Finding Clarity

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Aspirants and disciples often tell me that they seek clarity. Clarity comprises three major components:

  1. Intellectual understanding – This means you understand the terminology and you have a model to grasp the concepts as a whole. For Mudrashram®, this means understanding the Great Continuum of Consciousness, the four poles of being, the cutting edge of spirituality, balanced and imbalanced spiritual development, and the uses of the techniques we impart in Integral Meditation—e.g., how do you use them, and when do you use them. Much of our writing expounds and expands upon these core elements of our philosophy.
  2. Visioning – This is the experiential component. This means you go to an inner location or encounter a spiritual essence with your attention, your attentional principle, or your spirit. You see it, hear it, and feel it. So if we describe certain phenomena marking the top of the Abstract Mind Plane, you are able to travel to that location and experience it. Or if we say, a certain Supracosmic Master (Guru) dwells in the Guru Padam above the seventh Supracosmic chakra on one of the eight Paths on the Buddha Plane of the Supracosmic Sphere, you will be able to go there and gain union with this being and/or sit in his or her presence.
  3. Realization – This is the core experiential component. This occurs when your ensouling entity reaches the same level of development along its track as a location we might describe—e.g., the top of the Abstract Mind Plane—and it actually becomes one with that state of consciousness. In the case of our Supracosmic Guru mentioned above, in the state of realization, your Supracosmic Soul would ascend to the same level as the Guru. You would be as he or she is.

You develop intellectual understanding through study, reading our books and articles, listening to our webinars, and taking courses to extend your grasp of the teachings of the Mudrashram® Masters.

You develop visioning primarily through the practices of Raja Yoga, which aids in rehabilitating the meta-sensory faculties of your attention and attentional principle; and Nada Yoga, which awakens the heart-senses of your spirit. Those of you would would like to learn more about opening inner vision will benefit from taking our Vision Workshop, which is available on our Public Access Webinars under the Public Webinar portal.

You gain realization when your ensouling entity undergoes the process of Initiation, where your ensouling entity moves from one nodal point to another. You may actively produce this transformation through using a transformational technique, or you might passively receive this unfoldment through Light Immersion from a Master. You can receive your transformational mantra in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

You really need to advance on all three levels: gain intellectual understanding, have direct experience, and undergo transformation. If you do these things, you will become clearer—you will understand, you will see, and you will know.

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