How Is Mudrashram Different?

A Sharper Focus on What You Can Get from Our Meditation Training

By George A. Boyd ©2017

Q: There are many schools of meditation available. How is Mudrashram® different?

A: Let’s look at some of the ways that Mudrashram® is different than the existing schools of meditation.

Methods They Teach

Most meditation schools teach you one or two meditation techniques. You might learn to watch your breath or monitor your present time experience. You might receive a mantra. You might learn a breath technique that unites you with a spiritual essence. You might learn a method to meditate on the channels of the Nadamic Path—the inner light and sound.

A few schools will give you a lot of techniques, which aim to unite your attention with a particular essence of consciousness to gain “enlightenment” or they will help you unfold along a delineated Path outside the cutting edge of spirituality.

Mudrashram® gives you a whole toolbox of techniques in its intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program that work at the cutting edge of spirituality.

Stress Reduction

Most meditation techniques will help you relieve stress. Meditation teachers who teach mindfulness and Vipassana release the stress at the most superficial level, the Conscious mind.

Some groups will lead your attention into the Superconscious mind, and bring about deep relaxation and stress release, but they don’t actually dissolve the causes of stress—they don’t produce transformation and remove the karmic causes of stress in the unconscious mind, so the stress returns.

Mudrashram® teaches you how to focus your attention in the immortal essences of the Superconscious mind, to pass through the Superconscious mind level-by-level, and shows you how to transform the material in the unconscious mind, so the root causes of stress drop away.

Ending Reincarnation

Many meditation schools promise to end reincarnation. What they actually do is they open one Path in the Cosmic, Supracosmic, or Transcendental Sphere, and remove the karma along that track—so whatever karma might be influencing your life from that Path and the karmic stream that is layered along that track is removed, but little to none of the karma behind where you are at the cutting edge of spirituality is moved, so it doesn’t move the needle on reincarnation at all. For example:

Adepts and Adept Masters can guide the Soul Spark and the Soul to Liberation, and end physical reincarnation—but this doesn’t end astral and causal world reincarnation.

Cosmic Masters can liberate the Astral Soul, but commonly leave the Transplanetary segment undone, so they cannot remove all of the causes of astral incarnation.

Supracosmic Gurus and Sat Gurus of the Transcendental Sphere work out aspects of your causal karma, but do not complete all of it.

Mudrashram® finishes your karma in the Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, on your aligned Transcendental Path—the one contributing to your karmic stream—and you rise on the Bridge Path and T7 to the Mahatma stage, where you dissolve the final causes of karma that give rise to physical, astral, and causal incarnation.

Depth of Meditation

Many seekers pine for deep meditation, but find it evades them. Those that go to mindfulness teachers typically go no deeper than the Conscious mind, and they learn to be present and better cope with the stresses of life in everyday situations.

Other teachers lead them to enlightenment—union with the Higher Self or Soul, or with another spiritual essence—but that essence doesn’t move along its track, it doesn’t transform.

In our intermediate meditation classes in Mudrashram®, we train you in mindfulness that allows you to access your Conscious mind, meditation on the chakras of the Subconscious mind, centering methods to unite with your Self in the Metaconscious mind, and how to unite with your spirit and your Soul in the Superconscious mind, plus we show you methods to unfold the Soul and free your spirit.

Relative Spiritual Progress

Many spiritual Paths measure spiritual progress as when the spiritual essence upon which they meditate accrues virtue and holiness, and moves a few nodal points closer to the spiritual horizon that they view as the highest stage of spirituality—this is progress upon one Plane, which is called sanctification.

A few point to completion of one Path—a Yogi Preceptor leads your cosmic consciousness through the First Cosmic Initiation to become a Yogi Preceptor; a Supracosmic Guru shows you how to open an entire Supracosmic Path to the origin of your Supracosmic seed atom on that Path; or a Transcendental Sphere Sat Guru will lead your spirit to liberation on that Path and your ensouling entity will be lifted to the highest Plane.

In Mudrashram® you complete your spiritual journey in every level of the Great Continuum of Consciousness—Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and your aligned Transcendental Path—and then you rise on the Bridge Path where you gain the ability to open every Path of the Supracosmic and every Path of the Transcendental Sphere, leading to Multiplane Mastery, which is Mastery of every Path.

Spiritual Salvation

Many groups teach you to praise and worship God from afar, but don’t give you any means to move your spirit closer to the Divine Beloved.

Some identify as an essence other than the spirit, and move that essence closer to God through a meditation technique—for example, they draw nigh to the Beloved identified as a nucleus of identity, like the students of Yogi Preceptors, who identify with Cosmic Consciousness; the disciples of Cosmic Masters, who identify with the Astral Soul; or devotees of Supracosmic Gurus who identify with the Supracosmic seed atom of that Path.

Transcendental Paths show you how to free the spirit and rise to union with the Divine on one segment of the Nadamic Path, which brings about spiritual liberation or salvation for that one spiritual essence.

In Mudrashram®, we show you how to liberate the spirit and gain union with God on all twelve segments of the Nadamic Path.

Spiritual Powers

There are many groups that will teach you to use the abilities of one Plane—for example, Psychic Guides show you how to awaken your psychic and healing abilities, to channel spiritual entities, or to make basic attunements; ministers and rabbis show you how to activate the powers that the Holy Spirit bestows.

In some groups, they will give you access to all the powers that dwell upon one Path—so if you study with a Yogi Preceptor, you will learn how to access the 8 major and 56 minor powers (siddhis) of the First Cosmic Initiation; Supracosmic Gurus will give you the keys to all of the powers that are embedded along their Path.

In Mudrashram®, we teach you how to journey through every level of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, granting your ensouling entity access to the powers of every Plane of the Continuum on the Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, your aligned Transcendental Path, and the Bridge Path. At the highest stage of the Bridge Path, called Multiplane Mastery, you gain the ability to open every Path, and gain access to the powers anchored in them.

If you consider these factors, you may intuit that Mudrashram® is a much more inclusive and comprehensive system than the meditation groups that currently exist.

  • Its training is unique in that it starts you at the cutting edge of spirituality, and doesn’t start you somewhere else.
  • Its range of potential development is much greater than other existing systems.
  • It does not simply unfold one spiritual essence, but unfolds each of your spiritual essences in synchrony—your Soul and spirit unfold together; your nuclei of identity and each vehicle of consciousness move along their track naturally, together with the Soul, as the Soul reaches the Plane where they dwell.
  • It does not break your connection with your personality like many other spiritual systems—where you perceive your body, your life, and the world as dream-like illusions.

We invite you to investigate the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation to see if it resonates with your spiritual needs. We have beginning, intermediate, and advanced meditation programs, together with teacher training programs for those who reach the requisite levels of spiritual advancement and mastery of meditation methods.

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