Prana, Ojas, and Kundalini

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: Does one have to maintain extended celibacy to awaken the Kundalini? Do breathing exercises that enhance prana, also intensify Kundalini?

A: Many people conflate ojas, prana, and Kundalini. While there may be an association between these three separate currents in that they support the awakening of the Kundalini to some degree, you need to understand that these three aspects of the mind run in different channels.

The Ojasic channels are etheric tubules that extend beyond the physical endocrine glands—gonads or ovaries, adrenals, pancreas, thymus, thyroid, pituitary, and pineal—that sublimate the energy of these glands and draw it upwards. Those in whom these channels are fully opened gain holy virtues, such as chastity, love and forgiveness, wisdom, and purity.

The Pranic channelanimates the Metaconscious, Subconscious, and Conscious mind, and anchors life force in the physical body. The eternal sun of life force within the Soul activates the Anandamayakosa, which turns on the switchboard of the Pranamayakosa—this sends the life force to animate the personality and the body.

The Kundalini channel awakens awareness and energizes the vehicles of consciousness—from the system of chakras in the Subconscious mind to the Soul’s essential vehicle, and reveals the presence of the Soul above its vehicles.

We teach how to safely awaken the Kundalini in our in-person intermediate meditation class, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation; those who take the by-mail and online version of this class, the Accelerated Meditation Program, can optionally schedule a supervised session in which they can be trained in how to awaken the Kundalini safely.

As you spiritually evolve, you purify the Ojasic channels and increase the Prana that flows forth from the Soul. You do not need to do any separate exercise to do this, as it takes place spontaneously as the Soul tunes up and purifies the karma behind its vehicles of consciousness. Concomitantly, you also extend the channel through which the Kundalini rises, as the Soul moves from nodal point to nodal point along its Path.

We suggest that you study these three separate channels, so you can understand what they do and discern their activity in you. While sublimation of hormonal essences and optimal pranic charging may enhance your experience of the Kundalini, they are not synonymous with Kundalini energy, nor do they hinder it rising, if they are not in their best possible configuration.

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