The Spectrum of Types of Spiritual Development

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: In your writings you talk about balanced spiritual development, imbalanced spiritual development, and ascension. Can you clarify what is the difference between these different types?

A: We can identify three levels of development that correspond to the imbalanced platform; five that correspond to balanced development; and two that correspond to the ascension work.




Imbalanced Development


-2.0 to 2.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being. There is re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness, with ascension of this essence to Mastery on that track. This grants the ability to awaken this spiritual essence in others.


-1.0 to -1.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being. There is re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness. The spiritual essence has moved along the track towards the inner horizon that demarks completion on this Path.


0 to -0.99

Soul is present. Selected vehicles of consciousness are misaligned with the axis of being, but there is no re-identification with the spiritual essence in that vehicle of consciousness.

Balanced Development


0 to .99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being. Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality.


1.0 to 1.99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being. Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. The Soul is aligned with its crown of purpose.


2.0 to 2.99

Soul is present. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the axis of being.Identification is with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. The Soul is aligned with its crown of purpose. The White Lotus of Immortality is building a bridge to the Light of Nirvana.


3.0 to 3.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. All vehicles of consciousness are aligned with the “service point.” The Initiate ministers through the Soul’s essential vehicle, which is attuned to the “service point,” via a ray emanating from the Light of Nirvana.


4.0 to 4.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry.

Ascension Track Development


5.0 to 5.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry. The Initiate begins tuning up the vehicles of the personality to attain full conscious ascension.


6.0 to 6.99

Soul is liberated in the Light of Nirvana. The Initiate liberates selected vehicles of consciousness, retaining only those vehicles of consciousness germane to his or her ministry. The Initiate has tuned up the vehicles of the personality to attain a terminal conscious ascension form [Ascended Master, Maha Siddha, or Maha Avatar].

The bulk of humanity’s collective spiritual development nests between -.99 and +.99: they are either meditating upon a spiritual essence outside the cutting edge of spirituality without re-identification (-1) or they are identified with the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality (+1). This first cohort encompasses approximately 68% of the ensoulment profile of humanity. In this cohort, we can estimate that about 37% are in the (-1) group and 41% are in the (+1) group.

About 41.7% of humanity’s ensoulment profile is in the range of -1.0 to -1.99: these have identified with a spiritual essence outside the cutting edge of spirituality (-2). Many of those who are identified with this spiritual essence are actively developing it along its track.

Of the remaining .3% of humanity, the largest group operates in the +1.0 to +1.99 zone: these are individuals who are aligned with their crown of purpose (+2) and are carrying out the Soul’s preordained mission.

The scenarios for Mastery at the level of imbalanced spiritual development (-3), and the liberation profiles for the ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality (+3 to +5) are exceedingly rare: there are perhaps only about 1,200 individuals on the planet who operate from one of these platforms.

Only those who are Initiates at the level of the Planetary Hierarchy (Adept Masters) or above have the ability to activate platforms +4 and +5: they have the ability to operate through the Soul’s essential vehicle through the “service point” when the Soul is liberated (+4) or to liberate vehicles of consciousness on selected Planes (+5).

As for the Ascension platforms (+6 and +7), only a handful of individuals in human history have allegedly developed themselves on this final track. Legends say that Jesus, Saint Germaine, Enoch, and Mahavatar Babaji embarked on this Path, and attained full conscious immortality.

The Multiplane Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage describe the Ascension track in great detail in our book, Discoveries on the Path. We go into greater depth in the consequences of imbalanced spiritual development in our book, Religions, Cults, and Terrorism: What the Heck Are We Doing?

You may read about an overview of the progression of imbalanced spiritual development in our article on the Open Stacks page, “The Cutting Edge of Spirituality.” This article is also in our book, A Mudrashram® Reader: Understanding Integral Meditation.

We encourage aspirants to reflect upon what is the difference. between spiritual development at the cutting edge of spirituality and the different varieties of imbalanced development. Those who are interested in this subject may wish to read the books and article we have mentioned to gain greater understanding of the spectrum of types of spiritual development.

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