The Seven Orders of Communication

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Q: How do I give Satsang? I’m not clear how I connect with the Soul and spirit to enable them to channel through me.

A: Satsang is a seventh order communication. These seven orders of communication are:

First order communication – self-disclosure. You use this when you tell your life story or share your experiences with others.

Second order communication – empathic reflection. You utilize this when you ask others questions to get to know them, and you reflect back their experience and their feelings and meanings to let them know you’ve heard them.

Third order communication – therapeutic suggestion. When you guide others to encounter their issues and emotional pain in their unconscious mind and assist them to resolve them, you are operating at this level of communication. This is the level at which psychotherapy is done. Hypnotherapists, who guide their clients to work with material in the unconscious mind, tap this level.

Fourth order communication – clarification and empowerment. You communicate at this level you guide others to uncover and clarify their options for choice, like a counselor. Coaches also access this level when they empower others to make choices to achieve their core life goals and hold them accountable to achieve them.

Fifth order communication – attentional guiding. When you are able to give suggestion to guide the attention of others along the thread of consciousness, you are connecting at this level. Those who do guided meditations communicate at this level. Yoga teachers, who teach deep awareness of the body and the subtle energetic system of the chakras, also activate this level.

Sixth order communication – spiritual communion. When you are able to directly behold the attentional principle and spirit of others, and you train them in meditation, or guide them through the inner Planes, you are in communion at this level.

Seventh order communication – inspired discourse (Satsang). When you are able to give a voice to your attentional principle, your spirit, and your Soul, and allow them to speak through you, you are capable of giving Satsang. Those who channel other entities also access this level, but they are acting as a mouthpiece for another being.

Those who utilize the method called intoning taught in our intermediate meditation courses—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—learn how to use their vocal octaves beyond consensual, everyday communication.

There are three steps to learning how to give Satsang:

  1. Focusing your attention on the aspect of your nature that you wish to express.
  2. Giving permission for this aspect to communicate.
  3. Inviting that aspect to speak.

Once you have invited that aspect to speak, you must simply allow it express, without censoring it or attempting to control what this essence communicates.

As you practice this more and gain more experience with the variety of levels of non-consensual communication within you, you will find it easy to tune into your spiritual essences and give Satsang.

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