Common Issues for Meditation Students

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q: Are there common types of issues you encounter with meditation students?

A: There appear to be seven major categories of difficulties with which students struggle:

  1. Necessity to remediate basic meditation skills – These students have difficulties with seeing and hearing within, accessing intuition, moving attention, gaining discernment, and other key skills required for meditation mastery.
  2. Distractions of family, work, dependent care, or health issues – These students cannot find the time to meditate, because of the many demands placed upon them. As a consequence, they little progress towards their spiritual aspirations.
  3. Psychological problems and recovery from addiction – These internal temptations, compulsions, and distractions require that the student spend time in therapy and recovery groups to support stable functioning and serene sobriety. This may make meditational practice difficult, as the mind is continually processing these issues; instead of depth meditation, the student wrestles with turbulent thoughts and emotions.
  4. Ogre on the Threshold – These students encounter inner blocks that don’t let them progress beyond a certain level. For some, this tenacious resistance to deepening into meditation may keep them locked in the waking state of awareness. For others, they can go within a certain depth, and then they encounter an insurmountable barrier they cannot cross.
  5. Kundalini syndromes – Some of our students have come to us with a background of having experienced a powerful Kundalini awakening, which interfered with their personality functioning and left them with painful energetic anomalies. For some, these fires have largely died down, but they are left with trepidation to do deep meditation, lest this fiery energy reemerge. Others still grapple with this energy, and attempt to bring into under control when they recapture the imbalanced spiritual essence that is creating the energetic short circuit.
  6. Conflicts of values and beliefs – Students who toil with this type have a difficulty fully embracing Mudrashram® teachings and practices. They may harbor conflicted loyalty, for they wish to attempt to do the Mudrashram® work and the work of their former tradition. This leads to inner conflict, as the moral values and teachings of each tradition may contradict each other.
  7. Need for advanced guidance – Advanced students who reach the sixth and seventh stages of spirituality need guidance about developing their Multiplane Master form, shepherding, and engaging in spiritual teaching and ministry. These students need additional supervision beyond what they can glean from the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course and available advanced webinars.

We suggest that Mudrashram® students—and students of other spiritual traditions who are struggling with their practice—reflect upon the following questions:

  • Which of these categories describe your issues with meditation?
  • What specifically do you need to work on in these areas?
  • What have you done previously to attempt to address this issue? What were the results? Did it help resolve the issue?
  • What would be the markers to let you know you have resolved each of these issues?
  • What would be a next step you could take in the next 30 days that could help you make progress with each of these issues you have identified?

Some potential places that Mudrashram® students—and those affiliated with other traditions—could start include:

If category one is a concern, Mudrashram® students can take the Breakthrough Meditation Coaching Program. It specifically addresses many of these issues with targeted article and webinars, plus coaching to help you make movement in the problematic areas for you.

Students from other traditions can seek help from advanced students and your spiritual Master. We could also assist you with a meditation consultation to teach you an alternative approach that may allow you to make a breakthrough, if you cannot get the guidance within your own sangat.

If category two is an issue, you need to find a way to structure your life, so you have two to three hours daily to do study, meditation, prayer, personal inventory and planning, or carry out service to others and your spiritual organization.

If category three holds you back, continuing to go to your therapy and support groups will help you maintain stable functioning.

Those whose lives have been impacted through growing up in a dysfunctional family or who are survivors of an abusive relationship will find our Dysfunctional Family Recovery Coaching Program helpful.

Those in stable recovery from an active addiction may find our Addiction Recovery Coaching Program will assist them get to the bottom of the issues that led them to the destructive addictive patterns that vitiated their lives.

If category four holds you back, sometimes a meditation consultation can help you find a method to transcend the barrier that blocks you.

Sometimes a past life reading might help you uncover the original incident that led to the establishment of the block, when this seems a likely source of the problem.

If category five is your ongoing problem, a Kundalini Syndrome reading, coupled with regular coaching can help you cope with the energy dynamics you must face as you move forward towards re-integration and a subsidence of the intensity of the Kundalini.

If category six troubles you, you need to journal and clarify your values, and discover what is truly important and essential in your life. You need to explore your beliefs and identify what is genuinely true for you.

Some of our Mudrashram® students have found it helpful to utilize the templates in the Mudrashram® Home Study Workbook to delve into their issues in a methodical way.

Those attempting to sort out what they want to do, be, and have in their unique human life may find support in our Life Coaching Program.

Those of you, whose confusion and conflicts stem from your prior involvement in a religious or political cult, will find our Cult Recovery Coaching Program may help you discover who you are and what is an authentic spirituality that resonates with you.

If category seven is your main issue, you will need to schedule more time with the Lineage Holder or our most advanced mentors and coaches, who can assist you navigate the part of the journey in which you are now.

We suggest to you that you have resolved problems in the past; you can apply your intelligence and constructive effort to solve these problems as well. Just like a safe unlocks when you enter the correct combination, when you grasp what is the salient change factor, you will also solve your problem and make a breakthrough.

If we can assist you in any of these areas, please reach out to us.

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