On Psychological Blindness

On Psychological Blindness and Its Relationship to Other Types

By George A. Boyd ©2020

Q: Does psychological blindness—an unwillingness to see something—have a role in blocking or suppressing other octaves of sight?

A: Psychological blindness is predicated upon not wanting to bring something into your awareness. Psychological deafness, similarly, is founded upon not wanting to hear something.

A process you can do to get to the bottom of these two types of blocking awareness is:

For Psychological Blindness

“What am I unwilling to see?”

“What would happen if I saw that?

For Psychological Deafness

“What am I unwilling to hear?”

“What would happen if I heard that?

You repeat this process for each area of psychological blindness and deafness until there are no more responses from your unconscious mind.

The Eight Major Types of Blindness

It’s important that you identify the eight major types of blindness and deafness. While I describe types of blindness below, you can apply these same principles to deafness.

  1. Physical blindness – This is damage to the eyes, optic nerve, or other neurological areas of sight from trauma or disease. This is the province of medical care; however, some people do get help through radiative healing modalities to regain sight.
  2. Psychological blindness – This appears as an unwillingness to see certain truths about yourself. This is part of the array of psychological defenses that assemble at the fifth layer of the egoic structure to protect accessing the painful and shameful issues in your Shadow. Using methods like Vipassana, Process Meditation, and Mandala Method—techniques we teach in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—can help you penetrate this layer of the mind and get down to the truth that you are trying to hide.
  3. Astral blindness – This is an inability to turn on the astral octave of sight. Symptoms of this type of blindness include inability to remember what you see in your dreams, hypnosis, or guided meditations. Those that do regression hypnosis suggest that this might arise from trauma experienced in your current or past lives. The inability to associate your attention with your astral sense of sight or your astral intuitive eye when you are in union with the astral body may also play a role in blocking this octave of sight.
  4. Attentional blindness – This is the experience of not being able to collect your attention and be present (mindfulness) and to become aware of the content of the inner vehicles at different levels of the mind. This type is commonly associated with distraction or difficulty in concentration. Your mind wanders and cannot hold to the focal point that is your object of meditation.
  5. Attentional principle (metavisional) blindness – In this type, your challenge is becoming conscious of the attentional principle and its experience. When you cannot achieve this state of fusion with the attentional principle, you lack the ability to objectively view the contents of the levels of the Subconscious, Metaconscious, Superconscious, or unconscious mind that lie above the pituitary center of the chakras of the Subconscious mind—that is the seat of the attentional principle. This usually is a by-product of attentional blindness—you can’t focus your attention upon the attentional principle, so you can’t shift into its perceptual frame.
  6. Spiritual blindness – Here you cannot gain union with your spirit—in whatever domain you are attempting to contact it—and enter into its experience that it has in its ground state at the entrance to the Nadamic Path and of the contents of the inner channels of the Nadamic currents that it opens during Nada Yoga practice. This also appears to stem from attentional blindness—when you can’t move your attention into the presence of your spirit and fuse with it, you can’t awaken into its perspective.
  7. Intuitional blindness – When this type of blindness is present, you cannot intuitively perceive or discern the contents of your Superconscious mind up to your current stage of spiritual development. Your Illumined mind or Buddhi does not respond when you ask a question.

When you ask your Soul to show you (e.g., allow you to see something), your higher mind does not present any images or ideas. When you ask it to tell you, you do not hear its voice of intuition. When you ask it to guide you so you can directly experience a selected object of meditation, it does not move your attention to that location.

Entering the state of Samadhi helps awaken your Buddhic capsule and rehabilitate this faculty. Attunements that purify the Antakarana may help some people to recapture their communion with the Soul’s knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. Some people report that they can get guidance from a spiritual guide, an angel, or calling upon the form of the Divine that they invoke, but not their own Soul—we suggest that the same facility of communication that they experience with these other sources can be re-established with the Soul.

  1. Core blindness – When you experience this, you are unable to see or know your ensouling entity. People struggling with this type cannot find their Soul, or they feel their Soul has been lost. Lack of Realization or Gnosis leads to ignorance of your true nature; for many people, an enlightenment experience rectifies this. Attentional blindness is commonly associated with this type, as well: if you cannot place your attention upon the Soul, you do not become aware of it and realize it.

For types 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, the inability to focus your attention may hinder your ability to operate at this level of sight. Mastery of Raja Yoga and/or the methodical study of the vehicles of consciousness of the Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind in our Introduction to Meditation Program may help you train your attention to settle down, focus, contemplate, and enter into union with your object of meditation.

Q: I have tried for years to see within. I’m beginning to believe there is something wrong with me. Am I doing something wrong?

A: Inner sight and hearing—octaves three through eight—are your birthright. Unlike physical sight or psychological sight, which may be compromised through physical injury or disease, or psychological trauma, these higher octaves of sight—and hearing—are always operating.

I like to use the analogy of a television station. Their signal is going out from their transmission tower: to see and hear what they are broadcasting, you have to tune in that station. The channel selector within your mind is your attention, and you must exactly tune in the subtle visual and auditory signals that come from the astral, metavisional, spiritual, and core octaves within you.

Your challenge is simply to master focusing your attention, and allowing yourself to shift into the perspective of these other octaves of sight and hearing. Paradoxically, it is your opening and surrendering to these levels within you that enable you to effortlessly see and hear—so you start by finding the essence within you, and then you invite it to let you enter its experience.

This is a challenge, but I suggest to you if you will not give up, but persist in this quest to rehabilitate these higher octaves of sight and hearing, you will reawaken them and you will experience from their higher perspectives.

Q: I feel so demoralized. Is my attitude interfering with my ability to activate these higher octaves of sight and hearing?

A: There are several attitudes and beliefs that people hold about inner seeing and hearing. Here are some examples:

  1. It is impossible for people to see inwardly. It is utter fancy to believe this is possible. The brain has no apparatus to allow this.
  2. If people see within, it is just their faculty of imagination at work. They simply visualize something—e.g., God lives up in up in the sky; He has a white hair and a long white beard, and has piercing blue eyes—and assume what they have created in their mind is real. People entertain all types of self-delusion through this means. This is not inner sight; it is fantasy.
  3. If some people see within, it is because they have been granted a special gift from God or Nature that most people do not have. If you don’t have this gift, it is futile to even try. Can a cow change its spots?
  4. If people see within, it is because they perform special practices or discipline that most people cannot do—this enables these select individuals to achieve inner sight. It is conceivable if you did the same practices they do accurately and assiduously, you could develop the rudiments of inner sight. You would probably need years to fully activate this faculty, like the yogis who do special continuous meditations in caves.
  5. If people see within, they are rehabilitating and ability that dies out generations ago, because we had no use for it. They must learn to rehabilitate the subtle octaves of sight humanity had in another Age—this might take some time, but it is worthwhile because it is their birthright. Some people are able to do this, so it is possible.
  6. If people are not seeing within, it is only because they do not place their attention in the levels of the mind where seeing is possible. If they keep their attention in the ground state of awareness in their Conscious mind, inner seeing is not possible. But if they put their attention on the focal points where inner seeing ignites, it is possible. We expect that many who don’t see inwardly could see if they did this practice.
  7. The current of inner sight runs from the brain to the Soul in everyone. It is simply a matter of tuning in the subtle signals that arise from these different octaves of inner sight and shifting into them. While this is difficult for many people, we suspect that if they would faithfully practice, they could activate and experience these other octaves of inner sight.

Based on my studies of the subtle anatomy of human beings—the vehicles of consciousness of their Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind—in developing the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, I observe that perspectives six and seven are true. We suggest that entertaining perspective five, even as a hypothesis, would give you the incentive to at least try to develop your inner sight.

It may be that you have not yet found the inner key to unlock your subtle octaves of sight. So this suggests that you must undertake a variety of approaches until you find one that works for you.

These other perspectives, one through four, do not give you much hope. Even the pursuit from these other perspectives seems fanciful or exceedingly difficult.

Some people have found it helpful to do the exercises in our Vision Workshop, which is in our Public Webinar portal on our web site. Anyone is eligible to listen to this in-depth webinar.

Those who complete the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation receive access to multiple webinars on acquiring inner sight. In these webinars, we detail a variety of alternative practices to approach reawakening these faculties of inner sight.

If the methods you have been using haven’t worked, try another way. It is possible. Many people have done this: So can you.

Meditational Methods to Help with these Blindness Types

Q: What meditation methods help with these types of blindness?

A: There are methods that that help with each type. Methods we teach in our beginning class is marked with a (†); in our intermediate classes are marked with a (*); in our advanced class with a (‡); and in our advanced training programs for completers of our advanced course with a (+).

  1. For physical blindness, there is immersion in a healing Light attunement, and asking for healing from the Holy Spirit.
  2. For psychological blindness, we teach Process Meditation*, Truth Process*, Mandala Method*, and Rainbow Method*.
  3. For astral blindness, there is hypnosis to rehabilitate inner sight and past life regression therapy, when this arises from trauma; meditation on the astral body, lucid dreaming technique, rebirthing ‡, and brain entrainment methods.
  4. For attentional blindness, we teach Mindfulness †*, Vipassana †*, and attentional focusing on selected vehicles of consciousness (Samatha or Dharana) †*.
  5. For blindness of the attentional principle, we teach Awakening Meditation*, Purusa Dhyan*, and Tratakam ‡.
  6. For spiritual blindness, we teach Awakening meditation*, and Surat Dhyan*.
  7. For intuitional blindness, we teach Jnana Yoga*‡, awakening the Kundalini*, and Atma Samadhi+.
  8. For core blindness, there are affirmations of identity with the ensouling entity ‡, mantras to focus attention on the ensouling entity ‡, Gnosis technique ‡, and Atma Samadhi+.

You can begin to use these methods to rehabilitate the octaves of sight that are not functioning in you.

Where to Begin

Q: How do I begin to rehabilitate these octaves of sight?

A: You first need to do an assessment to find out which of these octaves are working and which are not.

  • Notice your ability to see physically
  • Notice what you are able to perceive and acknowledge about yourself, and what aspects of your nature are relegated to the unconscious zone of your mind
  • Notice your ability to use the astral octave of sight to recall your dreams, to visualize, to image, and to remote view objects in other locations
  • Notice your ability to concentrate your attention, to be completely focused and present, and to move your attention to selected focal point along the thread of consciousness
  • Notice your ability to objectively view your attention and the contents of your mind
  • Notice your ability to see form your spirit’s perspective
  • Notice your ability to access the knowledge of your Superconscious mind through tapping into your intuitive stream as a reception of images and ideas
  • Notice you ability to know your ensouling entity and be at-one with its Presence.

Once you know where you blockages are, you can apply selected meditations to help reawaken your ability with that octave of sight. If you are having a difficulty overcoming these difficulties yourself, you can get assistance: a psychotherapy session with someone who can help you work with your psychological blindness; a hypnotherapist who can help you activate your astral vision; and a meditation teacher, who can help you rehabilitate blindness types 4 through 8—attentional, attentional principle, spiritual, intuitional, and core sight.

Even though this seems like a daunting task, if you will persist, you will make progress with inner seeing.

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