Types of Bondage

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: What are the major issues that keep people in bondage, so they cannot awaken?

A: There are eight major types of bondage to which the aspirant and disciple is subject:

  1. Health – Certain types of physical and medical conditions make it impossible for you to meditate and to implement personality change.
  2. Addiction – When you are addicted, your entire life revolves around the object of addiction.
  3. Fear – Fear holds you back from forward movement in your life; it can also hold you back from taking your next step spiritually.
  4. False beliefs – These include conspiracy theories and paranoia, which makes it impossible for you to see the truth through these distorted perceptual filters.
  5. Cultism and religious abuse – When you are caught in this trap, you become enslaved to the group leader and it is very difficult to become free.
  6. Ring Pass Not –This makes it appear that what you see on your inner spiritual horizon is the Summum Bonum of spirituality and is the final goal of spiritual development, when it is only a stage on the Great Continuum of Consciousness.
  7. Ignorance – This affects you when you do not understand your true spiritual nature. You identify with your ego and personality, and your career and family roles become your primary focus. As a result, you forget about your spirituality.
  8. Karma – This is the substrate of desire impressions in your unconscious mind that holds your Soul back from Liberation and your spirit from salvation.

We recommend that aspirants and disciples reflect on three things:

  1. Which of these types of bondage affect your life and spiritual development?
  2. What does freedom from each of these types of bondage that affect you look like?
  3. What could you do to overcome this bondage in each area so you could be free?

We can assist you with type 2 with our Addiction Recovery Coaching Program; type 5 through our Cult Recovery Coaching Program.

You can learn to discern the Ring Pass Not of type 5 through study of the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, which shows the beginning and the end of each Path, and what’s beyond its apparent inner horizon.

We can help you tackle ignorance, type 7, and karma, type 8, through learning to transform the Soul, activate the Soul’s intuition and discernment, and dissolve karma in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

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