life force
  4. Comfort – the Light enters the receptacle of the Moon Soul nucleus of identity and the core of human misery as the Holy Spirit, and ministers to the deep pain of the human heart
  5. Guidance – the Light awakens the Buddhic capsule of the individual, which bestows revelation, insight, understanding, and wisdom
  6. Empowerment – the Light activates an ability or power of the Superconscious mind, which enables the individual to recognize and operate the new ability
  7. Illumination – the Light raises the Kundalini Shakti of the individual to the ensouling entity, which brings about Illumination and Gnosis
  8. Karmic Transformation – the Light purifies, dissolves, transmutes, and integrates karmic material in the unconscious mind of the individual
  9. Spiritual Rapture – the Light actively moves the spirit in the channels of the Nada and brings it into alignment with the ensouling entity
  10. Initiation – the Light unfolds the ensouling entity and its aligned vehicles of consciousness to a new nodal point

Students who are actively studying, or who have completed the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, Accelerated Meditation Program, or Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, receive an invitation to the complete Light Sitting, which is presented via webinar. Our students receive the Light wherever they are in the world. The Initiate or accepted disciple who conducts the Light Sitting with those who attend the webinar guides participants to minster the Light throughout the world—this is our world Light ministry.

Those who cannot attend will get the same beneficial results listening to a recording of the webinar. Advanced students, who have developed sensitivity to the Light, can benefit from sitting during the period of the Light transmission, if they are unable to attend the webinar.

The Light Sitting is a special Grace from the Masters of the lineage. For those who attend, the Light may purify their inner vehicles, transmute their karma, uplift their spirit—and for those granted Initiation during the Light Sitting—unfold their Soul and its aligned vehicles of consciousness to a new nodal point, effectively accelerating their spiritual evolution. Those who wish to speed up their spiritual progress and receive direct contact with the Masters of the lineage, we cannot recommend attendance at Light Sittings highly enough.

Steps of the Journey in Mudrashram

By George A. Boyd © 2017

Q: People have asked us to clarify what is the Mudrashram® Path, and where does it ultimately lead? Can you give us a step-by-step narrative of what happens on the Mudrashram® Path, and where it takes you?

A: Mudrashram® is unique in that we do not take you to “our Path,” but rather, unfold you on your Path. This process begins with identifying where you are on this inner journey, and what is your cutting edge of spirituality, with a Basic Soul Reading.

Mudrashram® teaches that your spiritual journey has seven steps:

  1. Completion of the Subtle Realm, liberation of the Soul Spark
  2. Completion of the Planetary Realm, either by liberation of the Soul, or establishment of the Soul in its crown of purpose, and building a bridge to liberation with the White Lotus of Immortality
  3. Completion of the Transplanetary Realm, either by liberation of the Monad, or building a bridge to liberation with the White Lotus of Immortality, when the Monad remains in its ground state linked with the Soul or established in a crown of purpose in the Transplanetary Realm
  4. Completion of the Cosmic Sphere through liberation of the Astral Soul, either through dropping its vehicles (Dharmakaya) or retaining its vehicles (Sambhogakaya). Those who elect to become members of the Cosmic Hierarchy (Nirmanakaya) stop their upward progress at this level.
  5. Completion of the Supracosmic Sphere through liberation of your Supracosmic Soul.
  6. Completion of the Transcendental Path aligned with the axis of being through liberation of the ensouling entity and spirit on that Path. This aligned Path, with rare exceptions, is one of five Transcendental Paths, T1 to T5. [Note: Instead of writing out Transcendental Path 1, we use the abbreviation T1.]
  7. Ascension on the Bridge Path to Multiplane Mastery. This is comprised of four major stages: the Form of the Disciple, the Mahatma Stage, the Lineage Holder Stage, and Multiplane Mastery.

Attainment of the Multiplane Master stage enables the Initiate to clear the karma from every Ray Path in the Cosmic through the Subtle, every additional Path of the Supracosmic Sphere other than the Paths that were opened, and the remaining Paths among T1 to T5 that were not opened. Further advancement beyond the first stage of Multiplane Mastery includes returning to the origin of the Bridge Path, and subsequent liberation on T6 and T7, leading to the Infinite Stage. This constitutes full completion of all spiritual potentials.

You can begin this journey with us by taking the Introduction to Meditation Course, if you have no experience or proficiency with meditation. Those of you who have a background with meditation can start this journey in earnest with one of our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Course in Meditation, or the by-mail or online Accelerated Meditation Program, where you learn how to accelerate the spiritual evolution of your Soul, free your spirit, and travel in full consciousness and learn to operate on the inner Planes, plus much more.