On the Limitations of Meditation Techniques

On the Limitations of Meditation Techniques: Getting to the Infinite Stage

By George A. Boyd © 2020

“Yes, I see you are doing that technique. But does this get you to the Infinite Stage?” [1]

Each meditation has certain effects.

  1. It focuses your attention on an object of meditation.
  2. It leads your attention to a particular band of the mind—Infraconscious [2], Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, Superconscious, or unconscious.
  3. It operates within certain parameters. For example, your astral body operates from the Infraconscious to the top of the Psychic Realm. A Supracosmic Path transformational mantra will unfold the Supracosmic Seed Atom of that Path from its ground state to its origin in the seventh Supracosmic chakra along that track.
  4. It is designed for a particular objective or purpose. For example, Vipassana meditation helps you become aware of the content that is arising in the present time. Using a selected mantra will enable you to become aware of the forms of the god, Ganesha.
  5. It produces a particular outcome. It might relax you, release your stress, help you gain insight, activate one of your spiritual essences, or transform a spiritual essence through dissolving karma and moving it along its track.
  6. It elicits an emotional and energetic effect. When you do the technique, you might feel peace, ecstasy, or blessedness.
  7. It develops an aspect of your mind. You integrate this aspect of your mind, and you may express it in your life. For example, if you contemplate your Moon Soul or Christ Child nucleus of identity, using a technique like practicing the presence of God, you might become aware of your connection with the Divine and the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to you—this would inspire you to live the holy virtues and make your every action an act of worship.
  8. It activates the latent abilities contained in the inner forms of your Superconscious mind. If you embodied the form of the Saint in the First Mesoteric Initiation, you would be empowered to send the Holy Spirit to others, plus you might demonstrate one of these additional powers that are potential abilities of this form:
    • You might be able to manifest a guide form to the attentional principle or the spirit of others on the inner Planes.
    • You may be able to channel the guidance of the Holy Spirit or speak under inspiration of Prophecy
    • You could be enabled to teach others about the principles and mysteries of your faith.
    • You could become an instrument of emotional and etheric healing.
    • You could embody one or more holy virtues, and act as an exemplar for others.
    • You might demonstrate miracles.
  9. If it is a transformational technique, it may unfold a spiritual essence along its track. Methods like transformational bija mantra, Kriya Yoga—and in the Transcendental Sphere—Nada Yoga, can unfold nuclei of identity or ensouling entities.

In our book, Religions, Cults, and Terrorism: What the Heck Are We Doing?, we have laid out the ranges of meditation techniques taught in different spiritual traditions. Each of these methods taught in these traditions accomplishes a circumscribed objective, but is unable to take you all the way to the Infinite Stage. It will open a part of the Continuum, but it won’t enable you to complete all aspects of the Great Work.

[In 2023, we released the follow up volume to this book, The Path across the Sky. Those who enjoyed Religions, Cults, and Terrorism may wish to add this newer volume that brings new insights into this subject matter to their library.]

How do you get to the Infinite Stage and complete all aspects of the Great Work? Here’s how we do it in Mudrashram®:

To understand where these levels are, refer to this article.

  1. From the Subtle Realm up to the top of the Supracosmic Sphere, do the Quintessence Divine Name [the transformational mantra we give in Mudrashram®] in conjunction with opening the channels of the Nada [for the spirit that dwells in the level where your ensouling entity is] to bring about balanced spiritual development.
  2. For each Transcendental Path—Transcendental portion of the Bridge Path and T1 to T7—do shepherding of the spirit, which unfolds the ensouling entity on that Transcendental Path.
  3. Do this shepherding meditation in the Transcendental Sphere for your aligned Transcendental Path, and along the entire Bridge Path [on this level, you will open any Transcendental Path among T1 to T5 that you did not open as your aligned Transcendental Path], T6, and the remainder of T7. This will get you to the Infinite Stage.

Through this program of meditation:

  • You will progressively liberate each of your spirits in the 12 domains
  • You will liberate each ensouling entity that is not engaged in enacting your Soul Purpose, or engaged in carrying out Multiplane Mastery development on the Bridge Path, T6, or T7
  • You will remove the accretions of Adi, Sinchit, and stored Kriyaman Karma from all levels of the Superconscious mind along your developmental track
  • You will activate each of your vehicles of consciousness through which your ensouling entities operate, and thereby, actualize your full spiritual potential
  • You awaken your Illumined Mind to encompass all levels of the Superconscious mind for the entire Continuum of Consciousness
  • Those that choose the teaching Empowerment track on the Bridge Path additionally activate their Form of the Disciple [3], Mahatma [4], and Multiplane Master [5] forms.
  • You can bring this realization into your life and to touch the lives of others through teaching, doing therapy, guiding, counseling, coaching, healing, doing psychic reading, or engaging in ministry—or you may express it through artistic creativity.

Those who wish to learn how to reach the Infinite Stage can start by taking one of our intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail or online Accelerated Meditation Program, followed by the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation. Get on board our bus: we are departing for the Infinite Stage!


[1] The Infinite Stage is the origin of the Seventh Transcendental Path. It the final segment of your spiritual journey in Mudrashram®.

[2] The Infraconscious is the levels of the mind below the ground state of attention at the waking state of consciousness.

[3] This form, when activated, trains and empowers the advanced disciple to teach the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.

[4] This form, when activated, trains and empowers the advanced disciple to teach the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

[5] This form empowers the Initiate to develop a form of universal ministry and Grace that can work with aspirants and disciples at every level of the Great Continuum of Consciousness.