Seven Karmic Veils in the Planetary Realm

By George A. Boyd © 2023

Q: When karmic darkening occurs in the Subtle or Planetary Realm, does this darkening always appear in front of the Soul?

A: In cases where the ensouling entity is not moved down on its spiritual evolutionary track, karmic darkening in the Subtle and Planetary Realms commonly appears in front of the Soul Spark or Soul as a curtain of darkness that veils this ensouling entity. However, we also find this veil appearing at other levels:

  1. The veil between the brain and the ego – this type of veil appears in those will intellectual deficits or dementia. This is a diminution of the capacity to reason and/or remember.
  2. The veil between the ego and the conscience – this veil occurs in those who suppress the voice of the conscience, and act to achieve their desires—through any mean, fair or foul—regardless of the harmful effects on other people or the world around them. This veil is common in those who have antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders.
  3. The veil over the Self – this veil arises in those who have experienced a severe trauma, and they can no longer know who they genuinely are. This loss of self leaves these individuals without the ability to discern their options, to set goals and make plans, to think objectively, and to know their values and what they stand for—they feel inauthentic and lost. Some of those with borderline personality disorder may experience this loss of self.
  4. The veil over the thread of consciousness – this veil blocks attention from moving beyond a certain focal point on the thread of consciousness. Attention experiences an inner block or barrier that it cannot move beyond. This type of veil can stem from traumatic experiences associated with meditation or frightening or upsetting religious experiences. When this type of trauma exists, attentional movement beyond a certain level brings up emotions of fear, dread, or overwhelm.
  5. The veil over the Moon Soul nucleus of identity – this veil is found in individuals who carry out adharmic or sinful actions in rebellion against their Soul Purpose or the Will of God. This is the type of sin that clergy of Judaism and Christianity seek to address through rites for absolution, repentance, and forgiveness of sins.
  6. The veil over the thalamic center of the Soul’s essential vehicle – this veil may block the intuitive stream, the love stream, or the transpersonal will stream that flows out of the thalamic center of the Soul’s essential vehicle. Blockage of the intuitive stream hinders the ability to access the Soul’s intuition, wisdom, and guidance. Obstruction of the love stream may result in the inability to feel love for self and others. Inability to access the transpersonal will stream may hinder expression of the Soul’s genius and gifts through the personality, so that the individual can only express the talents of the Metaconscious mind.
  7. The veil over the Soul – this is the most common type, which locks individuals in identity states separate from the Soul Spark or Soul. When this veil is dissolved, the Soul Spark or Souk is revealed behind this curtain of darkness—once this veil is removed, the ensouling entity can begin to move forward on its Path.

There are specific methods that may help you break up or move beyond these veils:

For (3), the veil over the Self, using the Centering Techniques—which we teach in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—may allow some individuals to rediscover their Self, and work directly with the trauma that is creating the sense of separation.

For (4), the veil over the thread of consciousness, methods that explore trauma and release them—which we also teach in our intermediate classes—may assist some individuals to move through barriers on this attentional pathway. Learning Raja Yoga, moreover—also taught in our intermediate classes—also trains the attention to move beyond the sticking point.

For (6), the veil over the channels of the thalamic center of the Soul’s essential vehicle, the attunements given in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation may aid some individuals in reopening and regaining a connection with the ensouling entity. The Jnana Yoga attunement re-activates the intuitive channel. The Agni Yoga attunement can permit some individuals to reconnect with the unconditional love of their Soul. The Kundalini Yoga attunement may enable some individuals to reconnect with the powers of their Superconscious mind, and be able to again express them.

For (7), the veil over the Soul, using the transformational mantra keyed to the cutting edge of spirituality that is revealed in our intermediate classes specifically burns away this veil when it is present, and allows the ensouling entity to move forward on its spiritual evolutionary track.

Some of these veils can be opened through specific meditation techniques and attunements. We encourage you to identify at which levels you might be experiencing these veils. Through studying what are the karmic issues encoded in the veil, you may find the means to begin to ameliorate its impact in your life—and with further inner work, you even can remove it completely.

Sources of Sin in Spiritual Practice

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: How is it that those who say they are spiritual do evil and hurtful acts? How do they justify this?

A: We can characterize seven major types of spiritual groups:

  1. Practices of the Lower Astral Plane that Wiccans and Occult Initiates utilize
  2. Practices of the First Cosmic and Supracosmic Paths that teach Occult practices to gain powers
  3. Practices of groups that identify with a nucleus of identity, keep attention fixed on it, and transform it
  4. Groups that advocate practicing love and holy virtues
  5. Groups that teach discernment and wisdom
  6. Groups that identify with the spirit and use it to unfold a Transcendental ensouling entity
  7. Groups that coordinate unfoldment between spirit and ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality

When we examine the karmic patterns that emanate from these traditions, we observe that:

  • Types one and two generate primarily negative karma.
  • Type three yields mixed positive and negative karma.
  • Types four through six give rise to primarily positive karma.
  • Type seven is mixed: this is dependent upon the karma that arises from the matrix of destiny karma and whether someone is concurrently operating from any of these other platforms.

Q: How can someone recognize he or she is involved with one of these negative karma producing groups?

A: There are several warning signs. Look for:

  1. Thelema – This is the admonition to do whatever you want, regardless of how it might impact others.
  2. Evasion of karmic responsibility – This shows up as entertaining ideas that your actions have no karmic repercussions if a certain altered state of consciousness is maintained while doing the action.
  3. Permission to act on Lower Astral themes – The teaching condones, even encourages use of drugs, libertine and abusive sexuality, criminal acts, misuse of power, and spiritual enslavement of others.
  4. Grandiose and narcissistic attitude – You come to believe that you are above the Karmic Law and you are superior to others.
  5. Lack of empathy and compassion – You view only the personal outcome of the behavior for yourself without considering its impact on others.
  6. Justification of evil deeds – You rationalize the commission of evil deeds as revenge, getting your just dues, or you are entitled to do, be, or have what you want, no matter who is harmed in the process.
  7. Lack of repentance or remorse – You do not express any regret for engaging in negative actions that harm yourself or others.

The identification that leads to operating from types one and two must be broken.

  • You need to make amends to those whom you have harmed.
  • You must renounce the beliefs and behavior that lock these karmic impressions into place.
  • You must give sincere repentance for each of your evil deeds must be made, together with resolving to never repeat them.
  • You must stop any behavior that draws upon the energies of the Lower Astral.
  • You must realign with the spiritual core of love and compassion, and release the desire to have power over others.

Continuing in this state of mind will continue to accrue negative karma. At a certain level of accretion of negative karma, this will devolve the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality.

Moreover, until this karma is resolved, you will be unable to pass into the Light of Liberation. These adharmic actions must be halted. You must remove these impressions from your mind and heart before you can become re-established in the harmony of Dharma.

Those wishing to learn more about the working of karma may enjoy our new eBook, Understanding Karma and Destiny. Those who wish to work on character reformation may enjoy our other new eBook, A Primer on Spiritual Ethics and Character

Concerning Spiritual Evolution and Destiny Karma

By George A. Boyd ©2021

Q: How is it that people who accelerate their spiritual progress through some type of transformational technique will still experience issues in their life?

A: For the standpoint of the Planetary Adept, who transcends each of the potential lives in the Subtle and Planetary Realm, there are the archetypes of these lives, which span from just beyond the gateway of the Superconscious mind in the Subtle Realm to the Flame of Compassion at the top of the Fourth Planetary Initiation.

Each of these lives is comprised of seven layers:

  1. Physical body – This is the vehicle of expression for the issues of life.
  2. Ego – This is the personal identification center that experiences being embedded in that life.
  3. Life narrative – This is the layer of life experience that dwells on the temporal mnemonic band of the mind that parallels the ego’s experience of its unique life.
  4. Deep life issues – These are the emotionalized issues within the personal unconscious that make up destiny karma—these are the unfulfilled or unresolved issues of human life.
  5. Torus of Life Purpose – This is a mirror of those unfulfilled aspects that operate from the Subconscious mind. From this vantage point, you can witness the activity of these life issues playing out though your causal body (craving and volition), your astral body (fantasy and desire), and your system of chakras (movement of life force driving emotion and behavior).
  6. Petal on the Lotus of Lives – Each nodal point, from the Outer Worlds below the beginning of the Path in the Subtle Realm, and each nodal point upon the Path in the Subtle and Planetary Realms up to the highest nodal point of the Fourth Planetary Initiation has one petal on the Lotus of Lives in which one potential life is mirrored.
  7. Thread connecting this life to the overshadowing ensouling entity – When the ensouling entity incarnates, it connects with this life through a life force link. The life that is generated and the body that expresses it are in direct correspondence to the station of the Soul at the time of birth.

For example, a woman’s Soul Spark dwells on the third nodal point of the Subtle Mental Subplane of the Subtle Realm. Her Soul Spark animates that petal of the Lotus of Lives that corresponds to that nodal point, and the destiny karma apportioned to that life would be written on the Torus of Life Purpose; this will also appear in the fourth quadrant of the casual body.

As the Soul Spark evolves, it will maintain its life force connection to that life in which it was incarnate, even though it aligns with a new potential life petal at each new nodal point that it opens. This is why you will see each successive life anchored in a higher life petal, and a new destiny pattern is established in each new incarnation.

So our woman’s Soul Spark, who incarnated in the Petal of the Life Lotus at the third nodal point of the Subtle Mental Subplane—as her Soul Spark evolves during this life and the inter-life period after the death of that body—will anchor her next life in the petal of the Lotus of Life corresponding to her new station on the Path. This might be, for example, the eleventh nodal point of the Subtle Mental Realm, when she next incarnates.

Sometimes, as her ensouling entity incarnates on this next higher life plateau, she will incarnate in the body of the opposite gender—so “she” will become a “he” in this next life. We speculate that those who don’t easily make this transition from female to male—or vice versa—may deal with gender identity issues as part of their destiny karma in their new life.

This process continues until the Soul has gone beyond the Flame of Compassion at the top of the Fourth Planetary Initiation, at which point an individual enters the Kingdom of the Soul. At this stage of spiritual evolution, the individual is said to be “Not Returning” to the wheel of physical incarnation. When the Soul merges into the Nirvanic Flame, it is reborn as the Monad.

In the form the Monad animates, this Lotus of Lives is reflected at its feet center (pedal chakra). There is a central Jet of Spirit in this center, surrounded by a crystal clear circle—this corresponds to the Soul Plane—and one Life Petal appears for each nodal point below the top of the Fourth Planetary Initiation.

So if you accelerate the rate of your spiritual evolution, while your Soul and its vehicles move to a new nodal point. The karma embedded in the Life Petal at the nodal point in which it operated continues to operate until it is completed—until each issue has been fully experienced and worked out.

Q: What happens if someone doesn’t unfold his or her Soul Spark or Soul, but instead, unfolds a spiritual essence in the Cosmic, Supracosmic, or Transcendental Sphere?

A: The destiny karma will continue to play out on the Life Petal on the Lotus of Life. If the individual leads a good, “dharmic life,” in which he or she doesn’t create heinous sins and darken consciousness, the Soul Spark or Soul will continue to evolve gradually. Every eleven or twelve years, individuals typically work through the karma between one nodal point and the next one.

What we see in individuals polarized in the Higher Octaves of Being is that they will enact a new agenda in their lives based on what path they embrace. So in addition to destiny karmic issues, which will remain the same, we see that this higher octave spiritual essence will express elements of its experience through its personality.

For example, individuals who identify with cosmic consciousness and actively unfold this essence might begin practicing hatha yoga, learning from books of Yoga Philosophy, studying Hindu scriptures, and enacting worship and lifestyle rituals in their life. They will bring these elements into expression in their personality, while the underlying destiny karma issues will remain the same.

This is why you find a profound split in the ego’s experience of life and the destiny karma with which it must struggle, and the higher, more ecstatic experience of someone communing with cosmic consciousness—or other Higher Octave spiritual essence.

We might note that those who do their spiritual work at these Higher Octaves often seek to disidentify with the ego and permanently transcend it though remaining in an altered state of consciousness. However, these issues remain, and must be resolved, regardless of whatever state of identity the individual embraces.

Those who are interested in studying more about what happens when individuals work outside of the cutting edge of spirituality and adopt identification outside their native ensoulment and personality embodiment might enjoy reading our book, Religions, Cults, and Terrorism: What the Heck Are We Doing? [In 2023, we released the follow up volume to this book, The Path across the Sky. Those who enjoyed Religions, Cults, and Terrorism may wish to add this newer volume that brings new insights into this subject matter to their library.]

Those wishing to avoid the consequences of imbalanced spiritual development may wish to learn more about the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, and learn how to effect transformation at your cutting edge of spirituality in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and the online Accelerated Meditation Program.

A Primer on Karmic Darkening

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: What is the mechanism by which people have a spiritual fall? To what levels could they ultimately fall?

A: The Fire of the Divine Spirit purifies the karma behind the ensouling entity to the next nodal point, and this moves the Soul forward to that nodal point. However, if an individual engages in adharmic action, this can negate forward progress; indeed, if there is sufficient karmic accretion, it can move the ensouling entity down to lower nodal points.

Most people have some adharmic activity in which they engage, which accrues new karma. These can arise from reactive behavior of the ego not in alignment with the Self’s integrity and the Soul’s purpose. They can also come from enacting aspects of the issues in the unconscious mind that make up the psychological aspect of Pralabdha or Destiny Karma.

This new karmic accrual layers within the mind to various degrees, which leads to a progressively greater intensity of darkening. These can be described as follows:

  1. Between 1 and 108 forms of karmic darkening – In this scenario, your Soul remains in its current nodal point, but a thin layer of darkening is drawn over the presence of the Soul. This can be readily effaced through extra practice of transformational mantra.
  2. Descending one nodal point – Here, the amount of karmic accretion is sufficient to move your Soul back one step to the next lower nodal point. This can also be overcome through extra practice of transformational mantra.
  3. Descending two to thirteen nodal points – In this type, the karma accrued is sufficient to move your ensouling entity back to the lower edge of the current Subplane on which it dwells. This amount of karmic darkening requires significant extra practice of transformational mantra, together with repentance and voluntary behavior change.
  4. Descending one or more Subplanes – While your ensouling entity remains on the current Plane on which it dwells, moving down one or more Subplanes results in the loss of intuitive knowledge, ability, and virtue. There is noticeable coarsening of expression. You may forget what you have learned. You may revert to previous behavior, habits, and beliefs. This may require weeks of extra transformational mantra to overcome, plus the most poignant repentance and strict discipline is required to redeem the territory lost in your spiritual evolution.
  5. Descending to the next lower Plane – At his level of karmic accretion, the forgetting of knowledge, vitiation of virtue, and loss of abilities is marked. Repeated commission of sinful acts can progressively lead to this outcome. Usually by the time you have generated this much karma, you may turn away from pursuing further progress on the spiritual Path, and embrace the passions that are destroying you. At this stage, you typically see obsession with the object of your passion, and in some case, addiction to it. Lust, greed, intemperate use of alcohol and drugs, rage and hatred, or narcissistic self-glorification takes over your behavior at this point, and this adds more layers of new karmic accretion.
  6. Descending through two or more Planes – This level of karmic darkening can lead you down to the edge of the current Division of the Continuum on which you dwell. This might look like, for example, falling from the Wisdom Plane to the lower portion of the Biophysical Universe. Here forgetting, vitiation of virtue, and loss of abilities are profound. Negative character changes commonly appear at this stage—this can take the form of personality disorders, delusional or paranoid thinking, and increased anxiety and depression. When you fall to this extent, you may blame others for your problems, and project your own failures and weaknesses on others.
  7. Descending to the next lower Division – This immense degree of karmic obscuration causes you to reawaken the ensouling entity of the next lower Division, and become re-identified with it. For example, you might fall from the Planetary Realm into the Subtle Realm through repeated, egregious patterns of adharmic speech and behavior. Usually, this takes the form of a fall into the Lower Astral Plane. Depending on the nature of your adharmic karmic patterns, you could fall into the Lower Astral levels—of the chemical snare (alcohol and drug addiction), the sexual snare (sexual addiction), the criminal snare (engaging in criminal behavior), the power and corruption snare (engaging in the misuse of corporate or government power), or the spiritual enslavement snare (creating a religious cult or terrorist cell and entrapping others)—and become completely immersed in these evil patterns.
  8. Descending into the Lower Realms – For those who carry out the most horrific acts, you could create so much negative karma that you move beyond the first nodal point of the Subtle Realm, and fall into the Lower Realms that lie outside of the evolution of the Soul Spark. Among these hell-like worlds are
    • The world of living demons
    • The world of terrible fear
    • The world of madness
    • The world of terrible pain

If you were to fall into these profound depths and you were not repentant, and denied the Redeeming Light, upon death, you would lose the human birth and be reborn in the Animal or Plant Kingdom—and you would have to climb back up to the plateau to human incarnation again through the long and weary journey of transmigration.

Working with Adharmic Tendencies of Mind

These tendencies of mind that operate independently of the integrated structures of ego, Self, and soul, Mishra [1] calls vitarkas. Those on the spiritual Path actively attempt to overcome these patterns, and may engage in activities or spiritual practices designed to counter these negative impressions arising from the unconscious mind. Some of these practices include:

  • Repetition of mantras or prayers
  • Baptism or rites of ritual cleansing
  • Formal confession and repentance
  • Austerity, including fasting, and voluntary suppression of speech, or carnal appetites
  • Thought substitution, replacing evil thoughts with good thoughts
  • Invocation of the Divine for succor through prayer
  • Remaining in an altered state of consciousness to avoid triggering latent karmic impressions

In those who experience a major spiritual fall, their highest state of spiritual attainment remains a distant memory. However, certain of the abilities and knowledge gained at this pinnacle of their development may persist in them, despite their spiritual fall. So a person who has developed persuasion and negotiation skills may retain them, although these abilities may appear in a distorted or corrupted form at the lower level.

Religious moral training is designed to enable people to recognize these negative karmic patterns, and to turn away from them. Religious groups may also offer some ameliorative practices, such as prayer, confession, ritual cleansing and absolution, or austerity.

Those who utilize a transform the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality have the quintessential method to overcome the darkening effect of adharmic speech and action, but ultimately, they must eradicate these patterns altogether, so they cease performing this sinful speech and behavior.

We teach a transformational mantra in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We underscore that this transformational mantra is not designed to enable people to actively carry out sin and then try to clean it up afterwards. Rather, once you recognize these patterns arising in you, you will utilize all available means to root them out and to stop engaging in them.

We encourage you to learn this transformational mantra and practice it regularly. We also suggest that you employ the other methods included in these intermediate courses to work to rectify and overcome these wayward patterns of mind.

Those who wish to learn more about karmic darkening may like to read our e-book on this topic, Karmic Darkening and Spiritual Falls: How the Veil of Darkness Forms and How It Dissolves.

1. Mishra, Rammurti S. (1959) Fundamentals of Yoga • New York: The Julian Press • pages 147-150

Aspects of Karma

As the world is swept by the collective karma of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that you become aware of the different aspects of karma, and how these aspects play out in your life and the lives of others. The use of seed thoughts, ideas upon which you can meditate and gain insight and wisdom, is one of the varieties of reflective meditation. As you understand how karma operates, you can begin to work with it to change your personal destiny through controlling your thoughts, words, and deeds; as you use a transformational method that transmutes and dissolves your stored karma in your unconscious mind, your Soul moves along its spiritual evolutionary track towards its source and you fulfill the Purpose and Plan for which your Soul was sent forth into Creation.

By George A. Boyd © 2003, updated 2020

Q: Is this pandemic we are experiencing at this time punishment for our collective greed and selfishness?

A: It is important to get beyond simplistic notions of karma and gain a more complete and comprehensive understanding of what karma is and how it operates.

In order to gain a fuller understanding of what karma is and what is its action, it is recommended that you do reflective meditation on the following 17 seed thoughts, which will elucidate the operation of karma.

  1. Transmutation of karma – karma is dissolved into pure light: the dissolution of karma is the result of the descent of the Spirit through the Grace Bestowing Power of the Divine, through transformational methods, and through living through destiny karma in your life.
  2. Balancing of karma – equalizing of positive and negative aspects of desire, balancing of aversion and attraction to create detachment (Vairagya) and equanimity.
  3. Creation of karma – formation of desire seeds that lay dormant until they ripen into manifestation in the unconscious mind.
  4. Manifestation of karma – the nidana chain, the sequence of cause and effect that leads to birth and death.
  5. Law of reward – good karma that leads to positive situations and life circumstances: wealth, beauty, health, success, fame, power, virtuous conduct, positive family life, and positive afterlife.
  6. Law of retribution – bad karma that leads to negative situations and life circumstances: poverty, deformity, illness, failure, rejection, victimization, crime and addiction, negative family life; and tormented afterlife.
  7. Law of cause and effect – each cause has an irrevocable change on the universe, the planet, the community, other individuals, other species, your personality, and your body.
  8. Law of change – no karmic influence is eternal, but is released in its time and its season, as executed by the Lords of Karma.
  9. Group karma of nations – each individual, born in a national grouping must share in the political and economic destiny of his/her nation.
  10. Karma of racial groups – each individual, as part of a racial group must share in the karma of that race.
  11. Karma of ancestral groups – each individual, as part of a lineage of ancestors, must share in the cultural, psychological, and genetic transmission of that lineage.
  12. Law of purification – meditation upon the light and sound current (Nada) dissolves the karmic impressions stored in these Nadamic channels and eventually leads to liberation from all karmic bondage for your spirit.
  13. Law of thought – thought is a creative force; as a man/woman thinks, so he/she becomes.
  14. Law of reaction – joy and misery are the emotional experience of karma; suffering and reward are experienced emotionally.
  15. Law of incarnation – karma is stored physically in the tissues of the body.
  16. Law of remembrance – every thought, word, and deed is indelibly recorded in the Akasha (etheric matrix).
  17. The four states of karma – active, fantasy, latent, and vacuum.

When you study the stored karma embedded in your unconscious mind, you find that karma dwells in four states:

Active karma operates on the physical level. It is behavioral; compulsive behavior and addiction mark its expression. It may also appear as chronic genetic and constitutional illness.

Fantasy karma operates on the astral level—while no overt behavior is present, you experience strong craving and your mind is obsessed with the object of desire. Unresolved life issues that dwell as latent karma may also be expressed by psychosomatic conversion, resulting in unexplained pains or acute inflammation, for which no medical cause can be identified.

Latent karma, which operates on the causal level, is marked by lack of behavior, fantasy or craving, but seed impressions (samskaras) continue to remain in the mind. Given the requisite stimuli, these can be reawakened into fantasy or active karma. Constitutional conditions, for example, that are present as latent karma, appear as unawakened genetic latencies.

The Vacuum state of karma is marked by the complete dissolution of karma and the expression of pure, effulgent virtue, grace and power by the Soul in the absence of karmic obscuration and impediment. You turn the other three types of karma into the vacuum state through transformational meditation, which draws down the Light of the Divine Spirit to dissolve, transmute, and integrate the karmic impressions that are stored in the unconscious mind.

Those of you who are interested in learning how to use a transformational method to transmute your karma and allow your Soul to evolve spiritually and your spirit to become free will learn techniques to do this in our intermediate mediation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.