On the Three Major Modes of Spirituality

By George A. Boyd © 2017

Q: Why do people have such different perspectives on spirituality? Some people relate to God from the standpoint that the Divine is far away, only to be approached through prayer. Others seem to stay in a state of altered state of consciousness in which they claim to experience oneness with God. Others seem to emphasize traveling on a Path to unify with God at the end of their spiritual journey.

A: We discuss these relational modes to the Divine in our book, “The Winds of Adi Sat Guru Desh,” in greater depth. While there are several other types we discuss in this book, the three most common ones we call the Brahma mode, the Vishnu mode, and the Shiva mode.

  1. Brahma mode – In this relational posture, you relate to God from the standpoint of the ego, and connect with the Divine through the cord of faith or your Soul through the intuitive thread (Antakarana). You dialog with your Higher Self through the intuitive thread; you pray to God and listen for the response to your prayer through the cord of faith. While you interiorize to the level of the Conscious mind to access this mode, you do not enter deep states of trance. Many sects of the Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—relate to God from this viewpoint.
  2. Vishnu mode – In this perspective, you enter an altered state of consciousness and keep your attention united with a spiritual essence. There are two types of Vishnu mode: unitary and relational.

In the unitary type, you might keep your attention focused in the Soul, and dwell in an unbroken “enlightenment” experience. Vedanta and Advaita groups might ask you to keep your attention continually fixed on Brahman, until you experience complete Oneness with God.

In the relational type, you unite your attention with a nucleus of identity or your spirit, and develop a relationship with the Divine. For example:

  • Certain Jewish and Christian sects teach their adherents to keep their attention fixed on the Moon Soul or Christ Child nucleus of identity, and develop a relationship to the Father God or to the Son of God or Christ.
  • Groups of the I AM Movement counsel their adherents to gain union with the Solar Angel within and activate the Mighty I AM Presence, and develop a relationship to an Ascended Master and with God, who appears as the Central Sun.
  • Groups operating in the First Cosmic Initiation have their adherents identify with cosmic consciousness, and develop a relationship with the Yogi Preceptor, and to the Lord of the Yogis (Yogeshwar or Ishwara).
  • Groups anchored in the Supracosmic Sphere have their devotees focus on the seed atom on their Supracosmic Path and identify with it. They establish a relationship with the Supracosmic Master on that Path and the form of the Divine that Master has realized.
  • Groups on Transcendental Paths one, two, three, four, five, and seven have their followers identify with their spirit, and they cultivate a relationship with the Sat Guru of that Path.
  1. Shiva Mode – In this relational mode, the emphasis is on unfolding your ensouling entity and its vehicles towards its Divine Source, and achieving a state of Mastery and Liberation. Unlike the Vishnu mode, you do not keep your attention fixed in an altered state of consciousness, but you visit that state of consciousness to do your spiritual work, and then you return to your waking awareness. In these Paths, the spiritual teacher gives disciples a transformational method, which enables disciples to dissolve the karma along the track behind their spiritual essence and move that spiritual essence along this track, which constitutes the delineated Path of that tradition.

In Brahma mode, you open a portal of communication between your personality and an agency in the Superconscious mind. For those who lack faith in a Higher Power, this might simply take the form of waking up in the morning and having their instructions of what they need to do for the day delivered to the preconscious doorway.

In Vishnu mode, you enter an altered state of awareness and remain fixed in it. With sustained union with this spiritual essence, you identify with it. You begin to see this essence in others and relate to others as if they were that essence. You may feel compelled to help others identify with this same essence.

In Shiva mode, you objectively measure your progress along a delineated Path. The emphasis here is on unfolding this spiritual essence and its associated vehicles of consciousness.

Mudrashram® is an example of a Shiva mode Path that unfolds your ensouling entity and its associated vehicles of consciousness at your cutting edge of spirituality, and you concomitantly open the track of the Nada to this same level to achieve balanced spiritual development. You do not remain in an altered state of awareness like the Vishnu mode Paths. Like the Brahma mode Path, we do teach you how to receive guidance from the Soul and the Divine to conduct your life. You do your daily work at the level of the personality; you do your daily spiritual work at the level of the Soul—you make progress in both areas of your life.

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