Using Mantras to Deepen Your Awareness

By George A. Boyd © 2019

Q: In Transcendental Meditation™ they talk about using a mantra to travel through the bands of awareness to arrive at what they call Pure Consciousness, like a bubble rises from the depths of the sea and arrives at the surface. How is this different than what you teach in Mudrashram®?

A: The “thought bubble” type of mantra that Transcendental Meditation™ teaches is only one variety of mantramic repetition. It is important that you are cognizant of the different types of mantras, and what they do. In general, there are seven major types of mantras in addition to the thought bubble type:

  1. Transformational (bija) mantra – this type of mantra draws down the Light of Spirit to burn the karma between an ensouling entity—or a nucleus of identity—and the next nodal point. This allows this spiritual essence to unfold into that new nodal point and transform along that Path. We teach this type of bija mantra, which we call the Quintessence Mantra or Alayic Divine Name, in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. It is keyed to your ensouling entity at your cutting edge of spirituality.
  2. Contemplative mantra – this type of mantra allows you to unite your attention with your spirit. This method is variously called remembrance, simran, or zhikir. It aims to unite your attention with the spirit, so your spirit can begin to travel of the segment of the Nadamic Path on which it dwells. We teach this type of mantra in the Nada Yoga module of our intermediate meditation classes.
  3. Centering mantra – this type of mantra leads your attention to a state of contemplative union with an integrative center or spiritual essence within you. For example, there are mantras that will unite your attention with your Self (Swa Dhyan), a nucleus of identity (Manasa Dhyan), or your Soul (Atma Dhyan). We teach how to use this type of mantra in our advanced course of meditation, the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.
  4. Awakening mantra – this type of mantra is keyed to awaken the energy of the Kundalini Shakti. We teach this powerful technique in our intermediate meditation classes.
  5. Focusing mantra – this type of mantra helps you concentrate your mind, collecting your attention so that you can enter the state of conscious presence (mindfulness), in preparation for depth meditation. We teach this method in our beginning meditation class, the Introduction to Meditation Program.
  6. Invocational mantra – this type of mantra calls upon a spiritual being and aims to lift your attention and awareness into this being’s presence. These types of mantras are typically spoken aloud (chanting), sung (bhajan), or repeated silently with your attention within the mind (japa). They readily lift your attention into altered states of awareness; many spiritual groups teach this method. We teach you a variety of chants in our intermediate meditation courses.
  7. Empowerment mantra – these specialized mantras are used to activate spiritual powers and release powerful energies. They are taught in magical or tantric meditation schools. Many types are known: for example, there are mantras of this type that can turn you into an channel for a god or goddess; awaken a hidden spiritual power (siddhi); nullify an inauspicious planetary influence; bestow wealth or the ability to have children upon you; open a particular chakra; or release a powerful energy (Shakti) upon purification of a particular track in the unconscious mind. As these types of mantras can produce spiritual imbalances and expose you to spiritual influences you cannot control, we generally advise students to avoid using this type of mantramic practice. We do not teach this type of mantra.

The thought bubble technique is a variety of transformational mantra that unfolds the Supracosmic seed atom on the Brahma 5 Supracosmic Path. There are four orders of mantra on this Path:

  • The first order leads to union with Brahman in the First Cosmic Initiation and the Great Voidness beyond it (Shanti Desh) — there are sixteen varieties of this mantra. For more information about this type, see our article, “Use of Transformational Mantra as a Therapeutic Modality.”
  • The second order is keyed to the top of the First Cosmic Initiation. This leads to the state of liberation of the cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity, which is called Kaivalyam.
  • The third order leads the Supracosmic seed atom of the Brahma 5 Supracosmic Path to the top of the Cosmic Sphere. This Supreme Light has been called Parinirvana or Brahma Jyoti.
  • The fourth order opens the Supracosmic chakras of this Supracosmic Path and returns the seed atom of this Path to its origin in the Supracosmic brain chakra. This brings union with the Guru of this Path, and grants the ability to empower all four orders of mantras (Mantra Shakti).

This mantra taught in Transcendental Meditation™ does not affect the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality, but instead unfolds the seed atom on one of the Supracosmic Paths. It promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and ultimately absorption of your awareness in this seed atom upon this Supracosmic Path. Next, you return to the origin of this first order of mantra that this lineage bestows.

Before this absorption with the seed atom is attained, there are a variety of intermediate states that may be experienced, including:

  • Union with the subatomic field
  • Union with the physical universe
  • Union with the spiral of spiritual evolution; vision of the goal of spiritual evolution (Omega Point)
  • Union with an Oceanic state of consciousness (e.g., the Void beyond the Nirvanic Flame)
  • Union with the cave of the Cosmic Child (ground state of cosmic consciousness)
  • Union with cosmic consciousness, with the experience of energy flowing out into the universe and returning to this center
  • Union with the cosmic physical body and turning this form into light
  • Union with the cosmic physical universe and viewing the entire universe as composed of light rays
  • Union with the cosmic astral body with awakening of the first order of extraordinary powers (siddhis)
  • Union with the cosmic astral universe and viewing the celestial heaven worlds
  • Union with the individual causal body—at this level you gain union with the Supracosmic seed atom of Brahma 5

Beyond this seed atom, there are the following additional states up to the origin of this first order Transcendental Meditation™ mantra:

  • Union with one of the gods or goddesses of the cosmic causal universe to which your mantra is keyed
  • Union with the cosmic AUM vibration
  • Union with the Supreme Light on the Ideational Plane and awakening of the second order of supernatural powers (siddhis)
  • Union with Brahman with God Realization
  • Union with the Great Void of Peace (Shanti Desh); merging into the origin of the first order mantra

While many people use thought bubble technique mantras as a way to relax and release stress, they are not aware that sustained use of this method will ultimately open them into these higher states of awareness. For many individuals, Transcendental Meditation™ has been their introduction to meditation, and they do not realize they are actually developing an aspect of their Supracosmic consciousness outside of their cutting edge of spirituality.

So while they are “transforming” or “evolving” this Supracosmic seed atom of the Brahma 5 Supracosmic Path, this does not affect the state of spiritual evolution of their ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. Rather, they are “doing something else,” other than the Divine Plan out-pictured behind their ensouling entity at their cutting edge.

It is possible to use techniques to unfold one of the nuclei of identity along its track—any one of the 64 active Supracosmic seed atoms are included in this category; to open the Nadamic channels of the spirit in one of the domains of the spirit other than the one contiguous with the cutting edge ensouling entity; or to transform an ensouling entity in another octave of being than the cutting edge. In Mudrashram®, we think it is a better idea to start with the cutting edge of spirituality and not jump ahead into these alternate tracks of spiritual development that are not germane to the work of fulfilling the Soul’s intrinsic spiritual destiny.

Methods to Activate Mantras

The thought bubble technique is rather novel in the way this mantra is activated: after some initial repetition of the mantra, you simply hold your attention on the mantra and it seems to repeat itself. As this repetition occurs, you sense you are moving to a deeper level in meditation. This deepening continues as long as you keep your attention focused on this mantramic seed.

There are alternate methods to activate mantras, however. These include:

  • Chanting the mantra aloud
  • Breathing the syllables of the mantra
  • Visualizing the letters of the mantra and manipulating them in special ways [Tibetan Buddhist schools teach this visualization method of mantramic syllables in Tibetan script to activate mantras on their Path]
  • Repeating the mantra with your attention
  • Repeating the mantra with the tongue of the spirit
  • Intending the mantra as a beam of thought to strike the bija mantra

We teach our students to use intention to activate the Alayic Divine Name. These other methods to activate mantras have no effect on the Quintessence Mantra.

Hopefully this discussion has enabled you to make distinctions between these two types of mantra meditation. It is important to understand what Transcendental Meditation™ does and how this is different than what we teach in Mudrashram®. We recommend that you be clear about what you are trying to achieve with your spiritual practices, and find a Path that allows you to reach that objective.

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