Tricks of the Mind

Tricks of the Mind: Things that Appear to Be
the Highest State of Consciousness, but Aren’t

By George A. Boyd © 2022

Q: Why do people believe that they have reached the highest state of consciousness, when they haven’t?

A: There are several elements at play here that make individuals stop at a certain level and not go beyond it:

  1. Their technique does not allow progress beyond a certain point. For example, those that unfold the Supracosmic seed atom on a Supracosmic Path can only develop it to the origin of that seed atom in the brain chakra on that Path.
  2. They reach the Presence of the Divine in their cosmology. For example, a Christian monastic that practices the Jesus Prayer unfolds his or her Moon Soul nucleus of identity into the Presence of the Father God in the First Mesoteric Initiation, and assumes the form of the saint in the Courts of the Lord. They are devoted to this form of God; believe this form of the Divine is the only True God; and consequently, they have no desire to go to any higher level.
  3. They do not see any higher level because of the inherent curvature of inner space on the Continuum. For example, Yogis who unite their attention with their cosmic consciousness see Brahman, at the brain center of the Cosmic Man or Woman as the highest state of consciousness, which they believe confers Supreme Self Realization, Enlightenment, God Realization, or Nirbikalpa Samadhi. When they move beyond Brahman into the Void, which is experienced as a Great Ocean of Peace (Shanti Desh), they see their Path reveals a new segment that connects with the Hridaya chakra, where their inner Yogi Preceptor dwells and the Lord of the Yogis oversees that inner throne of Mastery.
  4. They become identified with a vehicular seed atom, a nucleus of identity, a spirit, or an ensouling entity, and can only view the inner Planes from that perspective. For example, those who practice the Taoist microcosmic circulation technique become identified with the seed atom on the Subtle Etheric Subplane; those that practice the Merkaba method become identified with their seed atom on the fifth Subplane of the Psychic Realm (the Star Seed). Those that practice selected decrees or use attunements to open the inner track that connects with the Mighty I AM Presence become identified with this nucleus of identity. Those that practice a mantra to remember their spirit (simran) become identified with the spirit. Those that awaken Kundalini to the presence of an ensouling entity, receive attunements to unite their attention with it, or practice sustained contemplation of that ensouling entity become identified with it.
  5. The map of consciousness they utilize does not describe anything beyond that particular segment of the Path. For example, Baba Muktananda describes the cosmology of the Supracosmic portion of the Shiva 8 Path in his book, The Play of Consciousness, but only that Path. Sant Mat Masters use maps of consciousness to describe the Path of the spirit on the Second Transcendental Path (T2), but do not describe anything beyond; the Eckankar™ Masters similarly employ maps of consciousness to describe only T5.
  6. Their belief in and devotion to a form of God or to a spiritual Master makes them not want to go to any higher world, even if they know about these higher levels. For example, Mahara, the wife of my first spiritual teacher, Maha Genii Turriziani, only aspired to reach to the Cosmic Hierarchy where Maha Genii dwells.
  7. They are locked into an altered state of consciousness, where they see their spiritual teacher as the highest Initiate or the World Savior. For example, in many religious cults, members learn to keep their attention in an altered state of consciousness, where they see their cult leader on the inner horizon of the mind, which appears to them to be the highest level. Those experiencing Kundalini syndromes may be involuntarily fixed in a higher spiritual essence, such as their cosmic consciousness or a Supracosmic seed atom; they behold the Initiate who awakened this essence at the apparent summit of spiritual development.

The Mudrashram® Multiplane Masters brought to the world a complete mapping of the levels of the mind—Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious—in their groundbreaking Mudrashram® Correspondence Course. From the standpoint of an Adi Sat Guru, every Path is visible from its beginning to its origin—and the root teacher of the Mudrashram® lineage is established in the Infinite Stage (Param Moksha Desh), which views the Great Continuum of Consciousness in its entirety.

Because of the Mudrashram® Masters’ comprehensive map, they can identify when individuals become locked into the limited perspective of a particular Plane, a band of the Continuum, or an isolated Path. The Mudrashram® Masters lead individuals to complete that segment of their spiritual development, and take up the Great Work of finishing their spiritual development in the Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental levels of the Continuum, and ultimately guide them to reach the Infinite Stage.

These tricks of the mind are on full display on the Bridge Path, when the Soul of the Bridge Path reaches the causal ring that surrounds the Light of Liberation from Birth and Death: here wave after wave of entities appear before the inner eye of the Soul of the Bridge Path announcing, “Oh Lanoo, you have now reached the Highest Stage… you have now reached the Light of Liberation… you are now freed from birth and death…” in an attempt to have the Soul of the Bridge Path stop its upward journey to the True Light that genuinely bestows freedom from birth and death.

Common Issues for Meditation Students

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q: Are there common types of issues you encounter with meditation students?

A: There appear to be seven major categories of difficulties with which students struggle:

  1. Necessity to remediate basic meditation skills – These students have difficulties with seeing and hearing within, accessing intuition, moving attention, gaining discernment, and other key skills required for meditation mastery.
  2. Distractions of family, work, dependent care, or health issues – These students cannot find the time to meditate, because of the many demands placed upon them. As a consequence, they little progress towards their spiritual aspirations.
  3. Psychological problems and recovery from addiction – These internal temptations, compulsions, and distractions require that the student spend time in therapy and recovery groups to support stable functioning and serene sobriety. This may make meditational practice difficult, as the mind is continually processing these issues; instead of depth meditation, the student wrestles with turbulent thoughts and emotions.
  4. Ogre on the Threshold – These students encounter inner blocks that don’t let them progress beyond a certain level. For some, this tenacious resistance to deepening into meditation may keep them locked in the waking state of awareness. For others, they can go within a certain depth, and then they encounter an insurmountable barrier they cannot cross.
  5. Kundalini syndromes – Some of our students have come to us with a background of having experienced a powerful Kundalini awakening, which interfered with their personality functioning and left them with painful energetic anomalies. For some, these fires have largely died down, but they are left with trepidation to do deep meditation, lest this fiery energy reemerge. Others still grapple with this energy, and attempt to bring into under control when they recapture the imbalanced spiritual essence that is creating the energetic short circuit.
  6. Conflicts of values and beliefs – Students who toil with this type have a difficulty fully embracing Mudrashram® teachings and practices. They may harbor conflicted loyalty, for they wish to attempt to do the Mudrashram® work and the work of their former tradition. This leads to inner conflict, as the moral values and teachings of each tradition may contradict each other.
  7. Need for advanced guidance – Advanced students who reach the sixth and seventh stages of spirituality need guidance about developing their Multiplane Master form, shepherding, and engaging in spiritual teaching and ministry. These students need additional supervision beyond what they can glean from the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course and available advanced webinars.

We suggest that Mudrashram® students—and students of other spiritual traditions who are struggling with their practice—reflect upon the following questions:

  • Which of these categories describe your issues with meditation?
  • What specifically do you need to work on in these areas?
  • What have you done previously to attempt to address this issue? What were the results? Did it help resolve the issue?
  • What would be the markers to let you know you have resolved each of these issues?
  • What would be a next step you could take in the next 30 days that could help you make progress with each of these issues you have identified?

Some potential places that Mudrashram® students—and those affiliated with other traditions—could start include:

If category one is a concern, Mudrashram® students can take the Breakthrough Meditation Coaching Program. It specifically addresses many of these issues with targeted article and webinars, plus coaching to help you make movement in the problematic areas for you.

Students from other traditions can seek help from advanced students and your spiritual Master. We could also assist you with a meditation consultation to teach you an alternative approach that may allow you to make a breakthrough, if you cannot get the guidance within your own sangat.

If category two is an issue, you need to find a way to structure your life, so you have two to three hours daily to do study, meditation, prayer, personal inventory and planning, or carry out service to others and your spiritual organization.

If category three holds you back, continuing to go to your therapy and support groups will help you maintain stable functioning.

Those whose lives have been impacted through growing up in a dysfunctional family or who are survivors of an abusive relationship will find our Dysfunctional Family Recovery Coaching Program helpful.

Those in stable recovery from an active addiction may find our Addiction Recovery Coaching Program will assist them get to the bottom of the issues that led them to the destructive addictive patterns that vitiated their lives.

If category four holds you back, sometimes a meditation consultation can help you find a method to transcend the barrier that blocks you.

Sometimes a past life reading might help you uncover the original incident that led to the establishment of the block, when this seems a likely source of the problem.

If category five is your ongoing problem, a Kundalini Syndrome reading, coupled with regular coaching can help you cope with the energy dynamics you must face as you move forward towards re-integration and a subsidence of the intensity of the Kundalini.

If category six troubles you, you need to journal and clarify your values, and discover what is truly important and essential in your life. You need to explore your beliefs and identify what is genuinely true for you.

Some of our Mudrashram® students have found it helpful to utilize the templates in the Mudrashram® Home Study Workbook to delve into their issues in a methodical way.

Those attempting to sort out what they want to do, be, and have in their unique human life may find support in our Life Coaching Program.

Those of you, whose confusion and conflicts stem from your prior involvement in a religious or political cult, will find our Cult Recovery Coaching Program may help you discover who you are and what is an authentic spirituality that resonates with you.

If category seven is your main issue, you will need to schedule more time with the Lineage Holder or our most advanced mentors and coaches, who can assist you navigate the part of the journey in which you are now.

We suggest to you that you have resolved problems in the past; you can apply your intelligence and constructive effort to solve these problems as well. Just like a safe unlocks when you enter the correct combination, when you grasp what is the salient change factor, you will also solve your problem and make a breakthrough.

If we can assist you in any of these areas, please reach out to us.

Reflections on Fantasy and the Veiling Power of the Mind

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Q: Many religions base their teachings upon myths. Aren’t these just fantasies?

A: It is important to understand the different levels of fantasy, myth, and the unconscious mind’s veiling of spiritual essences. These different levels are described below.

  1. Conscious fantasy – This occurs when you keep your attention in the state of reverie or free association. At this level, you are simply witnessing the stream of consciousness that arises in the mind at the current time, without judgment or attempts to alter it.
  2. Directed fantasy – You use directed fantasy when you are brainstorming to get ideas relevant to a particular topic. You might invite your mind to suggest every possible solution to a problem, which you simply write down as they come to you. In creativity, you might utilize this function to come up with different perspectives or backgrounds in a painting, or to call to mind alternative melodic refrains when composing music.
  3. Story-telling fantasy – When you make up a story or a joke, you are tapping this level of the mind. You may also recount—and sometimes embellish—stories that were told to you, or elaborate episodes from your own experience. In this case, the tale you weave is about a person—either yourself or someone else, and you tell a story about them. In many cultures, these stories may be a part of folklore; people retell legends about kings or queens, heroes, or great warriors. Many movies and novels draw their inspiration from this level of fantasy. This level is about human beings, who may have done humorous, remarkable, or heroic things.
  4. Archetypal fantasy – These are the myths that you witness in the Superconscious mind about gods, goddesses, angels, and other spiritual beings. When you tap into this dream-like dimension of your higher mind, sometimes these archetypal beings interact with you: they may show you the phenomena of the worlds over which they have purview or give you inspired discourse. You may access this level when you are passively traveling on the inner Planes, such as when you are intoxicated with a hallucinogenic or anesthetic drug. You may also experience this zone of fantasy in dreams in which your astral body is drawn up into your Superconscious mind—these are sometimes called teaching or revelatory dreams.
  5. Religious fantasy – These consist of a series of archetypes that are embedded in a particular band of the Continuum, and are used as landmarks upon the inner journey on that track or Path. These archetypes become the inspiration for scriptures of holy texts of religious groups; interpretations of these scriptures or commentaries upon them derive from meditations on this level of the mind. These groups may use a variety of prayers or meditations to invoke the archetypal beings that array along this track, and receive their guidance, blessings, or support. Advanced disciples or Initiates of this spiritual tradition may guide your attention, your attentional principle, or your spirit through these corridors of the mind, showing you the sacred Arcanum of the their Path.
  6. The veiling power of the mind – This is the covering of the unconscious mind that conceals spiritual essences. These veils may cover seed atoms of vehicles of consciousness, nuclei of identity, the spirit upon a Path, or an ensouling entity. Initiatory traditions may use mystery tales, attunements, or mantras to reveal this essence, and to remove the veil that obscures it. Once this curtain of darkness is removed, this spiritual essence is freed to unfold along the track on which it dwells.
  7. The veiling power of the Horizon Effect – This is a limitation inherent in the techniques that spiritual teachers of different traditions disseminate that enables someone to travel to an apparent inner horizon on a Path, but to travel no further. As a result of this inherent cosmological horizon effect, spiritual teachings are locked into certain bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and cannot conceive of anything beyond the form of the Divine they behold on their inner horizon—this highest being or Supreme form of God upon which their cosmology is founded.

Most religions operate from level five, where they promote belief in the archetypal beings that inhabit their Path, teach ways to commune with them. They may capture the spiritual experiences of their advanced disciples and Initiates in the scriptures or sacred texts of their tradition.

Those spiritual traditions that initiate others into awakening a selected spiritual essence seek to remove the veil over the essence with which they perform Pathwork. They perform their spiritual work at level six. They employ mantras, attunements, and other evocative methods that clear the track to this essence. Depending on which essence these traditions awaken and unfold, they may move these essences out of alignment with the axis of being—we describe this type of spiritual work as outside the cutting edge of spirituality.

The Spectrum of Methods that Unveil and Unfold Spiritual Essences

There are a variety of methods that can remove the veil over selected spiritual essences, and in many instances, unfold that essence along an inner track, where students of these traditions can experience the archetypes that array along that pathway. The most common essences that selected methods can awaken and unfold include:

  1. The seed atoms of selected Subtle Realm vehicles of consciousness
  2. The Soul Spark and its vehicle of consciousness
  3. The seed atoms of the vehicles of consciousness in the Biophysical Universe
  4. The seed atoms of the vehicles of consciousness in the Abstract Mind Plane
  5. The seed atoms of the vehicles of consciousness in the Psychic Realm
  6. The Moon Soul nucleus of identity
  7. The Solar Angel and the Mighty I AM Presence nucleus of identity
  8. The Soul and its vehicles of consciousness
  9. The cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity
  10. The cosmic soul awareness nucleus of identity
  11. The Avataric consciousness nucleus of identity
  12. The God consciousness nucleus of identity
  13. The Astral Soul and its vehicles of consciousness
  14. The Supracosmic seed atom upon each active Supracosmic Path
  15. The Supracosmic Soul and its vehicles of consciousness
  16. The spirit and the ensouling entity on Transcendental Paths one through five
  17. The spirit and the ensouling entity on the Bridge Path, and Transcendental Paths six and seven

Methods 2, 8, 13, 15, 16, and 17 unfold the ensouling entity at different bands of the Continuum.

Methods 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14 transform specific nuclei of identity.

The other methods target seed atoms in vehicles of consciousness.

When spiritual work moves these essences off the axis of being, outside of the cutting edge of spirituality, it brings about a state of spiritual imbalance that brings about re-identification with the spiritual essence that these unveiling and unfolding methods activate.

Unfolding of a spiritual essence past a certain crucial stage brings about re-identification with this essence. Where this re-identification takes place depends on the native alignment of this essence relative to the axis of being.

When you move this spiritual essence a critical distance beyond this axis of being, there is a re-integration around this spiritual essence, and it becomes your new core identity. This critical distance can range from 24 nodal points to 108 nodal points or more.

At each level of spiritual work that produces misalignment, there is a key juncture where the mind “snaps” into a new state of identification. This can occur when:

  1. The veil over the essence is fully effaced
  2. The spiritual essence is moved along its track to a vital energetic nexus point

Re-identification type (a) is characteristic of religious conversion.

Re-identification type (b) is commonly associated with Kundalini syndromes and interference with personality functioning.

Those who are interested in learning more about what happens when this misalignment occurs in religious conversion and initiatory spiritual traditions will enjoy reading our book, Religions, Cults, and Terrorism: What the Heck Are We Doing?

We teach a transformational mantra that unfolds your ensouling entity and its vehicles of consciousness at the cutting edge of spirituality, which does not migrate any essences outside of the axis of being. Those interested in learning more about this can look into our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

Aspirants will benefit from contemplating each of these levels of fantasy and the veiling power of the mind. This reflection helps you develop spiritual discernment.

Stages of Aberrant Kundalini Awakening

By George A. Boyd © 2017

In some people, the Kundalini energy is partially awakened, and this core energy of the mind awakens their awareness through the Subconscious mind and up into the Self at the core of the personality. When the Kundalini awakens your awareness to this stage, you are said to be Self-aware.

In a few other individuals, their Kundalini rises through the bands of the Superconscious mind to awaken awareness up to the level of the Higher Self, or Soul. When this state dawns, you become Soul-aware. There are a group of spiritual teachers who regard this state of ecstatic union with the Soul as the state of enlightenment.

These first two stages represent normal Kundalini functioning: the Kundalini rises up, you gain union with the Self or Soul, you gain some insights and understanding, and then the energy goes back down to ground.

Where the Kundalini begins to cause problems is when:

  1. It remains fixed in a higher state of awareness, so it does not go back down to the grounded state of awareness, and your attention is locked in that altered state of awareness.
  2. It is lifted into states of awareness beyond the presence of the Soul—nuclei of identity or ensouling entities of the Cosmic and Supracosmic Spheres.
  3. It is lifted into states of awareness beyond the presence of the Soul, and there is concurrent unfolding of the spiritual essence in which the Kundalini becomes anchored—this creates a spiritual imbalance, moving one or more vehicles of consciousness out of alignment with the axis of being.

There are many well-intentioned spiritual traditions that emphasize Kundalini awakening that produce these three types of problems through the practices they disseminate. Moreover, many of the Supervising Initiates in these traditions actively use spiritual attunements to actively awaken the Kundalini in others—this induced awakening is called Shaktipat or Deeksha.

What we see—when people contact us with Kundalini Syndromes generated through either using techniques that create these three types of aberrant Kundalini awakening, or having this awakening induced through the attunement of a Kundalini Master—is that these syndromes appear to express in seven levels of intensity:

  1. Very mild – The Kundalini energy produces some spacing out and mind wandering, it is possible to refocus the mind and function normally. You find yourself readily drifting off into trance or reverie if you do not keep re-focusing your mind on the task at hand.
  2. Mild – The Kundalini energy produces states where your body, your mind, and the world around you seem unreal. This is the stage of derealization and depersonalization. You can function, but you feel like you are functioning in a dreamlike state.
  3. Low moderate – The Kundalini energy begins to deaden your emotions, and you begin to lose motivation to perform any action or pursue your personal goals. You may begin, at this state, to want to continually meditate. You may feel you have no personal purpose other than to realize God: most personal pursuits seem fruitless and meaningless. This is the stage of dissociation and detachment.
  4. Moderate – The Kundalini begins to produce somatic symptoms. You start to have sensations of heat moving in your body, unexplained aches and pains, strange perceptions like your head has disappeared. As you deepen into this stage, you may find your hands move into spontaneous postures (mudras), or you cannot move the body at all (catatonia). This is the stage where some people recognize something is wrong, and may start asking for help. You may find it difficult to carry out the activities of living at this stage. You may spend a lot of time alone, and feel immobilized when this energy surges within you.
  5. Moderate high – The Kundalini lifts your attention into an altered state of awareness and you cannot return to your waking state of awareness. Action occurs, seemingly by itself, and your life seems to seem unreal, like you are watching your life in a movie. You do not sense that you are the actor in your life.
  6. High – At this point, your personality functions begin to shut down, and you experience profound inner silence and stillness. When you do speak, you speak from your spiritual essence. When you feel, you feel the spiritual essence in which you are fixed, in others. When you think, it is revelation about this spiritual essence. You no longer identify with a separate Self; only the spiritual essence with which you are identified seems real. Carrying out the responsibilities of a job or raising a family become extremely difficult at this stage. You may require the care of others to help you function in the world.
  7. Very high – This stage appears to take two tracks in individuals. (1) The first track is the track of dissolution—here, the Kundalini energy continues to burn upward through the vehicles, and you are unable to function; some experience terrible physical pain in this state. (2) The second track is the track of empowerment—in this scenario, you reach that stage of advanced unfoldment on the path upon which your spiritual essence dwells; you become able to awaken the Kundalini in others.

By the time you reach stage five or six, it is nearly impossible to intervene in the complete take over of your personal functioning through a progressively totalistic absorption in your Kundalini experience. You will benefit from identifying these different levels of intensity for Kundalini awakening, and seek assistance before your energetic profile shifts into a state that is irremediable.

We offer Kundalini Syndrome Readings to the public on a donation basis—if you think you are developing a Kundalini Syndrome, you may wish to obtain one of these readings.

We also encourage you to read our articles on Kundalini, “Dealing with Kundalini Emergencies,” “Illusions about Kundalini,” “A Kundalini Arousal Scale,” and “Reflections on Kundalini.”

There are also additional articles on this topic in our Library.

Aberrations of Volition

By George A. Boyd ©2017

Normally your volition is anchored in the ego, Self, and Soul, and you operate autonomously. There are, however, a variety of states in which volition appears to operate outside these parameters, giving rise to states that feel like they are beyond your ability to control them. These are briefly described below.

  1. A higher aspect of the will in a nucleus of identity or higher octave ensouling entity, which has been activated through meditation practices earlier in life or in a prior incarnation, may begin to overshadow the personality and give behavioral commands. This may occur concurrently with a Kundalini awakening—the Kundalini is raised into this essence when this overshadowing occurs—or this can occur without it.
  2. In this state, an entity in the unconscious mind split offs from the personality and exercises control over thinking, feelings, and behavior. These split-off elements of the mind, which appear to act as islands of volition, have been called subpersonalities. Working with these subpersonalities typically utilizes hypnosis or imagery psychotherapy. This type appears to correlate with the experience of those who demonstrate addictive behavior—even though they “choose” not to do something, these patterns take them over and enact the behavior despite their objections.
  3. In certain spiritual traditions, the Masters or Initiates may induce spiritual awakening experiences. When an Initiate takes someone as their “disciple” through this energetic transfer, they may begin to exert control over them. A beam of Light or Shakti appears to anchor in an inner center within these “chosen disciples,” connecting them directly with that Initiate. These multiple rays emanating from the Initiate form a pattern like a wheel—we call this emergent pattern, the wheel attunement. Those caught in this attunement may report that they receive direct commands to carry out overt behavior or to do specific meditations.
  4. As a result of doing Vipassana or Zen meditation practices, some practitioners report that they enter a void or vacuum state in which it appears that there is no Self or doer, and actions appear to arise of themselves. In Taoism, this state has been called wu wei.
  5. In states of severe inner conflict, people may experience “Jekyll and Hyde” splits within themselves, where their normal personality functioning appears to be taken over by a separate or alternate personality within them. Each alternate “Self” appears to have its own volition. This state appears in dissociative or multiple personality disorders. Therapies that work to achieve personality re-integration are used to address this type of volitional aberration.
  6. When people surrender their will to God, a spiritual Master, a god or goddess, or their Higher Self, they often find that this agency of the Superconscious mind begins to direct their behavior, giving them specific guidance as to what they should do. This seeking of a Higher Power’s direction is voluntary. This voluntary allowing of a Power outside their own Soul to guide and direct them can be extended to a variety of other “invitation scenarios:” letting a god, goddess, or “spirit” take over their voice and movement (possession trance), asking a spirit guide to speak through them (channeling), or requesting “God” or the “Holy Spirit” to speak through them (prophecy).
  7. This state appears when someone enters an altered state of consciousness and powers begin to operate that are not available to normal personality functioning. These powers can arise as a result of the Infilling of the Holy Spirit (the Gifts of the Spirit), union of attention with a higher spiritual essence (Samadhi), or the full awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. This is a highly ecstatic state. The powers that arise in this state go away when the Holy Spirit withdraws, attention returns to normal awareness, or the Kundalini goes back down to the grounded state.

Type 1, 3, and 6 volitional aberrations require you to break the connection with the internal or external agency that exerts control over you. We discuss type three in greater depth in our articles in the Library, “Induced Kundalini Awakening” and “When Spirituality Is Less than Free.”

Integrative psychotherapies can help you deal with type 2 and 5 volitional anomalies. Self help methods like the Rainbow method and the Mandala Method that we teach in our intermediate meditation programs, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program, may assist you gain insight into these patterns. These approaches aim to bring the wayward subpersonality or complex back into integration with the Self.

The volitional alterations of type 4 and 7 can usually be rectified through returning attention to the waking state of awareness from the altered state of consciousness that contains the abnormal perception of volition (type 4) or the activation of supra-personal “powers”(type 7), and/or lowering the Kundalini Shakti.

If you are aware that you are experiencing one or more of these types of aberrations of volition and it is interfering with your functioning, we encourage you to pursue the strategies appropriate for your situation. If you are beginning to lose control of your life and destiny through your spiritual practices, you may wish to back off from them for a while, to help you regain your balance and perspective.