On the Potential Extension of Psychic Powers

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: What are the psychic powers?

A: These are abilities that dawn when your Soul awakens into the second Subplane of the Psychic Realm. They include:

  • Creation and destruction of thought forms
  • Etheric sensitivity to resonance and subtle vibrations
  • Clairvoyance, which is sensing of auras, the content of the unconscious mind, and visioning of entities in the inner dimensional worlds
  • Healing and ability to sense the health of the organs and tissues of the body
  • Receptive telepathy, hearing the thoughts of others and the voice of the guide
  • Active telepathy, the ability to make attunements
  • Knowledge of the eternal present (the wave of time on the Akashic Records)
  • Knowledge of past incarnations
  • Knowledge of the patterns of future spiritual development (the Plan)
  • Knowledge of the current state of evolution of the Soul

Q: Do psychic powers increase as your develop spiritually?

A: Generally, yes. There appear to be three orders of access to spiritual powers and the ability to operate them.

Level One – Energetic connection of the psychic body’s chakras with the physical brain, which leads to spontaneous “psychic flashes” or impressions

In some individuals, this connection may be made with their astral body. These ones receive these psychic impressions in hypnosis or in the dream state.

You do not experience voluntary control at this level. These impressions seem to “come out of the blue.”

Level Two – When the Soul evolves to the Psychic Realm, its transpersonal will can operate selected psychic powers voluntarily.

This appears in healers, those who make attunements, those who channel guides and other spiritual entities, and metaphysical counselors or psychic readers.

The operation of this higher octave of the will substands Psychic Realm ministry.

Level Three – This connects the chakras of the psychic vehicle with higher octaves of being—the Monad, the Astral Soul, or a Transcendental Sphere ensouling entity. Development to the Mahatma stage of the Bridge Path and beyond awakens the interpenetrating awareness, which bestows the highest sensitivity to each octave of being, and the immortal essences on the four poles of being—the attentional principle, the spirit, nuclei of identity and seed atoms of each vehicle of consciousness, and the ensouling entities at each level of the Continuum.

Opening these psychic channels to these higher octaves of being develops these gifts to the highest degree, ultimately anchoring them in the Soul of the Bridge Path and Satchitananda.

These extended powers include:

  • Inner vision, hearing, and feeling connecting the physical brain with your higher octave ensouling entities
  • Healing at all octaves of being
  • Making attunements spanning each octave of being
  • Reception of the guide’s teachings at each octave of being
  • Giving spiritual counsel as appropriate to each level of spiritual development, from the Subtle Realm to the Transcendental Sphere
  • Ability to read the current evolutionary station of the Soul and each ensouling entity at higher octaves of being
  • Awareness of past lives in other cycles of time

Those who reach these higher octaves of being must actively extend their powers through opening the plugged channels that block these higher order powers from functioning in this expanded capacity. You usually clear these channels during the development of Multiplane Mastery on the highest Plane of the Bridge Path, but some advanced disciples may do targeted inner work to develop them before this stage is reached. For example, these disciples may develop some of these extended powers at the Mahatma Stage.

We recommend that you study these three orders of psychic powers. Those of you who have Psychic Ministry written into your Soul’s crown of purpose, and who are interested in awakening these elements of your ministry, may find the Psychic Powers Workshop in the Public Section of our Public Webinar Access page to be evocative.

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