List of Our Services

Our services are available in six formats:

HOME – a home study course you can order from us if you meet the prerequisites

CLASS – a workshop or class you will need to physically attend

PRIVATE – a consultation or reading you will need to schedule with us

MAIL – a written reading or consultation you can order and receive by mail if you send us the information we need to do the service for you

E-MAIL – a written reading or consultation you can order and receive by e-mail if you send us the information we need to do the service for you

VIDEO – a reading or consultation done using video. If you have Skype and a video camera and microphone attached to your computer, you can access our video services.

With the descriptions below, we will append a format label in braces {}.


Psychic Reading Workshops

How to Read Your Own Past Lives Workshop – a four-hour experiential group that teaches you several different methods for accessing and experiencing your past incarnations. {CLASS}

Psychic Powers Workshop – this four-hour experiential group shows you how to enter your vehicle in the Psychic Realm, what the psychic powers are, and ways to activate them. [An intermediate workshop: we suggest that you have previously practiced meditation and have the ability to raise your attentional principle into the Superconscious mind before taking this workshop.] {CLASS}

Tarot Card Reading Workshop – a four-hour didactic and experiential group that will show you how to awaken the intuitive ability to understand and "read" the Tarot Cards. {CLASS}

Karma Workshop – a four-hour didactic and experiential group that explores the four types of karma, the seven levels of karma, how karma is eradicated, the four poles of inner work, how karma is stored, how new karma is created, the octaves of volition, freedom from karma, and karmic mastery. {CLASS}

Meditation Workshops

The Way of the Heart Workshop – a five-class experiential group that focuses on contacting the your spiritual heart and opening the path of the Inner Light and Sound. [An advanced workshop: we suggest you take this class after first completing the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.] {CLASS}

Agni Yoga and Attunement Meditation Workshop – a four-hour experiential group that trains you to use the seven major techniques of Agni Yoga and the five personality attunements used in the first stages of disciplic work. [An advanced workshop: we suggest you take this class after first completing the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.] {CLASS}

Advanced Kundalini Workshop – this four-hour didactic and experiential group guides you to encounter the Kundalini Shakti in its different levels. [An advanced workshop: we suggest you take this class after first completing the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.] {CLASS}

Advanced Raja Yoga Workshop – this four-hour experiential group will teach you seven advanced Raja Yoga meditations originally revealed by Swami Prem Dayal. [An advanced workshop: we suggest you take this class after first completing the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.] {CLASS}

The Vision Workshop – a five-hour didactic and experiential group that teaches you how to use the subtle aspects of vision, including astral vision, attentional vision, metavisional sight, heart sight, and core sight. [An advanced workshop: we suggest you take this class after first completing the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.]{CLASS}

Professional Workshops

Meditation for Therapists Workshop – a six-hour didactic and experiential group covering the uses of meditation relevant to psychotherapy, maps of consciousness, and transpersonal theoretical models comparing meditation, hypnosis and psychotherapy. In the experiential component of this workshop you learn how to do the techniques that you can utilize with your clients. You are given guidelines for using meditation, for whom it is suitable and for whom it is not. [This workshop is open only to graduate students in the behavioral sciences, counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, hypnotherapists, holistic healers, psychiatrists, clergy, and other professionals who do therapy and counseling as part of their work.] {CLASS}

To learn more the about the workshops that we teach and what they cover, see our workshops page. You can find out more about eligibility for these workshops here
Meditation Instruction

The Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation – this class, taught over six weeks, provides twenty hours of instruction in the fundamentals of Integral Meditation. You will learn the theory of ten major aspects of meditation, practice 28 experiential techniques, and receive seven Light Immersion sittings. The course covers maps of consciousness, Centering techniques, Kundalini Yoga, Nada Yoga, Mantra Yoga, invocational methods, Raja Yoga, Guru Kripa Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Agni Yoga, and Dharma Yoga. You receive a personalized Soul Reading, individualized mantras, plus guidance for your continuing meditation practice. The course includes a workbook covering the topics of each night's class, supplementary articles, and a complete glossary of meditation terms. {CLASS}

The Accelerated Meditation Program – this is a by-mail version of the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation that is available for those who cannot attend in person. It covers almost everything that is in the Master Course, plus has additional articles and meditations not in the Master Course. It includes guided meditations on two compact disks so we can coach you how to do the meditations. Like the Master Course, it includes your personal reading and mantras. You can order this course all at once, or you can do it in four modules. Completing this course qualifies you to take those courses for which the Master Course. Oh yes, and there is a final exam required to get your certificate of completion for this course. [If you are interested in taking this course, e-mail us at classes at us and we'll send you the application.] {HOME} Offered by Mudrashram® Publishing.

Mudrashram Meditation Tape Series – Compact disks with guided meditations from this course are available for those who have taken the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation. You can purchase these after a class or order them later if you've already taken the Master Course. [These are included with the Accelerated Meditation Program, so if you're taking the AMP, you've already got these.] {HOME} Offered by Mudrashram® Publishing.

The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation – this class, taught on four Sundays, provides 18 hours of instruction in meditation upon the Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental octaves of Being. You will practice advanced breathing techniques, Tratakam, advanced Raja Yoga, advanced Jnana Yoga, Guru Dhyan meditation, the Mudrashram® Mantra, Swami Kriya, and learn to invoke the Mudrashram® Guides. You commune with the Mudrashram® Guides, who lead you to directly experience these higher realms of bliss and wonder. The course includes a workbook covering the topics of each afternoon's class, supplementary articles, and a complete glossary of meditation terms. [Entry into the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation requires that you first complete the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, practice meditation for at least six months daily, and make a formal letter of application to enter this class]. {CLASS}

The Satsang Program Home Study Course – this 18-session home study course with 16 compact disks and 36 articles explores the Great Continuum of Consciousness. You will learn Guru Dhyan meditation to commune with one of the Mudrashram® Guides, and progressively directly experience the bands of the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious minds. [You must complete the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program to be eligible to take this series.] {HOME} Offered by Mudrashram® Publishing.

The Mudrashram® Correspondence Course – this 50-lesson home study course is a comprehensive program in Consciousness Studies and Integral Meditation. It provides a complete mapping of the entire Continuum of Consciousness from the waking state of awareness to the highest realm of the Transcendental Sphere. It provides a template for exact knowledge of every spiritual realm up to highest states of Spiritual Mastery. [You must complete the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or Accelerated Meditation Program to be eligible to take this series, with completion of the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation or the Satsang Program Home Study Course suggested. This course was released on July 23, 2006]. {HOME} Offered by Mudrashram® Publishing.

The Meditation Consultation – a one-hour individual counseling session available by appointment, by e-mail or by mail that will give specific instruction in meditation to accomplish a specific goal or to address an area of your concern. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

To learn more the about meditation we teach, see our meditation page. You can learn more about what meditation is and its many varieties in our reading room.
Metavisional Readings

Metavisional readings, also known as psychic readings, utilize the ability to view with the attentional principle. These readings activate the subtle senses to allow the reader to perceive the energy shells around the body (the aura) and the phenomena of the inner Planes. They provide selected information for the querent based on the type of reading chosen.

Attunements with guidance channeling add the omnific power of the Spirit to the informational substrate provided by metavisional readings. In attunements, the querent exprerinces Light Immersion. In this state of communion, the querent may undergo re-balancing and Initiation, the unfolding of the Soul's potentials at all levels.

Our Introductory Readings

The Foot Reading – brings to light your aura, detailing the qualities that you project into the environment around you. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Tarot Card Reading – examines current issues impacting your personality as mirrored in the Tarot cards. You will receive an interpretation of the meaning of these powerfully evocative cards and explore these meanings more deeply together with the reader. {PRIVATE}

The Basic Soul Reading – reveals your stage of spiritual evolution in the Planetary or Subtle Realms. The reading details the Rays that impact your Soul, your personality, your mind, your emotions, and your physical body and how these express in you. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Triple Scan Reading – includes all three readings above. {PRIVATE}

Specialized Soul Readings

The Meditation Technique Analysis Reading – gives a detailed analysis of your current meditation technique, how it impacts your mind, consciousness and spirit, and the long-term consequences of continuing its practice. The reading gives suggestions for appropriate meditations geared to your cutting edge of spiritual evolution. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Relationship Compatibility Reading – compares the spiritual evolution, Ray type, karmic challenges and strengths of you and your partner. It uncovers how your mutual attraction factors, core factors and metaphysical factors impact your relationship. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Seed Thoughts and Visualizations for Meditation – provides images and affirmations to help you tune into each active vehicle of your Superconscious mind. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Soul Purpose Reading – unveils your spiritual calling, your Soul's mission, your progressive stages of mastery, and reveals specific techniques to help you make your spiritual ascension. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Higher Octaves of Spiritual Evolution Reading – grants a glimpse of your spiritual development in the Cosmic, Supracosmic and Transcendental Octaves of Being. It shows you your Path, your level of development and the teachers working with you at these profound levels. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Spiritual Teaching or Spiritual Teacher Compatibility Reading – describes your spiritual cutting edge and techniques appropriate for your balanced spiritual development at this level. It discloses your current (or prospective) spiritual teacher's Path, his or her octaves of Mastery, and the impact upon you if you develop yourself in this Path. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Karmic Reading – discloses issues you must face as part of your personal destiny karma (Pralabdha), stored karma (Sinchit), manifestation karma (Kriyaman), and spiritual destiny karma (Adi). {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Kundalini Syndrome Reading and Attunement – this reading determines causes that contribute to abnormal circulation of kundalini energy or inappropriate functioning of the Kundalini Shakti. A free attunement is included with the reading if it is determined that (1) kundalini is causing the syndrome and (2) rebalancing and grounding of the kundalini energy would likely ameliorate the problem. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

Readings of Your Past Incarnations

The Intuitive Past Life Reading – summarizes, for each life in this cycle of time: your approximate date of birth, gender, physical characteristics, general location of birth and major life activities, abilities you developed, karmic challenges and obstacles your overcame, major lessons you learned, your significant relationships, this life's relevance to your current life, your occupation or significant avocations, your spiritual or religious affiliation and practices, significant health or emotional issues, and the cause and approximate date of death. This reading is available by private appointment where it may be taped; a written version of this reading is available by mail or e-mail. {PRIVATE, MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Metavisional Past Life Reading – covers all of the information of the Intuitive Past Life Reading, plus allows you to guide the reader to give you specific information. This reading is literally a moment-by-moment scan of each of your past lives, and very detailed information can be uncovered. It takes significantly longer than the Intuitive Past Life Reading, but can yield stunning details and insights about these lives. This reading is only available by private appointment where it may be taped. {PRIVATE, VIDEO}


The Soul Attunement with Guidance Channeling – channels the Grace, Light and Power of Guides of the Mudrashram® lineage, and gives guidance for your specific questions. This is an ineffable immersion in the Divine Light. This reading is only available by private appointment where it may be taped. {PRIVATE, VIDEO}

Guidance Channeling – provides guidance for specific question, with suggestions for integrating or applying the material received. This reading is only available by mail or e-mail. {MAIL, E-MAIL, VIDEO}

The Light Sitting – this is a group version of the Soul Attunement with Guidance Channeling. {CLASS}

To learn more about metavisional readings see "Types of Psychic Readings,"and "The Psychic Realm and Psychic Powers." You can also read articles on our Psychic Studies page.
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