What is the Alaya?

Everything You Wanted to Know about Alaya but Were Afraid to Ask

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: Here’s another term that befuddles me: What the heck is Alaya?

A: We generally speak about Alaya as being the force that animates the cutting edge ensouling entity. There are actually three major forms:

  1. The Alaya directed to the ensouling entity – This is the brain center attunement. It gives life to the Soul. It reveals the calling of the Soul to complete its journey in that Division of the Continuum of Consciousness. It is the force that unfolds the Soul’s spiritual evolutionary potentials, which bestows initiation. It empowers the Soul to use its innate abilities, which are called the Shaktis of the Soul.
  2. The Alaya directed to the spirit – This is the spiritual heart center attunement. This activates the spirit in the domain that is contiguous with the cutting edge ensouling entity, and imbues it with Divine Love and remembrance of its Source. The Alaya expresses through a Nadamic Master that dwells in that domain to guide the spirit to reunify with the form of the Divine Beloved that dwells there.
  3. The Alaya directed to your vehicles of consciousness – This is the medulla center attunement. This circulates energy through your causal body, which revolves around your seed atoms of your vehicles of consciousness contiguous with your cutting edge ensouling entity.
    • It moves clockwise through the awakened zone of your consciousness, and allows you to carry out your personal and spiritual activities that arise from a center of integration—your ego, your Self, and your Soul.
    • It moves counter-clockwise through the layer of your unconscious mind directly behind your awakened zone of your consciousness, and brings forward your unconscious issues—these unconscious issues may be behavioral, like bad habits; emotional, like anxiety and depression; or cognitive, like obsessive or paranoid thinking—and allows you to process them.
    • The relative percentage of conscious/clockwise and unconscious/counter-clockwise energy movement varies widely between individuals. A woman with a virtuous, saintly character might demonstrate a 95% conscious/ 5% unconscious mix; whereas a man who is powerfully addicted to drugs might operate with a 15% conscious/ 85% unconscious matrix.

When the Soul is liberated in one Division of the Continuum, this brain center Alaya picks up and animates the Soul in the next Division. So for example, when you finish the development of the Soul Spark, Planetary Soul, and Monad in the first Division of the Continuum, the Alaya picks up and animates your Astral Soul in the Cosmic Sphere.

When you liberate the spirit in one domain, the spiritual heart Alaya will pick up and animate the spirit in the next domain. This occurs when, for example, you liberate the spirit upon the third Path of the Nada at the top of the Second Planetary Initiation, it animates the spirit of the fourth Path of the Nada, which begins in the Third Planetary Initiation.

When you drop a vehicle of consciousness into its origin, the vehicular Alaya will begin circulating around the next vehicle of consciousness on the next higher Plane. If you liberate your cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity and its associated vehicles of consciousness at the top of the First Cosmic Initiation, this energy will begin to work in your vehicles of the Second Cosmic Initiation, and work with the karmic stream behind those vehicles.

Q: Where does the Alaya come from?

A: The brain Alaya and the spiritual heart Alaya emanate from Satchitananda, the ensouling entity of the Seventh Transcendental Path. The rhythms of the vehicular Alaya originate from the Lords of Karma.

So when you liberate the spirit or the Soul, the energy of the Alaya returns to Satchitananda, then animates the next ensouling entity through the brain center attunement—or it may activate the spirit in the next domain through the spiritual heart attunement.

As long as you have vehicles of consciousness at your cutting edge of spirituality, this current of karmic cycling will operate within you.

Q: What happens if someone activates an ensouling entity, spirit, or nucleus of identity with its associated vehicles of consciousness outside the cutting edge of spirituality?

A: You perturb the Alayic Force.

First, you generate an imbalance that begins to create an energetic split between your cutting edge ensouling entity, its aligned spirit, and its vehicles of consciousness. You begin to partly process karma behind your vehicles of consciousness associated with your cutting edge of spirituality, and partly from behind the misaligned spiritual essence.

Second, when this imbalance reaches a certain point, you experience what we call a fulcrum shift: you fully identify with that spiritual essence that operates outside the cutting edge of spirituality, and your attention becomes fixed in this essence. You begin to primarily process karma from behind the misaligned spiritual essence; the karma behind your vehicles of consciousness associated with your cutting edge of spirituality begins to move into a state of suspension or dormancy.

When this fulcrum shift occurs, you begin to live from the misaligned spiritual essence and you may regard your native spiritual essences at the cutting edge of spirituality as unreal or illusory. You may abandon goals and desires that operate within and behind the spiritual essences and vehicles of consciousness at your cutting edge of spirituality; you instead operate on an alternate agenda.

Third, when you liberate the ensouling entity, spirit, and or vehicles of consciousness at this alternate octave of being, this energetic tributary to the native Alayic current returns to Satchitananda, and becomes refocused at the cutting edge of spirituality.

This is why the Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage may work with individuals, who have generated significant imbalances in their spiritual alignment, to liberate those higher essences, so they will be able to realign energetically with their cutting edge of spirituality. This heals the split within them.

This need for liberation of higher essences becomes most pronounced when individuals have moved their ensouling entity and spirit on a Transcendental Path way out of alignment, as the conflicting energetic harmonic that is set up makes it harder for them to function at the level of their personality.

Q: Is the Alaya the same as the Will of God?

A: The Alaya is synonymous with the core activity of the Divine Will. Those who work with a Master or Initiate may also incorporate the attunement of the transpersonal octave of will with the Divine Will, which confers discipleship. It may also include giving a spiritual service assignment to the attentional principle or the spirit under the Aegis of the Initiate who supervises the development of the Soul—we call this attunement, Dhana.

The next octave of the Divine Will aligns the personal octave of will with the Soul’s purpose. In disciples, when the Divine Will overshadows their transpersonal will, it is possible for the personality to receive the knowledge of the Divine Will through the Soul—and align personal activity to carry out that impress.

We discuss the Divine Will and its interface with the personality in greater depth in our article, “The personal octave of the Divine Will,” with is available in our Library. It is also published in our book, A Mudrashram® Reader: Understanding Integral Meditation. [We highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to study the Mudrashram® teachings in greater depth and to understand the different types of meditations that are subsumed under the umbrella of Integral meditation.]

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