The Seven Tracks through the Lower Astral Plane

By George A. Boyd ©2022

In the spiritual evolutionary journey through the Subtle Realm, each Soul Spark must face the challenges of the Lower Astral Plane, which is located just beyond the top of the Middle Subtle Bands of the Continuum. Each one is tested with the great temptations; some are able to escape from this dark realm; some become entrapped; and some some become involved with the Occult Adepts who rule this realm. This article was written in response to a question about what happens to the individuals who must cross this Plane.

Q: Does everyone in the Lower Astral have to enter the Occult Mystery Schools?

A: Once the Soul Spark has reached the Hermit stage in the Lower Astral Plane—after having overcome the temptations of the Chemical Snare, the Sexual Snare, the Criminal Snare, the Political Powers and Corruption Snare, and the Spiritual Slavery Snare bands of this dark realm—the Soul Spark may enter one of seven tracks:

Track one – The Soul Spark ascends through the Occult Mystery School on its Ray. This track leads individuals to become high occult initiates or even an Occult Adept.

Track two – The Soul Spark elects to renounce the Lower Astral. On this track, the Soul Spark moves beyond Satan in the Occult Hierarchy and continues to develop in the highest levels of the Lower Astral Plane to the Light of Renunciation at the threshold of the Subtle Illumined Mind.

Track three – The Soul Spark is translated directly into the Subtle Illumined Mind, and its karma is moved upstream into the Planetary. [The Multiplane Masters of Mudrashram® use this track for Mudrashram® students, who reach the doorway to the Lower Astral Plane.]

Track four – The Soul Spark elects to remain at the station of the Hermit and renounce further progress. It acts as a spiritual counselor or a therapist to assist others makes it through the bands of the Lower Astral snares.

Track five – The Soul Spark does not advance into either the Occult Mystery Schools or the track of Liberation, but rather, it remains where it is. It acts as an emissary of an Occult Adept to assist carry out the project on which the occult initiate is working.

Track six – The Soul Spark feels led to engage in a religious service that worships Satan. They do not advance on either the Mystery School or Liberation track, but they work with established Lower Astral religious organizations to set up formal religious services and to carry out occult or magical rituals.

Track seven – The Soul Spark disseminates occult information through videos, radio shows, podcasts, public talks, articles, and books. In this posture, the Soul Spark does not advance into either the Occult Mystery Schools or the track of Liberation, but remains where it is to act as mouthpiece for Occult and Magical teachings. There have been some popular writers, philosophers, and media personalities who operate on this track.

For the Soul Spark to enter the Occult Mystery Schools: it must have a powerful desire to do so—and it must choose and affirm that it chooses to do so. The Soul Spark then undergoes a series of tests; if it passes these challenges, it is admitted to the Occult Mystery School on its Ray.

How prevalent are these alternate tracks?

  • Perhaps no more than one out of fifteen—about seven percent—of those who reach the Hermit stage of development, opt to enter the Mystery Schools.
  • In contrast, about eighty four percent choose the Liberation track.
  • The remaining nine percent are about evenly divided between the occult counselor, the occult emissary, the occult apostle, and the occult communicator.

We discuss these Subplanes of the Lower Astral in the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course. We encourage those who are sojourning through the Middle Subtle Realm familiarize themselves about the major landmarks of this dark realm.

We also suggest that those who have advanced into the Planetary also become familiar with this realm, to assist those who may be trapped there, and show them how they can escape from this realm’s hypnotic spell.

The Seven Types of Magic

By George A. Boyd © 2018

In keeping with the upcoming Halloween holiday, I have decided to compose this week’s blog post on a theme that discusses the magical traditions of the Subtle Realm.

There are seven major types of magic:

Two of them are well known to most people, what we might call popular applications of magic.

Five of them are hidden secrets of the esoteric branches of the magical and occult schools of the Lower Astral Plane.

The two types of magic that have been popularized in modern culture include stage magic and divinatory magic.

Stage magic uses illusion, sleight of hand, and attentional misdirection; utilizes ingenious props; and creates a background of dramatic music and stagecraft to entertain people. The popular magic shows performed in theaters and on television feature this type of magic.

Divinatory magic uses structured divinatory methods such as the Tarot cards or the Ouija Board to evoke guidance and elicit information from the subconscious and unconscious bands of the mind. In some divinatory magical systems, they may invoke the spirits of the dead—the Ouija Board used in séances is of this type. Others may have cards that invoke the angels—for example, the angel cards. Tarot cards draw upon powerful archetypes of the unconscious mind. Carl Jung attributed the ability of divinatory magic to mirror psychological states to synchronicity.

There are five “hidden” forms of magic that are utilized on the Lower Astral Plane.

  1. Ritual magic – Ritual magic enacts a series of structured actions coupled with affirmations or spells to provide protection or invoke powerful forces. The candidate for occult training learns ritual magic on the Magicians Subplane of the Lower Astral Plane. Examples include Building the Armor of Light, used for protection from psychic attack; and the Greater Banishment Rite, employed to clear a ritual space to perform the rites of magic.
  2. Suggestive magic (spells) – This is a verbal statement or intentional suggestion that activates the creative ethers of the Lower Astral Plane. This type of magic is featured in the television show, “Merlin,” and the popular Harry Potter series of books and movies. Wiccan groups of the first Subplane of the Lower Astral Plane primarily practice this type; Celts and Druids also tap this level to do their own forms of suggestive magic.
  3. Spoken word magic (fiat) – In this form, the Soul Spark declares a command that directs the entities of the Lower Astral Plane. The anchoring phrase, “And so mote it be,” can be added to ordinary spells to empower them and magnify their power. This type of magic draws upon the power of the octave of volition we call the Magical Will. Occult initiates draw upon this power of the spoken word when they intone the secret names of God and angels in the Third Occult Initiation.
  4. Intercessory magic – This type of magic is applied in traditions that bind and control spirits on the Lower Astral Plane. Through the practice of magical containment or entrapment, spiritual entities can be made to carry out certain actions at the magician’s command. The popular image of the genie in the lamp derives from this type of magical intervention; the jinn magic of Arab cultures makes use of this type of intercessory magic. A wide variety of entities can be made to carry out the magician’s bidding. This type of magic is typically first encountered in inmost circle surrounding the presence of the Hermit, which dwells at the doorway to the occult mystery schools.
  5. Hypnotic magic – This anchors suggestion into the minds of other people without their consent. This can make them do specified actions, speak selected words, believe suggested content, or alter their perception. While clinical hypnotherapists use hypnosis for therapeutic purposes with the consent of their patient, occult initiates do not. Varieties of this ability to bypass the conscious mind and implant suggestions in the unconscious mind of others during the First Occult Initiation, where the candidate learns the method of controlling others through anchoring suggestion in their unconscious mind; the Second Occult Initiation, where the occult initiate is trained in using sexual attraction, seduction, and temptation to control others; and the Fourth Occult Initiation, where the advanced occult initiate can use fear, coercion, and intimidation to control an entire nation.

If you are doing your spiritual development beyond the Lower Astral Plane, you will normally not encounter these occult forms of magic. Those who are doing their spiritual work in the Middle Subtle Band and the Lower Astral Plane, however, are susceptible to these forms of magic.

There are four major types of defenses against these forms of occult magic.

  1. Shielding – This create an impenetrable barrier that magical suggestions cannot enter. Building the armor of light is an example of this type of defense.
  2. Deflection or mirroring – This deflects the magical force back to the sender, so they become the target of the spell they cast.
  3. Transformation – This transforms the suggestion into something benign or silly, so the suggestion is neutralized and becomes harmless.
  4. Destruction – In this scenario, a great force overwhelms the perpetrator of the magical attack, which neutralizes the magical spell, may paralyze or entrap him or her, or in rare cases, he or she may even be slain. This mighty power becomes activated when the Soul Spark migrates onto the Subtle Illumined Mind: the inner wizard becomes empowered to counter magical attempts to control you.

The marker of occult work is to force one’s will upon others through fear, intimidation, physical violence or psychological coercion, torture, or uninvited, unwanted magical suggestion.

To become a Light Worker, you must abandon all attempts to force others to do your bidding, and instead, serve their Soul through ministry and sharing your God-given gifts. To pass beyond the Lower Astral Plane, you must renounce these means to control or coerce others for your personal gain.

We point out that suggestive means—temptation, seduction, exploitative persuasion, misleading advertising, subliminal messages, and distortion of the truth to make you do what someone else wants—don’t work if there are no karmic impressions in your unconscious mind that can respond to these attempts to induce craving and desire in your mind. For example, if you have lost the craving for sugar, you are not tempted to go into a doughnut or pastry shop.

Through the use of transformational meditation, many of these karmic desire impressions are removed from the unconscious mind. When this occurs, these suggestions no longer have any effect, and you can no longer be manipulated covertly. For those of you that are interested in removing these karmic impressions, we teach these transformational techniques in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

We encourage you to have at least a cursory knowledge of these two popular and five occult forms of magic. You need to know how avoid the influences of occult magic. You need to be able to align yourself with the Forces of Light, and stop engaging in any occult practices that cause harm to others.