Mysticism and Constructive Action

By George A. Boyd ©2024

Q: I notice many seekers in the New Age Community seem to rely greatly upon sources of “spiritual causation,” and don’t seem to focus on actions that would improve their lives. They seem to want to get what they desire through miraculous manifestation and not have to work for it. Is there a reason for this?

A: We can characterize seven different functional states, as people advance in meditation. A functional state is both perceptual—what you are aware of when your attention is focused in that state—and dynamic, which defines what you capable of doing in that state and what you perceive as the source of that behavior.

These are seven common functional states that seekers inhabit:

    At levels one to three, action appears to come from the brain or mind in response to environmental stimuli or from somatic and intrapsychic motivation, but there is no sense of an abiding self or a stable volitional power.

    At level four, the layers of mind appear to add their perception and abilities to material, brain-based consciousness, like modules that provide additional capabilities to human functioning.

    In the Conscious mind, you can observe your experience of movement and body position (proprioception), sensation of the external world, awareness of the sensations arising in the body, your emotions, your thoughts, your identification with the roles you play in life, and memory, as they operate in the present time.

    In the Subconscious mind, you become aware of the reservoir of memory, the creative intelligence of the chakras, and the subtle bodies that operate in the dreaming and sound sleep states of consciousness.

    In the Metaconscious mind, you become aware of the executive functions of the personality: commitment, social skills and humor, conscious, planning and goal setting, intelligence, and the capacity to intuit what you are experiencing at each level of the mind and to enter the experience of others through empathy.

    At level five, when you discover the Self and volition, you can begin to take charge of your life. Activating your volition enables you to use the faculties of intelligence and problem solving, goal setting and planning, the ability to identify your values and guide your life with them, to establish supportive and collaborative relationships with others, and to sustain long-term commitments. When you can operate from this level, you are capable of work; you can set goals and achieve them.

    At level six, you begin to have mystical and spiritual experiences. If you do not have a framework for understanding and integrating these experiences, you can come to believe in conspiracy theories and delusional ideas. For some people, this immersion in the Superconscious mind can drive them off the deep end into madness.

    At level seven, you ascend to the presence of the Soul or Higher Self. At this level, you can contact the source of your Soul’s intuitive wisdom and unconditional love, and uncover its innate gifts. Continually remaining in this altered state of consciousness, however, can lead some people to become detached from their life, grandiose, and delusional.

    Those that remain in the consciousness of level seven may come to believe that simply by visualizing and affirming, they can miraculously manifest whatever they desire. Some who remain in these states become passive, and they wait for the universe or God to manifest what they need—instead of using the constructive action at level five to actively obtain what they want.

    We suggest that those who have reached a state of union with a higher spiritual essence at level seven learn to readily shift into level five, where they can take action to achieve their goals and dreams—and not merely rely upon visualization, affirmation, decree, claiming God’s promises through faith, or using hypnotic suggestion to the subconscious mind to miraculously fulfill them.

    We teach you to progressively master meditation in our courses. We train you to explore levels three through five in our Introduction to Meditation Program. We teach you how to safely enter and integrate your experiences at levels six and seven in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

    We encourage you to learn how to commune both with your Self and your Soul, and to be able to flexibly operate from these two functional states as the situation requires. Do your work of visualizing and affirmation, but also take constructive action.

Prana, Ojas, and Kundalini

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: Does one have to maintain extended celibacy to awaken the Kundalini? Do breathing exercises that enhance prana, also intensify Kundalini?

A: Many people conflate ojas, prana, and Kundalini. While there may be an association between these three separate currents in that they support the awakening of the Kundalini to some degree, you need to understand that these three aspects of the mind run in different channels.

The Ojasic channels are etheric tubules that extend beyond the physical endocrine glands—gonads or ovaries, adrenals, pancreas, thymus, thyroid, pituitary, and pineal—that sublimate the energy of these glands and draw it upwards. Those in whom these channels are fully opened gain holy virtues, such as chastity, love and forgiveness, wisdom, and purity.

The Pranic channelanimates the Metaconscious, Subconscious, and Conscious mind, and anchors life force in the physical body. The eternal sun of life force within the Soul activates the Anandamayakosa, which turns on the switchboard of the Pranamayakosa—this sends the life force to animate the personality and the body.

The Kundalini channel awakens awareness and energizes the vehicles of consciousness—from the system of chakras in the Subconscious mind to the Soul’s essential vehicle, and reveals the presence of the Soul above its vehicles.

We teach how to safely awaken the Kundalini in our in-person intermediate meditation class, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation; those who take the by-mail and online version of this class, the Accelerated Meditation Program, can optionally schedule a supervised session in which they can be trained in how to awaken the Kundalini safely.

As you spiritually evolve, you purify the Ojasic channels and increase the Prana that flows forth from the Soul. You do not need to do any separate exercise to do this, as it takes place spontaneously as the Soul tunes up and purifies the karma behind its vehicles of consciousness. Concomitantly, you also extend the channel through which the Kundalini rises, as the Soul moves from nodal point to nodal point along its Path.

We suggest that you study these three separate channels, so you can understand what they do and discern their activity in you. While sublimation of hormonal essences and optimal pranic charging may enhance your experience of the Kundalini, they are not synonymous with Kundalini energy, nor do they hinder it rising, if they are not in their best possible configuration.

What Is Required to Connect with a Spiritual Guide?

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I’m not having experiences of guides—not Mudrashram® guides or those of other spiritual traditions. How do I prepare myself to commune with a spiritual guide?

A: If you are initiated into Mudrashram®, one of the Multiplane Masters of our tradition looks after your spiritual progress. He or she sponsors you and guides you through your entire spiritual journey from where you start to the Infinite Stage. We call this Master, your Supervising Initiate.

    In other spiritual traditions, the Master on their Path plays a similar role. We point out that those of your who are currently studying with Mudrashram® may often see the guide forms of Masters from other spiritual traditions, who operate at different levels of the Continuum of Consciousness—it is common to encounter them if you were affiliated with their Path in your current or past incarnation, or if they play a role in helping you develop some aspect of your Soul Purpose or your Aeonic spiritual mission.

      Many meditation students are not aware of this Supervising Initiate, in our spiritual tradition, despite regularly practicing the core techniques of Integral meditation. The same may be said for those of other spiritual traditions, who likewise practice the meditations that have been imparted to them, but they also are not contacting the Master that supervises spiritual development on their Path.

      Several factors facilitate contact with this inner teacher:

      1. Devotion – Meditation students who have devotion and love for God create a “magnetic center.” This lets a Master know an aspirant is sincere about making spiritual progress and drawing closer to God. It is said that the Masters readily work with those who have an active magnetic center.
      2. Ability to contemplate – Those who have honed their ability to concentrate and contemplate can, in time, successfully discern the guide form of the Master. The Master’s guide form may appear to the attentional principle or the spirit; it may manifest as a Ray of Attunement anchored in a nucleus of identity or an ensouling entity.
      3. Requisite depth of meditation – Aspirants need to be able to move their attention to the level on the Continuum of Consciousness where this guide form dwells. Those who get waylaid in the bands of the Conscious, Subconscious, or Metaconscious mind aren’t able to go to the inner location in the Superconscious mind where the guide can be contacted.
      4. Selfless service – Seekers who contact the guide have pure spiritual aspiration, and dedicate themselves to the service of humanity and God—asking nothing for themselves. Those who are critical of the Divine and the spiritual Master of their tradition may believe they are entitled to immediately have all of their needs and demands met; these individuals have difficulty transcending their ego.
      5. Accurate meditation – Meditators who gain mastery over the three core techniques of Integral Meditation—Mantra Yoga, Nada Yoga, and Raja Yoga—improve their chances of communing with the inner guide form of a Master. Those who do their meditation practices robotically without giving their full attention have decreased probability of contacting the inner guide.
      6. Good ethical character – Developing holiness and virtue purifies the mind, and makes it more likely the aspirant can qualify for the inner sight of the radiant form of the Master within (darshan).
      7. Achievement of inner silence and stillness – The inner Master’s presence dwells in great stillness and silence; having emotional reactions and projections, and cascading waves of thought do not allow the aspirant to reach the state where he or she can behold the Master within—and where he or she can hear the Master’s voice.

      To the degree you are able to make progress on these seven factors, the more likely you are to encounter the inner Master. We invite you to reflect upon these seven factors, and to see which ones you can begin to implement.

      If you are able to incorporate one or more of these skills and qualities, it will be easier to contact the Mudrashram® guides and those of other spiritual traditions.

A Functional Scale Revisited

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: At what level are people able to do spiritual work?

A: We can conceive human functioning as an eleven-point scale:

-5 Gross physical dysfunction – Catatonia or paralysis, inability to use the body

-4 Etheric body dysfunction – Chronic debilitating illness, not having the energy to carry out the activities of living

-3 Mental dysfunction – Cognitive disorganization and delusion, deficits in intellectual ability

-2 Emotional dysfunction – mania and depression, inability to form normal human relationships

-1 Egoic dysfunction – Anxiety, personality disorders, inability to experience integral Self

0  Integral Self – Normal adult functioning, having the capacity to make congruent choices, to plan for the future, and to achieve one’s objectives

+1 Aspiration and idealism – Dedication of one’s life to a cause greater than oneself

+2 Creativity – Expression of the Soul’s gifts through the operation of the transpersonal will

+3 Altruism and service – Living a life of love and compassion, charity, and caring for others, which expresses the unconditional love of the Soul

+4 Inner awakening – As one awakens the three immortal principles—the attentional principle, the spirit, and the Soul—one gains the ability to work on the personality and to awaken and transform one’s spiritual potentials

+5 Thaumaturgy – This grants the ability to minister the Light, and to guide, teach, and initiate others—this expresses the Illumined Mind and the Divine Spirit

We can find common characteristics for those who operate at the levels that exist within the personality (-5 to 0) and those that transcend it (+1 to +5):

Physicians and mental health professionals assist people to get to level 0, where people can function optimally in their lives.

People who join causes—military, political, and religious—follow beliefs and perform behavior to dedicate themselves to something greater than themselves. These individuals operate at level +1.

Those that develop a gift that comes from their Superconscious mind—athletic, scientific, artistic, philosophical, metaphysical, or psychic—tap into their creative nexus at level +2.

Those who awaken as their attentional principle, spirit, and Soul are capable of working at level +4. This is where we begin our students in Mudrashram®. This is where one gains the ability to do spiritual work.

Those who become spiritual Masters or who work directly with spiritual Masters are able to engage in spiritual ministry at level +5.

We observe that people who operate in levels -5 to -1 typically have difficulty with adult functioning. If they try to transcend the Self—without working out their issues—through forays into spiritual levels +1 to +5, they experience difficulties maintaining their rationality and balance.

If they attempt this jump into the beyond before they have achieved the Integral Self stage, they often bring their emotional, cognitive, or egoic dysfunction with them. This yields distortion of spiritual concepts, belief in conspiracy theories, and fanatical behavior.

Before you can safely transcend the Self, it is important that you reach stable functioning as your Self—and are able to carry out the activities of adult functioning.

Those who dedicate themselves to an aspirational agenda at level +1—if they still have unfinished resolution of cognitive, emotional, and egoic issues—are more likely to succumb to demagogic and cultic manipulation, making them prone to believe in conspiracy theories and to adopt fanatical behavior.

We suggest that you study this eleven-point scale of functioning, and identify the factors that will allow you to stably move to higher levels of functioning and to ready yourself for conscious spiritual work.

Rays from the Soul

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: How does the Soul overshadow our life and personality?

A: The Soul has seven channels through which it interfaces with the personality and with the second, third, and fourth Poles of Being:

  1. Ray to the Self – this appears as direction to the will
  2. Ray to the ego – this takes the form of comforting and calming the ego’s worry, sadness, and fear
  3. Ray to issues in the unconscious mind – this reprograms and works out karmic issues that affect personal and spiritual growth
  4. Ray to the attentional principle – present in Initiates, this gives the ability to guide the attentional principle on the inner Planes and send the Light that the attentional principle can minister to others (Dhana). This operates on the fourth Pole of Being.
  5. Ray to the present time on the Akashic Records Subplane – this injects the Soul’s intention into human life
  6. Ray to the spirit – present in Initiates, this gives the ability to manifest a guide form to the spirit and teach it. This operates on the second Pole of Being.
  7. Ray to the Kundalini – present in Initiates, this gives the ability to awaken the Kundalini in Self and others. This operates on the third Pole of Being.

As the Soul begins to awaken aspects of its Purpose, it begins to overshadow the Self and the ego. At a higher station on the Path, it can minister on the second, third, and fourth Poles of Being.

Typically, these abilities to interface with these different aspects dawn at discrete levels of the Soul’s spiritual evolutionary journey:

The Ray to the Self (1) usually awakens during the Third Planetary Initiation, but in a few rare individuals, it may occur as early as the First Mesoteric Initiation—in a more limited way than when it dawns in the Third Planetary Initiation.

The Ray to the ego (2) normally opens when the Soul enters the First Exoteric Initiation, where it gains the ability to invoke the Holy Spirit. Those in the Psychic Realm and Wisdom Plane can begin to make attunements with the ego through radiative healing modalities and using evocative meditation techniques and prayer, but this does not directly draw down the Holy Spirit, as those in the First Initiation are able to do.

The Ray to the issues in the unconscious mind (3) begins to activate when the Soul reaches the Dynamic Creation Subplane of the Abstract Mind Plane. This work with these issues is commonly done using techniques like tapping, hypnosis, affirmation, or process meditation.

The Ray to the attentional principle (4) dawns in the Mudrashram® tradition, once the Form of the Disciple is empowered on the Bridge Path. Those who are Initiates in other traditions may also give this attunement—Adept Masters, Yogi Preceptors, Cosmic Masters, certain Gurus on Supracosmic Paths, and Initiates on the Bridge Path can work on this fourth Pole of Being.

The Ray to the Wave of the Present Time (5) first appears when the Soul moves onto the Akashic Records Subplane, when the Soul’s intuitive and volitional streams begin to interface with human life. The ability to make this attunement is significantly enhanced as the Soul moves into the Dynamic Creation Subplane and the Universal Mind Subplane of the Abstract Mind Plane, and the Materialization and Dematerialization Subplane of the Psychic Realm.

The Ray to the spirit (6) arises in the Mudrashram® tradition, once the Form of the Disciple is empowered on the Bridge Path. Those who are Initiates in other traditions may also give this attunement—Light Masters of the Second Cosmic Initiation, Gurus of selected Supracosmic Paths, and Sat Gurus of the eight Transcendental Paths can minister to the spirit and guide it on the second Pole of Being.

The Ray to Kundalini (4) begins in the Mudrashram® tradition, once the Form of the Disciple is empowered on the Bridge Path. Those who are Initiates in other traditions may also give this attunement—Ascended Masters, Adept Masters, Yogi Preceptors, Cosmic Masters, Supracosmic Gurus, and Initiates on the Bridge Path can work on this third Pole of Being to raise this energy of awareness.

The emergence of these Rays grants you new abilities:

  • When the Ray to the Self starts to operate, the Soul can lead the personality to carry out its Soul Purpose.
  • Once the Ray to the ego is established, you can begin to self-soothe, to calm yourself down, and to pacify upsets.
  • Activation of the Ray to the unconscious mind allows you to work on the issues in your unconscious mind and resolve them.
  • Access to the Ray to the attentional principle lets you to act as a guide to the attention and the attentional principle on the inner Planes.
  • Turning on the Ray to the Wave of the Present Time enables you to manifest the Soul’s volition into your human life, and you can begin to design your life through the Soul’s guidance and direction.
  • Switching on the Ray to the spirit permits you to guide the spirit, as it opens the channels of the Nada.
  • Becoming empowered to awaken the Kundalini bestows on you the ability to open awareness into a spiritual essence—to a selected nucleus of identity or an ensouling entity—and to purify and animate your vehicles of consciousness of the Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind.

Realize that these Rays from the Soul do not all develop at the same time; they arise at different stages of the Path:

  • Someone in the Psychic Realm can utilize the Ray to the issues in the unconscious mind and the Ray to the Wave of the Present Time.
  • Those that reach the form of the Saint in the First Mesoteric Initiation add the ability to send the Ray to the ego.
  • Those that evolve into the Third Planetary Initiation additionally gain the ability to directly overshadow and guide the Self.
  • Those who rise to the state of Mastery in their spiritual traditions—depending on which spiritual Pole they operate—may gain the ability to make attunements with the attentional principle and/or the spirit, and/or raise the Kundalini into the nucleus of identity or ensouling entity that dwells on their Path.

We encourage you to study these seven different Rays that come from the ensouling entity, and notice which ones are currently active in you. Those who elect to embark on the Teaching Empowerment track in our spiritual tradition and become empowered can make attunements with all four Poles of Being—not only with the spirit, the vehicles of the Superconscious mind, and the attentional principle, but they can also directly minister to the ensouling entity on the first Pole of Being. We train and empower our advanced meditation students to do this in our Teacher Training One.