Reflections on Spiritual Powers

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q: Can you also articulate the pathway by which a person manifests a situation or circumstance in physical reality? For example, Sai Baba was reputed to be able to manifest vibhuti and gold rings, objects of jewelry. Is there a specific process by which this is done?

Or if a meditation student is trying to manifest a certain thing, is there a way to start in the higher planes and add strength and density as it descends finally to the physical?

A: The powers that Sai Baba manifested are in the Siddhi Yantras [1] of the Vishnu 3 Path. Other so-called miraculous powers of the Yogis of the First Cosmic Initiation and high initiates on Supracosmic Paths are the operation of the Siddhi Yantras. We explore what are the Siddhis and where you access them in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Please note that these powers are under the control of the ensouling entity, and unless they are released by your ensouling entity, you will not have access to them. Whether your ego pleads, you anchor suggestion, you do chants and mantras, you visualize and intend—unless the Soul releases that power, they won’t manifest.

The ego craves powers. The ensouling entity only activates those powers which are germane to its ministry, so the ego is out of luck.

Rather than seek powers, seek to know the Will of God and how you may be of service. Work on meditation mastery and readying yourself to be an instrument of the Light.

Q: Thanks for explaining. I’m not seeking powers, I’m seeking understanding, to make sense of my own experience of why things happen and how. Sai Baba is just an example of a process I don’t understand. I want to understand how all the pieces fit together and interrelate.

A: Reflect on the existing abilities you have in the Superconscious mind. Select one.


  • (a) What environmental cue triggers it to operate?
  • (b) What you do to activate it? [For example., do you give suggestion? Do you ask the power to come forward?]
  • (c) what is the posture of your Souls’ permission that allows you to use this power?

You don’t have to go to great heights to find this… draw this power from the Abstract Mind Plane or Psychic Realm to understand how powers work. It’s really not that different than your personal will activating your talents of your Metaconscious mind—it’s just a higher octave of the will at work, an octave controlled by your ensouling entity.

We discuss more about supernatural powers in an article, “Siddhis: The Anatomy of Miracles” from which we will excerpt to give you greater understanding of this phenomenon.

Siddhis: The Anatomy of Miracles

By George A. Boyd ©2004

This article will give a brief exposition about how miracles operate from the inner Planes. For miracles to manifest, the ensouling entity must gain union with the vortex of the spiritual power, which we term the Siddhi Yantra. There are three types of union through which the Soul interfaces with the Siddhi Yantra: (1) Noetic Union, (2) Psychological Union, and (3) Direct Union.

In Noetic Union, the Soul remains detached from the spiritual power, but can choose to activate it. In this case, the Soul’s Will is anchored in the vortex of the power, and it controls how and when the power will be manifest. Here, the Soul interfaces from the power from the Soul Plane, and either permits or denies access to the power.

The Soul can allow the power to operate either through the Superconscious mind via attunement with the attentional principle; through the Subconscious mind during trance, when attention is in the astral body; or as a gift, where the ability is anchored through the Self into the physical brain.

In Psychological Union, one of the Soul’s inner vehicles is attuned to the power. Through this inner vehicle, the Soul gains intuitive understanding of how the power operates, and anchors intelligence into the vortex of this power. In this alignment, the Soul operates from the Buddhic Plane, interfacing with the power through its Illumined Mind.

Intelligence functions to focalize that power onto certain Planes; it acts as a filter to modify the energy of the Will and direct it selectively. This type of alignment is commonly used when you are using the power to work out an issue in the unconscious mind in your karmic matrix, or when you are accessing the power through an evocative technique such as reflective meditation, Agni Yoga, or process meditation.[We teach these meditations in our intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.]

In Direct Union, one of the Soul’s inner vehicles is attuned with the power through an octave of the will anchored in that vehicle and the vortex of power. Direct Union access to spiritual powers typically occurs when a nucleus of identity is unfolded out of alignment with the Soul’s axis of being. In this alignment, the power is encountered on the Causal or Mental Plane.

When you use the power in this scenario, you experience the ability to activate the power though your conscious wishes. This type of power is normally controlled by the Soul’s Will and guided by the Soul’s Intelligence; in balanced spiritual development, Noetic and Psychological Union precede and overshadow Direct Union to ensure the power is used appropriately and judiciously. If you split off a nucleus of identity from the Soul, however, you become identified with that nucleus of identity and directly access the power from the Plane on which it dwells, outside of your Soul’s control and guidance…

How Miracles Occur

The miracles that demonstrate powers over matter—such as levitation, materialization of objects from the ether, walking on water, flying, manifesting more than one body, and other superhuman feats described in the world’s scriptures—appear to arise from the interface between the Soul and the Subatomic matrix.

The miracles that demonstrate power over life—such as miraculous healing, rejuvenation, restoring sight or hearing, or resurrection of a dead body—appear to arise from the Soul’s abilities on the Lifetronic Aether.

Activation of either the Astral or the Imaginal Matrix can produce the fulfillment of prayers and dreams—and bring about the seemingly miraculous personal “transformations” to which the followers of sundry self-help, holistic healing, New Age, spiritualist, and religious sects attest and attribute to their belief system and practices.

Miracles over matter and life appear to be more common in those spiritual groups that activate a nucleus of identity, identify with it, and move it out of alignment with the axis of being, as there are more references to miracles in the scriptures and oral traditions of these groups. These groups typically produce the Direct Union type of alignment, which places fewer barriers or filters upon the activation of a spiritual power, as it is not overshadowed by the Soul’s will or modified by intelligence.

These types of miracles that arise from Direct Union initiate an impulse that activates the Subatomic or Lifetronic Matrix directly. The “miracle worker” of Direct Union sets up a resonance pattern, magnetizes a result through intention or visualization, and his results are immediately manifested in matter.

The miraculous powers of Direct Union can be awakened through using bija mantras that unfold nuclei of identity, through invocation of gods and goddesses that bestow powers, and through deep concentration that awakens nuclei of identity in the higher octaves of being in which these powers are imbedded. These levels of the mind are beyond or above the Soul’s station on the path, so the Soul’s will does not control these powers and its wisdom cannot modify or channel their use.

To control these powers, the ensouling must evolve to the stage on the Path where the power is embedded. Without bringing the Siddhi Yantra under the aegis of the Soul’s will, these powers may produce unintended consequences that can create entrapment for the “miracle worker.” We suggest it is better to focus on the spiritual evolution of the ensouling entity, and the powers that arise in its wake will be used for service and ministry to other living beings, in alignment with the Soul’s purpose, and guided by wisdom.

[1] A siddhi is a supernormal power that arises from the Superconscious mind. These siddhis operate from an inner vortex which we call a Siddhi Yantra. This vortex appears like a triangle, in which one of the higher octaves of volition either suspends or directs the use of that power. This power can be directed through either the spirit or the attentional principle; it can operate through suggestion from an inner center in the Subconscious or Superconscious mind; or it can be anchored in the personality, which allows you to voluntarily “ask” that the power be manifested. In certain cases, the ensouling entity or nucleus of identity that controls it can manifest it directly from the vortex where this power dwells.

[2] The Aethers are finer levels of vibration that enable you to access aspects of Creation that exist beyond the confines of the physical universe. Beyond the substrate of the physical universe, the subatomic field, clairvoyants describe a series of finer strata that they describe as the informational ether, the resonance ether, the lifetronic or life force ether, the desire ether, the imaginal or the thought form ether, and recount yet higher levels of vibration beyond these. Through viewing these levels, clairvoyants can observe these subtle phenomena and report on what they see. Through advanced spiritual methods, meditators can access these levels using their higher octaves of volition—this appears to explain the extraordinary powers that some individuals are able to manifest.