Expanding Consciousness

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: People talk about expanding their consciousness. If consciousness operates in the brain, how is that possible? What the heck are they talking about?

A: There are several viewpoints on what expanding consciousness is. There are two major types of this change in perception that occurs when consciousness expands:

Attentional – This type is predicated upon the movement of attention and the concomitant opening of awareness.

Transformational – This type looks to the unfolding of the Soul and the changes that occur in its vehicles of consciousness: this is most pronounced in the brain center of the Soul’s essential vehicle.

In both types, there is a new perspective:

In the attentional type, your attention moves to a new place on the thread of consciousness and views from that standpoint.

In the transformational type, your ensouling entity moves, and it opens an area of the unconscious mind that was formerly behind the ensouling entity, and can now clearly view the contents of this reclaimed level of the Superconscious mind.

To bring about attentional expansion of consciousness, we teach Raja Yoga in our intermediate meditation classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. To generate transformational expansion of consciousness, we impart to you a transformational mantra in our intermediate meditation classes.

In the waking state of consciousness, which is the ground state of your attention, you witness the activity of your brain. Many people mistake this activity of consciousness that operates in the living brain as consciousness itself; those who meditate, however, learn to isolate the attention and discover this inner witness. This collection of your attention leads to the isolation of the “attentional sphere;” this is the state of witnessing mind—or as the Buddhists call it, mindfulness.

Changing Your Life and Spirituality though Transformation

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: How can I generate transformation personally and spiritually?

A: There are four pivots of transformation that you can use to implement personal change. These are:

  1. Education – Through gaining knowledge, you activate your intellect, which opens up better career opportunities
  2. Skills building – Though augmenting your abilities through training and practice, you gain the skills to do things independently and you become less dependent on others—plus you qualify for more lucrative and satisfying career options
  3. Character – Through living your values and acting in congruence with your integrity, you live authentically, and free yourself from the influence of other people and live in harmony with your Soul
  4. Life – When you make choices that align with your values, you gain the ability to actualize your dreams.

There are three transformative tools that can activate your spirituality:

  1. Opening the spiritual heart – Through awakening the spirit and opening the channels of the Nada, you awaken your innate love and devotion to God
  2. Awakening your Illumined Mind – Through tapping the intuitive stream that pours forth from your Soul, you can align with your Soul’s Purpose and obtain guidance and direction for your life.
  3. Soul Transformation – Through drawing down the Light of the Divine Spirit, you can unfold the Soul’s spiritual evolutionary potentials, and progressively move across the Great Continuum of Consciousness until you reach Liberation and Mastery.

You can learn the transformational tools to activate your spirituality in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We offer a several coaching programs to help you work on the Character and Life aspects of personal transformation.

Those who wish to learn more about character may enjoy our e-Book, A Primer on Spiritual Ethics and Character.

What Transformation Do You Offer in Mudrashram

By George A. Boyd © 2017

Q: Let me ask you Oprah Winfrey’s question: “What transformation do you offer?”

A: We offer five types of transformation in Mudrashram®.

  1. Soul transformation – We teach others to speed up their spiritual evolution and to unfold their Soul. They do this through using a transformational mantra and Light Immersion that we teach them.
  2. Individual spirit transformation – We teach others to awaken their spiritual heart and travel in the channels of the Nada until the spirit returns to its Divine Source. They achieve this through practicing Nada Yoga.
  3. Spiritual form transformation – We teach others how to activate each of their vehicles of consciousness and to bring their intellectual, creative, spiritual potentials into full expression. They learn how to do this though meditating on the forms as they tune up in synchrony with the unfoldment of the Soul using Raja Yoga, and raising the Kundalini into union with the Soul.
  4. Perceptual transformation – We teach others to shift their attention to activate their three immortal principles—attentional principle, spirit, and Soul—and how to move attention into the states of Enlightenment and Gnosis.
  5. Transformation through empowerment and skill acquisition – In addition to teaching others to work on themselves spiritually to accelerate spiritual evolution, bring about spiritual salvation, and actualize their spiritual potentials, we also teach them practical skills to work on their personality. We show them a variety of techniques to access the Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind. These methods assist them to actualize their goals, overcome their obstacles, and to rehabilitate their ability to be effective and achieve results.

While the first four types are experienced immediately, and progressively unfold your spiritual potentials with each new meditation that targets that aspect of being, the fifth type is ongoing and developmental.

For example, if you want to achieve your goals, there are several steps to translate them into action:

  1. Inventory – You find out what you truly want through inner process and introspection.
  2. Identify priorities – You ascertain which of your desires are essential for you to live a full and meaningful life. You recognize your key desires that make your life worthwhile, and label them as “A” priority.
  3. Path – You determine what actions you will need to take to make these core desires become real. You clearly define this as a goal you wish to achieve.
  4. Plan – You break down the actions into a step-by-step plan.
  5. Action – You work on the first step and make incremental progress towards your goal.
  6. Ongoing feedback – You notice what hinders your forward progress towards your goal, and find solutions to overcome those hindrances, and implement them. You focus on what is working and continue to make progress in that aspect of your plan. You continue to monitor what is and what is not working.
  7. Attainment – You finish the last step and attain what you have wanted to be, have, do, or experience. This successful achievement of one of your goals allows you to operate on a new plateau for this area of your life.

We discuss this process of goal setting and achievement in greater depth in our book, The Practical Applications of Meditation in Daily Life and Education.

For overcoming obstacles, there are similarly steps to work on each issue that hinders your forward progress and achievement of success. We noted in step six of goal achievement that you need to identify what holds you back or what you encounter that is difficult. For each obstacle, there are a variety of methods you can use to engage with it and resolve it.

  1. Identify the issue – Get clear as to what exactly your issue entails. Is it a lack of belief? Resources? Support? Lack of knowledge? Is it external or internal?
  2. Interact with the issue – For internal problems that are getting in the way, dialog with the issue as it is personified in your mind as a subpersonality. Use dialog and inquiry methods like the Rainbow Technique that we teach to find out more about the issue.
  3. Process the issue – You trace where this issue originated using process meditation, which we teach. You uncover what emotions, beliefs, perceptions, or choices hold it in place, again through process meditation, or through one of our evocative methods called the Mandala method, which allows you to gain insight into the layers of your issue.
  4. Go to the core – Focus your attention upon the issue and experience what it is like to be this part of you. Focus on its shape or form, its core feeling, and location in your body. Use the Rainbow Technique to uncover its core essence—what it is really.
  5. Transcend the issue – Lift your attention into the wave of the present time, and contemplate this issue from the perspective of your enlightened Soul. Process and release the issue as it arises into this enlightened state of awareness.
  6. Re-choose and re-create – From the Soul’s perspective of empowerment, choose a new outcome, scenario, belief, or possibility. Use reframing, affirmation, faith, and affirmation—view it in a new way that enables you to change.
  7. Dissolve and integrate the issue through transformation – When you complete your inner work with the issue, you experience transformation and integration. Genuine personal transformation dissolves the issue, so its pattern ceases to operate, and a new, more positive pattern replaces it: you change. The latent abilities, wisdom, and strengths that were buried in the issue become reintegrated into the Self, and you can function in new ways: you integrate the issue.

We teach these methods to work with personal issues in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

To be effective and achieve results, you undergo the process of learning and developing a skill to the point of mastery. This developmental process has several steps:

  1. You begin to learn the skill – You learn the theory about the skill. You practice the skill. You make mistakes, and correct them.
  2. Habit formation – You practice the skill until you can do it automatically: it becomes a habit.
  3. Innovation – You find ways to improve your performance of the skill. You use inquiry (what if) and experimentation to see if you can do it better. You may seek the assistance of a coach or mentor to help you improve your results at this stage.
  4. Gain insight – You discover the core components of the skill, and enhance your ability to utilize the skill, so that you excel and achieve peak performance in it.
  5. Mentor others – using the insights you have gained, you teach others how to use the skill. You might teach a class or write a book at this stage. You become an expert.
  6. Challenge yourself – Continue to set higher benchmarks and work until you can achieve them.
  7. Become a master of the skill – At this stage, you clear the channel of this ability to your Soul. Once this occurs, your Soul can express its gifts and genius through you, and you become an instrument of the Soul’s purpose.

You develop proficiency and mastery of skills through long practice, obtaining mentoring and coaching, and the process of continually motivating yourself to extend this ability. You achieve this mastery by focusing your attention upon this skill track and exploring whether you can do it better, what are the key elements of the skill, and continually aspiring to discover what greater demonstration of this skill is possible.

In Mudrashram®, we assist our students to gain mastery of meditation, but this basic framework applies to any skill that is a core part of your career and your life’s mission. We help our students gain mastery of meditation through training them in introductory, intermediate, and advanced meditation classes, supplemented with books, webinars, and additional courses to help them gain the deepest insight and proficiency in meditation—this ultimately readies them to teach and initiate others.