Progressive Benchmarks of Meditation Mastery

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q: Are there any guidelines for what we should be able to achieve in meditation?

A: What you achieve in meditation is based on (a) your aspiration, what you desire to achieve, and (b) your proficiency with the practice of meditation. We can identify markers of relative proficiency with meditation, starting with the ground state of a non-meditator or a person who has never been able to successfully meditate, and progressive benchmarks of mastery of the ability to focus attention. These are listed below.

  1. Can’t get out of waking state of consciousness
  2. Can do basic mindfulness, monitor centers in the Conscious mind
  3. Can travel in the Temporal Mnemonic zone and participate in depth psychology
  4. Can meditate on the chakras of the Subconscious mind
  5. Can consciously enter the astral body and participate in hypnosis, remote viewing, or astral projection
  6. Can unite attention with the Self and contemplate the centers of the Metaconscious mind
  7. Can contemplate the archetypes of the Subtle Realm
  8. Can raise awareness into the wave of the present time and tune into the Soul’s thought and intention
  9. Can lift awareness into the Star Seed and the nuclei of identity of the Planetary Realm
  10. Can unite attention with the Soul
  11. Can unite attention with the spirit
  12. Can unite attention with the attentional principle
  13. Can unite attention with higher octave nuclei of identity
  14. Can unite attention with spirits in higher octaves
  15. Can unite attention with ensouling entities in higher octaves
  16. Can unite attention with Satchitananda

In our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program, we train our students to access benchmarks 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, and 12. Those who complete one of these courses, and opt to go on for our advanced meditation training, the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation additionally learn to access benchmarks 9, 13, 14, 15, and 16.

When spiritual transformation is done at the cutting edge of spirituality, you maintain full contact with your waking state of consciousness, your life, and your personality and can return from these altered states of consciousness at will.

In many spiritual traditions, they teach you to identify with an essence outside of the cutting edge of spirituality, and unfold it along its track. This leads to imbalanced states where your attention may be fixed in a nucleus of identity or spiritual essence, and progressively dissociate from personality functioning.

These imbalanced states appear to progress through the following steps [Note: you may not necessarily experience all of these steps, or all of these steps in order]:

  1. Union with a higher octave nucleus of identity through meditation
  2. Movement of that higher octave nucleus of identity along its track
  3. Sense that the world is unreal (derealization)
  4. Sense that your life and motivations are unreal and worthless (demotivation)
  5. Sense that your personality is unreal (depersonalization)
  6. Communion with archetypes, gods and goddesses
  7. Communion with the guide form of the Supervising Initiate of this Path
  8. Fixation in the nucleus of identity without the ability to return to the waking state of awareness
  9. Formation of a pseudo-personality and dissociation from human life and feelings
  10. Kundalini syndromes, if they have not appeared earlier, may arise at this stage
  11. Inability to function any longer in normal adult roles
  12. Complete absorption in inner spiritual experience

If you are doing meditation and you are having experiences like this, you may be following a track of spiritual imbalance. The appearance of steps 8, 9, and 10 are especially problematical, and typically precede the loss of any ability to function in your personality in normal adult roles.

If you have become involved with a spiritual practice, which is generating these symptoms of spiritual imbalance, there is yet hope for you. Through the strategies of dynamic rebalancing or progressive spiritual recapture, you can rectify any imbalances you have created. Those of you who have generated Kundalini syndromes through your well-intentioned meditation practices can take advantage of our Kundalini Recovery Services—a service we have provided to the meditation community since 2006.

We encourage you to learn to master the practice of meditation so you can go to any state of consciousness at will and return to the waking state of consciousness upon completion of your session. If you are having difficulties returning, we may be able to assist you.

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