Progressive Operation of Astral Perception

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q : How do we know the astral senses are working? Are there markers?

A: When your astral senses are engaged, there are twelve major markers. The capstone of this mastery over the astral body is the thirteenth, which is the ability to drop the astral body into the Light that creates it and be able to re-manifest it again. These markers can be listed as follows:

  1. Perceiving a sparkling edge to perception
  2. Perceiving floating colors in the air
  3. Perceiving a field of light beneath the appearance of objects; this stage may also bring the perception of auras or energy fields around objects
  4. Perceiving thought forms or ideas in the field of light; these thought forms may be seen to have a discrete size and features; some of these thought forms may be animated; some may interface and speak to you
  5. Ability to manipulate the size and spatial orientation of a thought form or idea
  6. Ability to combine and juxtapose thought forms to create a novel object
  7. Ability to dissolve or disappear a thought form
  8. Ability to become aware of distant physical or an astral locale
  9. Ability to notice objects and their movement of distant physical or astral locales
  10. Ability to notice the forms of those who are in astral locales and recognize what this form is
  11. Ability to engage in telepathic dialog with the inhabitants of these astral locales and with beings on the inner Planes of Light; ability to commune with a guide
  12. Ability to move through any of the 49 hypnotic channels and give suggestion at each level
  13. Ability to drop your astral body into the Light that made it and re-manifest it again

Markers one to three appear with the dawning of astral projection. Some people first encounter this when they ingest psychedelic drugs.

Markers four to seven herald the emergence of creative visualization. Artists, architects, and game designers frequently have this ability operating in them. Those of you who are developing your creative gifts may benefit from our “On Creation” public webinar series.

Markers eight through eleven are associated with the operation of clairvoyance and telepathy. Those who are trained in the Psychic Arts can learn to activate these levels of astral activity. Those of you who are working on development of your psychic abilities may enjoy our public webinar, the Psychic Powers Workshop.

Marker twelve engages the astral body in the inner work of healing, behavioral and cognitive change, and deep insight. We introduce the first 36 levels of these hypnotic strata in our intermediate meditation courses—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

We encourage you to master the art of directing the astral body through autohypnosis to assist you in performing inner work, as appropriate to augment personality functioning, to implement positive change, and to explore the deep strata beyond the personality that grants knowledge of the Superconscious mind.

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