On the Potential Extension of Psychic Powers

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: What are the psychic powers?

A: These are abilities that dawn when your Soul awakens into the second Subplane of the Psychic Realm. They include:

  • Creation and destruction of thought forms
  • Etheric sensitivity to resonance and subtle vibrations
  • Clairvoyance, which is sensing of auras, the content of the unconscious mind, and visioning of entities in the inner dimensional worlds
  • Healing and ability to sense the health of the organs and tissues of the body
  • Receptive telepathy, hearing the thoughts of others and the voice of the guide
  • Active telepathy, the ability to make attunements
  • Knowledge of the eternal present (the wave of time on the Akashic Records)
  • Knowledge of past incarnations
  • Knowledge of the patterns of future spiritual development (the Plan)
  • Knowledge of the current state of evolution of the Soul

Q: Do psychic powers increase as your develop spiritually?

A: Generally, yes. There appear to be three orders of access to spiritual powers and the ability to operate them.

Level One – Energetic connection of the psychic body’s chakras with the physical brain, which leads to spontaneous “psychic flashes” or impressions

In some individuals, this connection may be made with their astral body. These ones receive these psychic impressions in hypnosis or in the dream state.

You do not experience voluntary control at this level. These impressions seem to “come out of the blue.”

Level Two – When the Soul evolves to the Psychic Realm, its transpersonal will can operate selected psychic powers voluntarily.

This appears in healers, those who make attunements, those who channel guides and other spiritual entities, and metaphysical counselors or psychic readers.

The operation of this higher octave of the will substands Psychic Realm ministry.

Level Three – This connects the chakras of the psychic vehicle with higher octaves of being—the Monad, the Astral Soul, or a Transcendental Sphere ensouling entity. Development to the Mahatma stage of the Bridge Path and beyond awakens the interpenetrating awareness, which bestows the highest sensitivity to each octave of being, and the immortal essences on the four poles of being—the attentional principle, the spirit, nuclei of identity and seed atoms of each vehicle of consciousness, and the ensouling entities at each level of the Continuum.

Opening these psychic channels to these higher octaves of being develops these gifts to the highest degree, ultimately anchoring them in the Soul of the Bridge Path and Satchitananda.

These extended powers include:

  • Inner vision, hearing, and feeling connecting the physical brain with your higher octave ensouling entities
  • Healing at all octaves of being
  • Making attunements spanning each octave of being
  • Reception of the guide’s teachings at each octave of being
  • Giving spiritual counsel as appropriate to each level of spiritual development, from the Subtle Realm to the Transcendental Sphere
  • Ability to read the current evolutionary station of the Soul and each ensouling entity at higher octaves of being
  • Awareness of past lives in other cycles of time

Those who reach these higher octaves of being must actively extend their powers through opening the plugged channels that block these higher order powers from functioning in this expanded capacity. You usually clear these channels during the development of Multiplane Mastery on the highest Plane of the Bridge Path, but some advanced disciples may do targeted inner work to develop them before this stage is reached. For example, these disciples may develop some of these extended powers at the Mahatma Stage.

We recommend that you study these three orders of psychic powers. Those of you who have Psychic Ministry written into your Soul’s crown of purpose, and who are interested in awakening these elements of your ministry, may find the Psychic Powers Workshop in the Public Section of our Public Webinar Access page to be evocative.

The Seven Orders of Communication

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Q: How do I give Satsang? I’m not clear how I connect with the Soul and spirit to enable them to channel through me.

A: Satsang is a seventh order communication. These seven orders of communication are:

First order communication – self-disclosure. You use this when you tell your life story or share your experiences with others.

Second order communication – empathic reflection. You utilize this when you ask others questions to get to know them, and you reflect back their experience and their feelings and meanings to let them know you’ve heard them.

Third order communication – therapeutic suggestion. When you guide others to encounter their issues and emotional pain in their unconscious mind and assist them to resolve them, you are operating at this level of communication. This is the level at which psychotherapy is done. Hypnotherapists, who guide their clients to work with material in the unconscious mind, tap this level.

Fourth order communication – clarification and empowerment. You communicate at this level you guide others to uncover and clarify their options for choice, like a counselor. Coaches also access this level when they empower others to make choices to achieve their core life goals and hold them accountable to achieve them.

Fifth order communication – attentional guiding. When you are able to give suggestion to guide the attention of others along the thread of consciousness, you are connecting at this level. Those who do guided meditations communicate at this level. Yoga teachers, who teach deep awareness of the body and the subtle energetic system of the chakras, also activate this level.

Sixth order communication – spiritual communion. When you are able to directly behold the attentional principle and spirit of others, and you train them in meditation, or guide them through the inner Planes, you are in communion at this level.

Seventh order communication – inspired discourse (Satsang). When you are able to give a voice to your attentional principle, your spirit, and your Soul, and allow them to speak through you, you are capable of giving Satsang. Those who channel other entities also access this level, but they are acting as a mouthpiece for another being.

Those who utilize the method called intoning taught in our intermediate meditation courses—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—learn how to use their vocal octaves beyond consensual, everyday communication.

There are three steps to learning how to give Satsang:

  1. Focusing your attention on the aspect of your nature that you wish to express.
  2. Giving permission for this aspect to communicate.
  3. Inviting that aspect to speak.

Once you have invited that aspect to speak, you must simply allow it express, without censoring it or attempting to control what this essence communicates.

As you practice this more and gain more experience with the variety of levels of non-consensual communication within you, you will find it easy to tune into your spiritual essences and give Satsang.

Trance States in Meditation and Life

By George A. Boyd © 2014

A state of hypnotic trance can occur during meditation, or it can be induced during your everyday life. This article will briefly discuss what occurs during a trance state, what is the difference between an involuntary or induced hypnotic state and a voluntary trance, and how you can break out from a hypnotic spell.

In a state of trance:

  • You are highly suggestible, and the suggestions of other people can readily influence you or shape your behavior.
  • You have a narrowed attentional focus; your attention is focused on a narrow range of content.
  • You are not aware of thoughts; you may experience a state in which your mind seems empty of thoughts and you are simply observing in the stillness and silence.
  • You may experience that your emotions become suspended, and you feel an inner numbness. This is called dissociation; in this state, you no longer feel your emotions.
  • You experience a vivid interaction with the content suggested to you with rich sensory detail. This imaginary world becomes alive and real to you.
  • You can readily become convinced that statements made to you while you are in this altered state of consciousness are true; you may tenaciously hold on to these truths despite evidence to the contrary. Many ideological political and religious beliefs are shaped while people are in a trance state, and they hold on to these beliefs zealously.
  • When you are in a trance, you revert to automatic or habitual behavior. You can also act out suggested ideas using ideomotor behavior. People in a trance can seem like zombies or robots.

You can readily enter a hypnotic trance when the correct conditions are present. Some types of hypnotic trance operate involuntarily, in that you do not consciously choose to enter this state, but physiological, psychological, and group dynamics influence you to fall into the trance state. Here are some examples of these involuntary trance states:

  • Trances arising from physiological deprivation or ordeal – these trance states arise after long fasting, sleeplessness, or extreme physical exertion. These methods are commonly used in torture and brainwashing to make prisoners susceptible to their captors’ control.
  • Trances arising from subliminal cues in the environment – These types of cues, commonly used in advertising, associate something you subconsciously desire with their product, so you are influenced to want it and to purchase it. These subliminal cues shape consumers’ brand loyalty and purchasing preferences, and they are skillfully used to similarly influence voting decisions in political contests.
  • Trauma-induced trance – Some individuals who do not have a response when trauma or catastrophe occurs “freeze” instead of fleeing or fighting. They remain in a state of immobile, frozen terror and shock.
  • Possession trance – In some religions, believers participate in dancing and singing that puts them into a state of trance, and then the “spirits,” “gods” or “goddesses” of their faith “possess” them. While in this trance state, they may communicate a message from this entity [channeling or prophecy], or they may perform actions under the influence of this entity’s suggestion. This type of religious trance is also seen in so-called charismatic groups that invite the Holy Spirit to possess them, and channel through them as the “gifts of the Spirit.”
  • Sustained altered state of consciousness (Mystic trance) – in certain spiritual and cultic groups, the spiritual teacher or leader encourages their followers to remain continuously in an altered state of consciousness. This continual absorption becomes involuntary when spiritual practices used in these groups move the essences of consciousness out of alignment with the personality and the axis of being. This produces a state of consciousness where attention becomes fixed in this spiritual essence, and those in this state cannot bring their attention back to normal grounded awareness again.
  • Drug induced trance – In a variety of groups, people ingest alcohol and drugs to enter a relaxed, uninhibited trance state. Social pressures may influence people to partake of these psychoactive drugs, and to participate with them in a communal trance state.
  • Addiction – Addiction is a form of trance where a powerful craving in the unconscious mind forces the addict to seek out alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, or other objects associated with reward, pleasure, ecstasy, or cessation of pain and suffering. This powerful craving operates outside the ability of the addict’s will to control it. If it continues to control the addict’s thinking and behavior, it progressively leads to deterioration, destitution, disease, despair, and death.

You enter a voluntary state of trance when you receive hypnotherapy to help you make changes you want in your life. You also voluntary initiate a state of trance when you practice self-hypnosis, or when you do a meditation in which you specify the meditation objective you wish to achieve by entering this altered state of consciousness.

We teach auto-hypnosis in our intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

We teach several hypnotic methods that show you how to help others work with their stress in our Stress Reduction Consultant Certification Course, which is now available to the general public. We suggest that this course may not be appropriate for everyone; it helps if you have a background in a helping modality—healing, counseling, coaching, psychotherapy, hypnotherapist, or minister. If you are not sure, we invite your to schedule a spiritual discovery session with us and we can help you discover if this training is resonant for you and is genuinely aligned with your next step in growth.

If you are in an involuntary hypnotic trance, others are controlling your behavior, your belief, your values, your life, and even your perspective. If you wish to take back control of your own life from this environing spell, here are some things you can do:

  1. Recognize you are in a state of trance. This is the first step to freeing yourself from this spell.
  2. Identify the mechanisms or methods through which others are trying to control you.
  3. Determine how these mechanisms trigger your emotions, your beliefs, or your behavior. Train yourself to not respond to these attempts to influence you.
  4. Empower yourself by defining what are your beliefs, your values, what is important to you, what you want your life to become, and who you are as a person and who you are spiritually. Train yourself to resist the pressure of others to have you conform to their desires and values.
  5. Stop going to places where others influence you negatively, or that trigger your bad habits or addictions. Select new friends that support yourself in actualizing your potential and fulfilling your dreams.
  6. Get help for patterns that are now out of your control. See a psychotherapist, counselor, or addictions professional to help you.
  7. When you enter an altered state of consciousness, always bring your attention back to the waking state of awareness, and take time to reflect upon and integrate the experience you have had while you were in this state of meditation.

By better understanding what occurs in the trance state, and how you can free yourself from these influences that attempt to control you, you can begin to take back your own life, and begin to fulfill your unique purpose and achieve your dreams.

The Seven Types of Magic

By George A. Boyd © 2018

In keeping with the upcoming Halloween holiday, I have decided to compose this week’s blog post on a theme that discusses the magical traditions of the Subtle Realm.

There are seven major types of magic:

Two of them are well known to most people, what we might call popular applications of magic.

Five of them are hidden secrets of the esoteric branches of the magical and occult schools of the Lower Astral Plane.

The two types of magic that have been popularized in modern culture include stage magic and divinatory magic.

Stage magic uses illusion, sleight of hand, and attentional misdirection; utilizes ingenious props; and creates a background of dramatic music and stagecraft to entertain people. The popular magic shows performed in theaters and on television feature this type of magic.

Divinatory magic uses structured divinatory methods such as the Tarot cards or the Ouija Board to evoke guidance and elicit information from the subconscious and unconscious bands of the mind. In some divinatory magical systems, they may invoke the spirits of the dead—the Ouija Board used in séances is of this type. Others may have cards that invoke the angels—for example, the angel cards. Tarot cards draw upon powerful archetypes of the unconscious mind. Carl Jung attributed the ability of divinatory magic to mirror psychological states to synchronicity.

There are five “hidden” forms of magic that are utilized on the Lower Astral Plane.

  1. Ritual magic – Ritual magic enacts a series of structured actions coupled with affirmations or spells to provide protection or invoke powerful forces. The candidate for occult training learns ritual magic on the Magicians Subplane of the Lower Astral Plane. Examples include Building the Armor of Light, used for protection from psychic attack; and the Greater Banishment Rite, employed to clear a ritual space to perform the rites of magic.
  2. Suggestive magic (spells) – This is a verbal statement or intentional suggestion that activates the creative Aethers of the Lower Astral Plane. This type of magic is featured in the television show, “Merlin,” and the popular Harry Potter series of books and movies. Wiccan groups of the first Subplane of the Lower Astral Plane primarily practice this type; Celts and Druids also tap this level to do their own forms of suggestive magic.
  3. Spoken word magic (fiat) – In this form, the Soul Spark declares a command that directs the entities of the Lower Astral Plane. The anchoring phrase, “And so mote it be,” can be added to ordinary spells to empower them and magnify their power. This type of magic draws upon the power of the octave of volition we call the Magical Will. Occult initiates draw upon this power of the spoken word when they intone the secret names of God and angels in the Third Occult Initiation.
  4. Intercessory magic – This type of magic is applied in traditions that bind and control spirits on the Lower Astral Plane. Through the practice of magical containment or entrapment, spiritual entities can be made to carry out certain actions at the magician’s command. The popular image of the genie in the lamp derives from this type of magical intervention; the jinn magic of Arab cultures makes use of this type of intercessory magic. A wide variety of entities can be made to carry out the magician’s bidding. This type of magic is typically first encountered in inmost circle surrounding the presence of the Hermit, which dwells at the doorway to the occult mystery schools.
  5. Hypnotic magic – This anchors suggestion into the minds of other people without their consent. This can make them do specified actions, speak selected words, believe suggested content, or alter their perception. While clinical hypnotherapists use hypnosis for therapeutic purposes with the consent of their patient, occult initiates do not. Varieties of this ability to bypass the conscious mind and implant suggestions in the unconscious mind of others during the First Occult Initiation, where the candidate learns the method of controlling others through anchoring suggestion in their unconscious mind; the Second Occult Initiation, where the occult initiate is trained in using sexual attraction, seduction, and temptation to control others; and the Fourth Occult Initiation, where the advanced occult initiate can use fear, coercion, and intimidation to control an entire nation.

If you are doing your spiritual development beyond the Lower Astral Plane, you will normally not encounter these occult forms of magic. Those who are doing their spiritual work in the Middle Subtle Band and the Lower Astral Plane, however, are susceptible to these forms of magic.

There are four major types of defenses against these forms of occult magic.

  1. Shielding – This create an impenetrable barrier that magical suggestions cannot enter. Building the armor of light is an example of this type of defense.
  2. Deflection or mirroring – This deflects the magical force back to the sender, so they become the target of the spell they cast.
  3. Transformation – This transforms the suggestion into something benign or silly, so the suggestion is neutralized and becomes harmless.
  4. Destruction – In this scenario, a great force overwhelms the perpetrator of the magical attack, which neutralizes the magical spell, may paralyze or entrap him or her, or in rare cases, he or she may even be slain. This mighty power becomes activated when the Soul Spark migrates onto the Subtle Illumined Mind: the inner wizard becomes empowered to counter magical attempts to control you.

The marker of occult work is to force one’s will upon others through fear, intimidation, physical violence or psychological coercion, torture, or uninvited, unwanted magical suggestion.

To become a Light Worker, you must abandon all attempts to force others to do your bidding, and instead, serve their Soul through ministry and sharing your God-given gifts. To pass beyond the Lower Astral Plane, you must renounce these means to control or coerce others for your personal gain.

We point out that suggestive means—temptation, seduction, exploitative persuasion, misleading advertising, subliminal messages, and distortion of the truth to make you do what someone else wants—don’t work if there are no karmic impressions in your unconscious mind that can respond to these attempts to induce craving and desire in your mind. For example, if you have lost the craving for sugar, you are not tempted to go into a doughnut or pastry shop.

Through the use of transformational meditation, many of these karmic desire impressions are removed from the unconscious mind. When this occurs, these suggestions no longer have any effect, and you can no longer be manipulated covertly. For those of you that are interested in removing these karmic impressions, we teach these transformational techniques in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

We encourage you to have at least a cursory knowledge of these two popular and five occult forms of magic. You need to know how avoid the influences of occult magic. You need to be able to align yourself with the Forces of Light, and stop engaging in any occult practices that cause harm to others.

Is Re-patterning DNA possible?

Re-Patterning DNA? Not!

By George A. Boyd © 2013

There are a number of psychic healers who claim that they are able to re-pattern Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) and change longstanding patterns of emotion and behavior. While such a thing appears possible in the grandiose and sometimes delusional imagination of those who dwell in the Psychic Realm, this doesn’t take place in reality.

Re-patterning DNA would involve moving or repositioning base pairs—or substituting new base pairs for existing ones—in the trillions of cells of the body simultaneously. It is extremely unlikely that any attunement or evocative affirmation they may offer their client is powerful enough to change the genetic code in any cells, much less in every cell.

Some have the additional fanciful notion that it is also possible to add additional strands of DNA. This is purported to grant those lucky enough to have this miraculous intervention done, new powers, which effectively speed up their evolution to become more like the highly evolved aliens who pioneered these methods—and who are supposed to be channeling this guidance through the medium that brings you this revolutionary information.

We suspect that if any of those who have allegedly had their DNA multiplied would have a standard DNA test done, they would discover that no additional strands of DNA appear and there is the standard number of 23 chromosomes. It would be even more instructive to have this test done before having this “alien technology DNA augmentation” done, and then after, to see if there is actually any change in the number of strands or the number of chromosomes.

The helical structure that psychics behold is likely the Ida and Pingala channels that appear on the left and right side of the central channel (Sushumna) in each vehicle of consciousness. The apparent chromosome-like structures they see is not physical DNA—remember DNA is in every cell in the body—but rather the folded structure of karma, which Buddhists call a samskara, or mental impression.

It is certainly possible to interface with karmic impressions. This is probably what psychics who claim to re-pattern DNA are doing.

Some of the ways you can work with these karmic impressions include:

  • Process meditation – You can trace karmic sequences back to their original incident, which releases the emotional charge in these impressions.
  • Attunements – You can send the Light to dissolve and transmute the karmic impressions or invoke the Holy Spirit to do this—this is what Christians refer to as the “forgiveness of sin.”
  • Mantra – You can repeat a mantra keyed to the karmic impressions until these impressions attenuate and dissolve.
  • Re-choosing – Once you have regressed a karmic sequence to its original incident, you can make a new Soul choice to re-create this sequence with an alternative, positive pattern.
  • Dialog methods with visualization – You can interview the thought form that encapsulates these karmic impressions and dissolve it into the Light using methods from Agni Yoga.
  • Kriya Yoga and other methods that unfold a nucleus of identity or seed atom – You can dissolve the karmic impressions in the fiery alchemical vortex that forms around the inner vehicles activated through using Kriya Yoga and related techniques.
  • Dissolving in the channels of the Nada – Certain karmic impressions will dissolve when the spirit opens the channels of the Nada.
  • Transmutation through unfoldment of the Soul – Using transformational mantra or receiving initiatory Light Immersion will unfold the Soul and its vehicles, and will dissolve, transmute, and integrate the karmic impressions that dwell in the space between nodal points.

We encourage seekers to develop the discernment to not be misled by spurious notions about DNA re-patterning, and to learn those spiritual technologies that will enable them to genuinely efface the chromosome-like karmic impressions that hold them back from moving into the next stage of their spiritual evolution—for which no alien inventions are required—and begin to take conscious charge of their spiritual destiny while they are alive.

We teach each of these methods for working with karmic impressions in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We invite those interested in learning these techniques to investigate our meditation programs.