What are the Seven Stages of Spirituality?

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: In your writing you speak about the seven stages of spirituality. Can you describe what those are?

A: In Mudrashram®, we track the development of the ensouling entity through seven stages:

  1. Subtle Realm
  2. Planetary Realm
  3. Transplanetary Realm
  4. Cosmic Sphere
  5. Supracosmic Sphere
  6. Aligned Transcendental Path [this is one of the Transcendental Paths among the first Transcendental Path and the fifth Transcendental Path]
  7. The Bridge Path, the remaining Transcendental Paths among the first Transcendental Path and the fifth Transcendental Path that were not opened at stage six, and the sixth and seventh Transcendental Paths.

You begin your spiritual journey with your cutting edge of spirituality at one of these seven stages. For most of humanity, their cutting edge of spirituality dwells in stage one (Subtle) or stage two (Planetary). A few, very rare individuals may have their cutting edge of spirituality in stages three through seven.

We teach people how to unfold their ensouling entity from where they are today on the Great Continuum of Consciousness through their current stage of spiritual development through each higher stage in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. This process of progressive unfoldment culminates in the experience of the Infinite Stage (Param Moksha Desh). [As of May 18, 2023, 14 Mudrashram® students have completed their journey to the Infinite Stage, with more on the way.]

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