Expanding Consciousness

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: People talk about expanding their consciousness. If consciousness operates in the brain, how is that possible? What the heck are they talking about?

A: There are several viewpoints on what expanding consciousness is. There are two major types of this change in perception that occurs when consciousness expands:

Attentional – This type is predicated upon the movement of attention and the concomitant opening of awareness.

Transformational – This type looks to the unfolding of the Soul and the changes that occur in its vehicles of consciousness: this is most pronounced in the brain center of the Soul’s essential vehicle.

In both types, there is a new perspective:

In the attentional type, your attention moves to a new place on the thread of consciousness and views from that standpoint.

In the transformational type, your ensouling entity moves, and it opens an area of the unconscious mind that was formerly behind the ensouling entity, and can now clearly view the contents of this reclaimed level of the Superconscious mind.

To bring about attentional expansion of consciousness, we teach Raja Yoga in our intermediate meditation classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. To generate transformational expansion of consciousness, we impart to you a transformational mantra in our intermediate meditation classes.

In the waking state of consciousness, which is the ground state of your attention, you witness the activity of your brain. Many people mistake this activity of consciousness that operates in the living brain as consciousness itself; those who meditate, however, learn to isolate the attention and discover this inner witness. This collection of your attention leads to the isolation of the “attentional sphere;” this is the state of witnessing mind—or as the Buddhists call it, mindfulness.

The Spectrum of Types of Spiritual Development

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: In your writings you talk about balanced spiritual development, imbalanced spiritual development, and ascension. Can you clarify what is the difference between these different types?

A: We can identify three levels of development that correspond to the imbalanced platform; five that correspond to balanced development; and two that correspond to the ascension work.




Imbalanced Development


-2.0 to 2.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being. There is re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness, with ascension of this essence to Mastery on that track. This grants the ability to awaken this spiritual essence in others.


-1.0 to -1.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being. There is re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness. The spiritual essence has moved along the track towards the inner horizon that demarks completion on this Path.


0 to -0.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being, but there is no re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness.

Balanced Development


0 to .99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being. Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality.


1.0 to 1.99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being. Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. The Soul is aligned with its crown of purpose.


2.0 to 2.99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being.Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. The Soul is aligned with its crown of purpose. The White Lotus of Immortality is building a bridge to the Light of Nirvana.


3.0 to 3.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the “service point.” The Initiate ministers through the Soul’s essential vehicle, which is attuned to the “service point,” via a ray emanating from the Light of Nirvana.


4.0 to 4.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry.

Ascension Track Development


5.0 to 5.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry. The Initiate begins tuning up the vehicles of the personality to attain full conscious ascension.


6.0 to 6.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry. The Initiate has tuned up the vehicles of the personality to attain a terminal conscious ascension form [Ascended Master, Maha Siddha, or Maha Avatar].

The bulk of humanity’s collective spiritual development nests between -.99 and +.99: they are either meditating upon a spiritual essence outside the cutting edge of spirituality without re-identification (-1) or they are identified with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality (+1). This first cohort encompasses approximately 68% of the ensoulment profile of humanity. In this cohort, we can estimate that about 37% are in the (-1) group and 41% are in the (+1) group.

About 41.7% of humanity’s ensoulment profile is in the range of -1.0 to -1.99: these have identified with a spiritual essence outside the cutting edge of spirituality (-2). Many of those who are identified with this spiritual essence are actively developing it along its track.

Of the remaining .3% of humanity, the largest group operates in the +1.0 to +1.99 zone: these are individuals who are aligned with their crown of purpose (+2) and are carrying out the Soul’s preordained mission.

The scenarios for Mastery at the level of imbalanced spiritual development (-3), and the liberation profiles for the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality (+3 to +5) are exceedingly rare: there are perhaps only about 1,200 individuals on the planet who operate from one of these platforms.

Only those who are Initiates at the level of the Planetary Hierarchy (Adept Masters) or above have the ability to activate platforms +4 and +5: they have the ability to operate through the Soul’s essential vehicle through the “service point” when the Soul is liberated (+4) or to liberate vehicles of consciousness on selected Planes (+5).

As for the Ascension platforms (+6 and +7), only a handful of individuals in human history have allegedly developed themselves on this final track. Legends say that Jesus, Saint Germaine, Enoch, and Mahavatar Babaji embarked on this Path, and attained full conscious immortality.

The Multiplane Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage describe the Ascension track in great detail in our book, Discoveries on the Path. We go into greater depth in the consequences of imbalanced spiritual development in our book, Religions, Cults, and Terrorism: What the Heck Are We Doing?

You may read about an overview of the progression of imbalanced spiritual development in our article on the Open Stacks page, “The Cutting Edge of Spirituality.” This article is also in our book, A Mudrashram® Reader: Understanding Integral Meditation.

We encourage aspirants to reflect upon what is the difference. between spiritual development at the cutting edge of spirituality and the different varieties of imbalanced development. Those who are interested in this subject may wish to read the books and article we have mentioned to gain greater understanding of the spectrum of types of spiritual development.

Repetition’s Role in Personal Life and Society

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I’ve noticed that there are political leaders who repeat misinformation to make people believe untruths. How does this work? How does repetition of a lie make people believe it?

A: Repetition is a regular activity of the mind. We find several examples of repetition in your subjective life and the society around you:

In Subjective Life

  1. Repetition of behavior develops habits.
  2. Repetition of behavior with an aim to enact moral standards builds character.
  3. Repetition of exposure to information with the intention to remember it promotes rote learning.
  4. Repetition of misinformation underpins propaganda and conspiracy theories.
  5. Repetition of suggestion to counter negative beliefs in the unconscious mind operates in affirmation.
  6. Repetition of a question to the unconscious mind with acknowledgement of the response is an integral part of process meditation.
  7. Repetition of a mantra to focus the attention on an object of meditation or to generate transformation of a spiritual essence plays a key role in many schools of meditation
  8. Repetition of meditation as a daily practice (sadhana) leads to steady spiritual progress.

In Society

  1. Repetition of melodic phrases and lyrics can be found in music.
  2. Repetition of holidays in the calendar is shared by secular and religious organizations to give some days off for the employee
  3. Repetition of a regular schedule in transportation creates order for the daily commute.
  4. Repetition of a weekly work schedule brings stability to businesses and allows employees to plan their lives around their career.
  5. Repetition of payment on specific days enables employees to organize their finances and governments to manage their income and expenditures to remain within their budgets.

We note that repetition of (4) misinformation appears to be the corruption of (3) rote learning. In misinformation, there is an intention to deceive those receiving the communication. Misinformation can be found in perverted religious doctrine, propaganda, conspiracy theories, and lying commercial and political messages.

Misinformation spreads its distorted ideas in different ways:

  • Intentional lies and exaggeration of the truth
  • Outright denial of the truth
  • Blaming others and not taking responsibility for speech and behavior
  • Citing spurious sources of evidence to support lies
  • Distracting inquiry into the truth through changing the subject
  • Rationalizing unethical and criminal behavior
  • Hiding sinful or illegal behavior and keeping secrets from others

Aspirants and disciples can begin to weed out these mistruths that have been disseminated to them from media, clergy, and political figures through using the Truth Process to uncover their Soul’s innate sense of truth and integrity, which we call Dharma. [We teach the Truth Process in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We also train you in the skills of repetition types five through seven in these classes.]

It will also be beneficial to contemplate the virtue of truthfulness, and how to implement it in your own life. You may ask questions like to explore this more deeply:

  • What do I know is genuinely true?
  • How am I lying and otherwise covering up the truth in my own life?
  • What do I need to change to be more truthful?
  • What are the consequences of lying to and deceiving others?
  • What are the consequences of being truthful and honest with others?
  • How does being truthful impact my relationships with others?

It is important that you gain discernment and learn to recognize attempts to disseminate lies and misinformation. In business, politics, and religion, there are many attempts to lie to you to make you believe untruths and do what the propagator of these messages wants you to do. As you gain discernment, you will be less susceptible to misinformation persuading and misleading you.

What Is a Master?

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: What is a spiritual Master? Is there more than one order of Mastery? How is spiritual Mastery different than other forms of mastery?

A: A spiritual Master is someone who has (a) completed his or her spiritual Path, (b) dwells in the Presence of the Divine, and (c) is Divinely anointed and empowered to teach, guide, initiate, and minister to those aspirants and disciples, whom he or she accepts as students.

In Mudrashram®, we recognize nine orders of spiritual Mastery:

  1. Adept – this is an individual who has united the Soul and the Monad, and can work with aspirants and disciples throughout the Subtle and Planetary Realm.
  2. Adept Master – this is an individual whose Monad has risen up to assume an Office in the Planetary Hierarchy; the Planetary Logos anoints him or her to minister to humanity and to work on an aspect of the Divine Plan.
  3. Transplanetary Adept – this is an individual has gained Mastery on one of the planets in our Solar Chain or on one of the planets in one of the seven other solar systems of our Monadic Life Wave. This enables this individual to minister to those Monads that ascend into that planetary life stream. The highest stage of Mastery at this level is an Initiate who has merged into the Pleiadean Logos, and can work with Monads on every planet and solar system in the Transplanetary Realm.
  4. Yogi Preceptor – this is an individual who has unfolded their cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity into the Presence of the Lord of the Yogis (Yogeshwar), and is empowered to awaken and unfold the cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity in others. These Initiates are established on one of nine platforms in the First Cosmic Initiation that color the type of yoga they disseminate—for example, there are Yogi Preceptors that dwell on the Kundalini Yoga, Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Agni Yoga, and Guru Kripa Yoga platforms.
  5. Light Master – this individual has unfolded his or her cosmic soul awareness nucleus of identity into the highest level of the Cosmic Soul Awareness Subplane of the Second Cosmic Initiation, and can awaken this nucleus of identity and unfold it to the stage of the Liberated Ones in others; he or she can also guide the spirit on the fourth Domain to its origin.
  6. Cosmic Master – this individual has unfolded his or her Astral Soul and dwells in the Presence of the Cosmic Father God in the Cosmic Hierarchy. These Initiates awaken and unfold the Astral Soul and its vehicles of consciousness in others.
  7. Supracosmic Master (Guru) – this individual has returned the Supracosmic seed atom on one Supracosmic Path to awaken his or her Supracosmic Soul, and his or her Supracosmic Soul has ascended to the Guru Padam center above the Supracosmic brain chakra of that Path. The Supreme Guru anoints this individual to awaken the Supracosmic seed atoms of others on that Path, and to bring about Realization for those individuals, whose Supracosmic Soul dwells on that Path.
  8. Transcendental Master (Sat Guru) – this individual has returned their spirit to its origin on a Transcendental Path—particularly Transcendental Paths one through five—and whose ensouling entity dwells in the origin of the spirit. Rare individuals who reach this stage of development are Divinely empowered to lead the spirits of others that dwell on that Transcendental Path back to their origin.
  9. Multiplane Master (Adi Sat Guru) – this individual has awakened onto the highest Planes of the Bridge Path, or the sixth and seventh Transcendental Paths, and can minister to the spirit and ensouling entity in each Transcendental Path, in each Supracosmic Path, and throughout the Cosmic, Transplanetary, Planetary, and Subtle bands of the Continuum.

Other Forms of Mastery

In addition to spiritual Mastery, there are seven other major types of mastery that certain individuals demonstrate:

  1. Skill Mastery – this is the development of a skill to its highest degree, so that the Soul can express its ability through that conduit. This aspect of mastery activates the will current (Ichaichashakti).
  2. Knowledge Mastery – this is development of knowledge in one area of human endeavor to the highest degree, which confers genius and consummate expertise. This aspect of mastery activates the intuitive thread (Antakarana).
  3. Energetic Mastery – this is the development of the ability to heal and make attunements to minister to others. This aspect of mastery activates the stream of Divine Love and Compassion within the Soul (Karuna).
  4. Astral Mastery – this is the development of the ability to use the astral body to gather information and carry out remote ministry. At the highest level of this type of mastery, Initiates gain the ability to manifest a guide form to others (Kriya Shakti).
  5. Mastery of Cosmic Law – this is the development of the higher octaves of volition that permit activation of the spiritual powers on the higher Planes, which allow individuals to demonstrate supernormal abilities and miracles (Siddhi).
  6. Mastery of Faith and Surrender – this is the development of the capacity to make oneself a channel for a spiritual entity—for example, an angel, a spiritual Master, the Holy Spirit, or the Divine in one of Its Forms. Those who gain expertise in this type of mastery can channel the Light from this spiritual being, can speak on its behalf, and can bring forward guidance and teaching from this source (Gurumukh).
  7. Mastery of Manifestation – this is the development of the capacity to concretize what one intends and visualizes in human life and in the world. This is the form of mastery that allows one to get an idea and make it real; to conceive of a dream and to fulfill it; to have a desire and satisfy it.

Depending on where someone is working on the Continuum of Consciousness, different types of these other forms of mastery are featured:

  • Those who are operating on the Abstract Mind Plane focus upon developing types 1 and 2—skills and knowledge.
  • Those who work in the Psychic Realm highlight the initial development of types 3, 4, 6, and 7—performing attunement and healing, using their astral body, learning to channel, and learning to manifest.
  • Those who dwell in the First Exoteric and Mesoteric Initiation emphasize further development of types 3 and 6—employing the Light of the Holy Spirit to heal and comfort, and becoming a channel of the Holy Spirit to preach and prophecy.
  • Those who are undergoing the Second Planetary Initiation utilize the Mighty I AM presence to activate types 3 and 7—making attunements through the power of the spoken word (decrees and affirmation) and bringing out manifestation.
  • Those in the Third Planetary Initiation further develop types 3, 6, and 7—they learn to make attunements from the Manasic Plane; to channel the love, wisdom, and power of the Masters of the Planetary Hierarchy to humanity; and to concretize the aspects of their Soul Purpose in their human life.
  • Those in the First Cosmic Initiation practice types 5 and 6—they gain the ability to activate selected supernormal powers and they learn to channel the Light and Love coming from their Yogi Preceptor and the gods and goddesses of the Cosmic Causal Subplane.
  • From the Second to the Fifth Cosmic Initiation, types 3 and 6 are dominant—those disciples operating at these exalted levels learn to perform spiritual ministry and to receive the Light and Grace from their Supervising Initiate and the forms of the Divine of the upper Cosmic Sphere.
  • Those who are on a Supracosmic Path exercise types 3, 5, and 6—they minister to those who are on their Path; they operate the powers of that Path; and they become receptive to the ministry of the Guru of that Path and advanced Initiates.
  • Those who sojourn upon a Transcendental Path concentrate on types 3 and 6—they minister the Light to those spirits who are on that Path and they receive the guidance from their Sat Guru. Those who reach advanced levels on a Transcendental Path may also be trained in applying type 4, which enables them to manifest a guide form to the spirit of others on that Transcendental Path.

Spiritual Mastery underscores the migration of a spiritual essence into the Presence of the Divine at one level of the Continuum; these other forms of mastery represent the capacity to a spiritual essence to operate the love, wisdom, and power streams that are anchored on the levels of the Continuum of Consciousness that it has opened.

We encourage aspirants and disciples to contemplate the forms of spiritual Mastery and to notice which of the other forms of mastery they currently express—and the degree to which these other forms of mastery are developed. It is important to discern the differences between spiritual Mastery and these other forms of mastery:

To become a spiritual Master, one must transform their spiritual essence into the Presence of the Divine on their chosen Path, and receive anointing and empowerment to begin their ministry under the Aegis of the Divine Will.

To develop these other forms of mastery, one must specifically focus on obtaining the necessary education and training, and practicing this form of mastery until it becomes fully integrated into their ensouling entity.

Those who wish to learn to transform their ensouling entity and spirit—with the ultimate aim of reaching the shores of spiritual Mastery—can learn how to do this in our intermediate meditation classes, the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program and the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.

How Do You Know the Soul Is Guiding You?

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I feel cutoff from my Soul and my higher mind. While I get some ideas, I don’t know where they are coming from. What are the signs the Soul might be guiding me?

A: The Soul has three major postures in relation to the personality:

  1. The Soul is actively directing the personality and channeling its gifts in your life.
  2. The Soul is detached from the personality, while the personality lives through its destiny karma.
  3. The Soul engages in dialog with the personality and answers your questions.

There are seven major ways the Soul will interface with your personality:

  1. The Soul actively guides your behavior. You receive direction as to what you need to do.
  2. The Soul comforts and assuages your emotions of fear, shame, anger, grief, and pain; it leads you to a state of peace and balance.
  3. The Soul corrects your erroneous beliefs and shapes your values and character.
  4. The Soul gives you intuitive knowledge and creative inspiration that can be applied in your career and your avocation.
  5. The Soul reveals its expressed Soul Purpose to you and gives you a plan to carry it out.
  6. The Soul works with the karmic issues in your unconscious mind that hinder your personal and spiritual growth.
  7. The Soul activates its spiritual abilities and channels them through your life; in effect, the Soul speaks through you, heals and ministers through your personality—such that you know that you are not the doer.

You can commune with your higher mind through a variety of techniques we teach in our intermediate meditation programs—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and the online Accelerated Meditation Program. These include:

  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Receptive and Reflective Meditation
  • Agni Yoga

How do these methods work?

  • Kundalini Yoga awakens your awareness into your Superconscious mind into the presence of your Soul.
  • Through Raja Yoga, you can move into the presence of the Soul in full consciousness.
  • Through Receptive and Reflective Meditation, you can dialog with the Soul and get clear answers.
  • Through Agni Yoga, you can channel your Soul’s gifts as attunements and spiritual ministry.

?You need to move beyond the surface of the Conscious mind and move your attention into the Superconscious mind, so you can contact your Soul directly—so you know without a shadow of a doubt that your Soul is communicating to you and is expressing through you. This way, you know your Soul, and you clearly hear its voice, and there is no confusion.