Mudrashram and Other Paths

© 2011 by George A. Boyd

Some seekers have asked us, what is the relationship of the Mudrashram lineage to other lineages? How is your path different from others?

We answer that the Mudrashram lineage exists to support the spiritual work of all other lineages that are established by the Divine purpose and the work of the Hierarchy in its Transcendental, Supracosmic, Cosmic, Transplanetary and Planetary forms. We share the common purposes of:

  1. Unfolding the ensouling entity to fulfill the Divine Purpose and to work out Adi Karma
  2. Tuning up the vehicles of consciousness, their seed atoms and nuclei of identity and to actualize spiritual and personal potentials in synchrony with the unfoldment of the ensouling entity; through this means, resolving the issues of Kriyaman Karma.
  3. Setting the spirit on the path to union with the Divine, guiding the spirit through all the stages of the path and liberating the spirit, thereby working out Sinchit Karma.
  4. Training the attentional principle to contemplate and study the vehicles of consciousness, and the Planes of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and to learn to become an instrument of the Light through Attunement
  5. Bringing understanding of spirituality by gearing instruction to varying levels of mastery and knowledge, and giving individualized instruction to match the student’s current station on the Path
  6. Facilitating the individual’s communion with the Divine through prayer and mediation, giving guidance for the issues of life and challenges of the spiritual path, and clarifying Dharma and Soul Mission
  7. Inspiring service to humanity, encouraging individuals to use their wisdom, their abilities and gifts, and their personal resources to assist those in need.

As an Integral Mediation lineage, we emphasize it is beneficial and important to focus on what aspirants can do to develop themselves spiritually and personally in a balanced Integral way, to be of service to others, and to find a way to know and serve God in a progressively deeper way. We emphasize:

  • Doing spiritual transformation at the cutting edge of spirituality, aligning all four poles of being with each new initiatory nexus.
  • Empowering aspirants and disciples to actively transform their spiritual evolutionary potentials using bija mantras and transformational techniques.
  • Encouraging aspirants and disciples to express their gifts and abilities through the personality as service, and to continually develop new abilities and gain new knowledge.
  • Owning their human responsibilities and to discharging their duties to community, work, and family to the best of their ability, striving for excellence and improvement, seeking to embody integrity, and aiming for mastery of newly acquired skills and knowledge through continued learning and study

We diverge from other lineages, for:

  • We do not advocate that one religion or Path is the only way for everyone, for each individual has a unique karmic track back to the Divine.
  • We do not believe that transformational path work should be done outside of the cutting edge of spirituality, as this produces imbalances that disrupt the functioning of the personality, and may also alter the energetic equilibrium, which can produce kundalini syndromes.
  • We do not hold that religion or spirituality should teach hatred towards other groups, or advocate violence towards others, for the fruits of genuine spirituality are love, compassion, mercy and peace.
  • We also hold that religion or spirituality should not mystify their teachings, or entrap or enslave others, for the fruits of enlightenment are understanding, discernment and inner detachment and freedom.
  • We further believe that Religion and spirituality should not disempower others because of ethnicity, race, gender, or other criteria, because the actualization of human and spiritual gifts and abilities is every individual’s birthright.
  • We also do not believe that religion or spirituality requires special worship ceremonies, special clothing, or other extraordinary markers, because spirituality is innate to every individual, and requires only that they unite with their spiritual essence and commune with the Divine through prayer and meditation.
  • We also believe that focusing on eschatological themes such as the end of the world, the Last Judgment or other doomsday scenarios, or hoping for the Advent of all-powerful saviors is not relevant because these are themes that the individual cannot affect; but we rather point aspirants and disciples to what they can do—active spiritual development with the aim to make progress on the path.

We further hold that:

  • Each individual must follow their own Dharma, their inner sense of truth, in making spiritual and personal choices, and this choice should not be manipulated or coerced.
  • Debates and arguments about spirituality and the Nature of the Divine are non-productive, for perspectives are different and individuals identified with different spiritual essences perceive the Divine differently, and aspire towards different spiritual horizons.
  • It is important to understand the Great Continuum of Consciousness the nature of the different ensouling entities, the different domains of the spirit, the varying tracks of the Seven Rays, and the Paths of Supracosmic and Transcendental Spheres, will bring respect and tolerance between groups, allowing recognition and appreciation of their own unique contributions to out collective spiritual heritage.
  • Spirituality does not need to uproot or destroy the ego, but to redeem it to appropriately guide it, and to understand and appreciate its role as the protector and provider for the body, family and possessions; moreover, spirituality does not have to suppress the personality, but should aim instead to turn the Self and its vehicles into a tool that the ensouling entity can use for the service of others.
  • Attempts by zealous disciples convert others to the Mudrashram® Way, or convince them that this is the best or highest path, or most inclusive path, is abjured for individuals must make their own decision about what is true for them, what is best for them, and what is the correct next step for them spiritually.
  • We welcome others to explore the Mudrashram® teachings, but will not coerce them to follow us.

We tell the seeker:

“We ask you to judge for yourself if these teachings resonate with you. Understand the differences between the Mudrashram way and other paths by studying the articles on our website and decide whether the Mudrashram teachings are relevant for you or not.”

“We are not here to frighten you, fool you or trick you. We will teach you Integral Meditation, which you can learn from us through the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program. If this basic course speaks to you, then you can come for the advanced training we offer.”

“You can come for a first course, or you can go all the way with us… it’s all up to you.”