Perspectives on the Mighty I AM Presence

By George A. Boyd © 2022

Q: Why is it that people describe the Mighty I AM Presence differently? Some New Age teachers seem to equate it with the Higher Self, while others point to it as some kind of power center that you can tap into through decrees.

A: The Mighty I AM Presence is the nucleus of identity that is located in the right side of the chest of the Solar Angel, which is the form your Soul activates as it is taking the Second Planetary Initiation. This nucleus of identity is experienced differently on each of the Seven Rays:

First Ray – This views the Mighty I AM Presence as an all-accomplishing force—the Word in Manifestation—that has the power to dissolve evil and darkness, and to manifest whatever you decree. In the Bible, there is the story of the Roman centurion, who said to Jesus, “If you will only speak the Word…” he believed that this power in Jesus would fulfill his prayer.

Second Ray – From this viewpoint, the Mighty I AM Presence actively ministers to (1) your life, (2) your health, (3) your relationships, (4) your career and finances, (5) your duty, (6) your ministry, and (7) your service. In our Light Sittings, we call upon the Mighty I AM Presence to minister to those in attunement and treat these seven areas of their experience.

Third Ray – In this perspective, the Mighty I AM Presence appears as the inmost of three orders of being: (1) embodied being, comprising life and personality—the human Self controls this; (2) the Christ consciousness, which is experienced in the First Planetary Initiation; and (3) the Divine Solar Being, in the Second Planetary Initiation. This inmost aspect of being can be activated and unfolded through specific decrees that the Ascended Masters reveal. Several of the “I AM Movement” groups and the Church Universal and Triumphant approach the Mighty I AM Presence through this lens.

Fourth Ray – In this standpoint, there is no separation between the Mighty I AM Presence and its creation in human life. Those who embrace this mystical perspective experience a spontaneous manifestation of intention and desire through a series of mysterious coincidences and apparent miracles.

Fifth Ray – This point of view finds the Mighty I AM Presence is in the Hridaya center of the Solar Angel—on the right side of the chest. You activate the Solar Angel and its integration center, the Mighty I AM Presence, through placing your attention on this nucleus of identity and making your request; the Mighty I AM Presence speaks the Word concerning what you have brought to its inner altar of Light. This is the way that we describe the Mighty I AM Presence in the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course — our special training given to those who are undergoing the Second Planetary Initiation teaches our students to activate this essence using this method.

Sixth Ray – Those that adopt this perceptual frame only regard their Mighty I AM Presence in relationship to an Ascended Master, who overshadows it, teaches it, sends it Light and Grace, and unfolds it. Those who fully identity with this highly devotional relational spiritual dyad find that their Ascended Master progressively unfolds this nucleus of identity until it is established in the abode of the Ascended Masters—with the one who sends it the Light.

Seventh Ray – Here, the core of the Mighty I AM Presence is progressively revealed through a series of realizations, which bridge from egoic awareness to a state of ecstatic, detached illumination. Each higher state of consciousness is mirrored along this track; those that complete this opening of this corridor fuse into the Mighty I AM Presence. Those that reach this core realization may believe that they have reached the summit of spiritual attainment, and mistake their realizations for the actual attainment of exalted spiritual stations in higher octaves of being. This thread connecting the ego with the Mighty I AM Presence can be opened through Agni Yoga attunements—often coordinated with awakening the Kundalini—or through using mantras. Some groups in the New Age community look to this perceptual transformation as “the ascension;” this opening, however, does not unfold the Soul.

It is important to distinguish the Soul and Higher Self from the Mighty I AM Presence:

The Higher Self is the form through which the Soul expresses—we call this form, the Soul’s essential vehicle. This Higher Self takes a series of noumenal forms: it may appear as a Christ-like being, or a god or goddess.

The Soul is formless, dwelling in the Void beyond Creation; the Soul’s essential vehicle is its form in Creation, through which the Soul operates its vehicles of the Superconscious mind, and guides and aligns its human Self with the Soul’s Purpose.

The Mighty I AM Presence is a nucleus of identity, which is an integration center in the Superconscious mind. The Soul lines up with this nucleus of identity, when it takes the Second Planetary Initiation.

We teach our students who take one of our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program how to unfold their Soul through each level of the Planetary Realm— and each higher level of the Continuum: Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental. When they move through the Second Planetary Initiation, they activate their Mighty I AM Presence.

We invite you to join us on this inner journey of spiritual discovery and transformation. Schedule a complimentary spiritual discovery session with us to find out if one of our intermediate courses is right for you.

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