What Is Your Calling?

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Q: How do you know what your calling is? How do I recognize it?

A: There are two types of calling: Purpose and Divine Calling.

Purpose is the Soul’s expression in your human life. It operates through your personality. It has three aspects:

  1. Talent – This occurs when your Soul calls you to express a talent you’ve already developed in your career, in a volunteer setting, or in a hobby. A talent operates in the personality—the expression of a talent brings you joy and satisfaction.
  2. Skills Augmentation – This arises when your Soul calls you to refine an existing skill through discovery and intensive practice to become a direct, masterful and elegant expression of your Soul. This transforms a talent into genius through building a bridge to the Soul through the Superconscious mind.
  3. Purpose Enactment – This appears when your Soul expresses its gifts in your human life directly—your Soul specifically guides you to carry out specific actions towards a goal. This is called your extrinsic or expressed Soul Purpose.

In a Divine Calling, you work with spiritual Master to develop your spiritual essences to Liberation and Mastery. This supervising Initiate assists you complete your spiritual journey, while you practice sustained meditation until you attain Liberation. There are four aspects to Divine Calling:

  1. You consciously experience that you have a calling to unfold your spiritual essence and fulfill your intrinsic Soul Purpose.
  2. You experience the awakening of spiritual devotion and you yearn to reunite your spirit with the Divine. You have a calling to experience spiritual salvation.
  3. You have a powerful drive to develop the Soul’s abilities, wisdom, and love to the highest extent, so you can help others using your spiritual powers and wisdom. This leads you to activate the latent abilities within you, and fulfills the Soul’s potentials through its form on every Plane of Life.
  4. You complete your development of tracks 4, 5, and 6, and you reach the shores of Mastery. The Divine anoints you and gives you a mission to carry out in service to humanity—to initiate, guide, teach, counsel, heal, and minister.

The most common type of calling is talent (1). Most people discover their talent as a passion, a powerful interest, or something they love to do. You typically uncover your talent during your education, or while you are training for your career. Once you uncover your talent, you work with it until you are proficient, and then you share it with others. You express your talents in your career, in your own business, and in your hobbies.

You reach the skills augmentation stage (2) when you already have an established talent, but you have this inner drive that compels you explore how far you can take this skill. It is this drive that turns a regular musician into a virtuoso or a maestro; or an entry-level employee into a leader and chief executive officer of a company. This calling drives you to excellence and mastery of a skill.

When your Soul awakens, it may guide your personality to carry out an aspect of its expressed Soul Purpose (3). When this occurs, you may experience that something greater than your Self is expressing its gifts and genius through you. Sometimes you may also intuit that you have a mission that your Soul directs you to complete in your life, and you are aware of this inner directive every day.

When your Divine Calling stirs you, you begin to work on spiritual development, unfolding your Soul (4), opening the path to freedom for your spirit (5), and developing your latent abilities, wisdom, and love (6). When this process is complete, you ultimately reach spiritual Mastery (7).

In Mudrashram®, we specifically teach you how to discover your Soul’s extrinsic Soul Purpose (3), and how to develop your spiritual essences to respond to your Divine Calling (4), (5), and (6).

Those of you who are attempting to discern your genuine Soul Purpose from the siren voices of your mind may enjoy our Purpose Workshop in our Public webinar series, which shows you how to uncover this core of purpose within you.[Click on the Public webinar tab.]

Those whom the Divine calling has awakened to the quest for spiritual homecoming, will benefit from our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. These will train you in how to unfold your Soul (4), how to open the Path of the spirit (5), and how to develop your latent abilities, wisdom, and love (6). If you follow this track to its culmination, you will journey step-by-step to Mastery (7)

If you are able to tap into your Soul’s intuitive stream, you might ask your Soul these three questions to clarify the three aspects of calling for your Purpose:

  • “Show me the talents I have. What is the best way for me to use these talents?”
  • “Show me what skills I am developing, so they will be refined to the highest degree. What will it look like when I am expressing this skill at the highest level? What do I need to do to arrive there?”
  • “Show me what aspects of your purpose you are enacting in my life. How can I cooperate with you to ensure your purpose is completed?”

Once you know your calling, you will move ahead in your life with clarity and confidence, knowing that you are doing what you were born to do—and in carrying out your calling, you are also making a difference in the lives of others.

How Do I Know My Life’s Purpose?

By George A. Boyd ©2017

Q: How do I know my Soul’s purpose for this life?

A: There are two type of purpose: Extrinsic (Expressed) Soul Purpose and Intrinsic (Innate) Soul Purpose.

Your Intrinsic Soul Purpose includes the tasks your Soul has come to accomplish on its Aeonic spiritual journey. These are shown as archetypes in your higher unconscious behind your Soul. We do a reading called a Soul Purpose Reading to find these archetypes to you and to show you what your Soul is called to uniquely bring forth as its service and ministry to humanity and the other Kingdoms of Nature.

Your Extrinsic Soul Purpose isn’t something someone reads for you; rather, your own Soul reveals it to you. It is that aspect of your Soul’s Aeonic Mission that is expressed in your current life. Some of the ways you discover your Soul’s Expressed Purpose include:

  1. You are led to read certain books. These books just jump out at you. You feel fascinated and have to read them. They reveal to you key ideas that construct the core philosophy of your life, show you the way forward for your career, and help you resolve pressing problems that are obstacles to you moving forward.
  2. You experience fascination with a particular academic subject or topic. For example, you might read a college catalog, and you feel a strong desire to take certain classes, to explore certain majors, or study a subject in greater depth.
  3. You discover your artistic gifts. After exposure to different art forms, you find one that speaks to you and you want to practice it more. With further practice, you expand your talent and become proficient in that art form.
  4. You happen upon your authentic career. You find a career that is interesting, enjoyable, and truly engages your faculties. You feel you are making a difference. You want to go to work each day to move forward with this project in which you are engaged.
  5. You uncover the facets of your Soul’s ministry. These are helping modalities that you feel called to learn and use to help others. They include healing, counseling, therapy, doing readings, teaching, guiding, or initiating. In these modalities, your Soul is directly expressing its gifts in you after preparing your personality through education and training to be its instrument.
  6. You are shown you need to take initiation into a spiritual Path. You may have a strong attraction to a spiritual teaching if you were initiated into it in a past life. You may be called to embark on a new spiritual Path you have never experienced if it is part of your Soul’s spiritual destiny and helps you express its Soul Purpose.
  7. You are guided to carry out discrete sequences of actions that actualize your Soul’s Purpose. Here you concretize the aspects of the archetypes of your Soul’s inner work that appear as thrones, stars, and your Crown of Purpose in your higher unconscious. Your Soul directs you and you follow its guidance to complete aspects of development that enable your Soul to express its work. For example, if your Soul’s work was to be a chief executive officer, you would need to learn and practice each of the aspects of that role—leadership, strategic planning, management, selecting optimal staff, communicating, accounting, and controlling business outcomes to actually function as a CEO.

We encourage you to think about those moments in your life when your Soul pointed you in a particular direction, led you to explore and study certain topics, or gave you the conviction that a particular course of action was the correct next step. By the time your Soul takes the Third Planetary Initiation, it begins to develop a posture of more clearly directing your personality to work on its core service and mission.

For those of you who want to explore the different levels of purpose in greater depth, we recommend you take The Purpose Workshop, which everyone can take without any prerequisites in the Public Webinar section of our website. Go to the Public Webinar Access Page and click on the Public Webinars tab to see the list of available webinars. You will be asked to sign in—if you are not yet a member, you will be asked to register to create a membership page for you—and then you can view it in your membership area.

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