Operating on All of Your Cylinders

By George A. Boyd © 2019

Q: What does the expression, to operate on all cylinders, mean?

A: We can draw an analogy between the awareness and functioning of human beings and the operation of a 12-cylinder car, like a Jaguar. These inner shifts in awareness and functioning appear to take 12 postures:

  1. Only senses function – You are aware of your body and the world around you. You dwell in the world of consensual reality at your waking state of awareness.
  2. Senses interface with memory – You activate the faculty of imagination. You are able to tell stories and express your creative ideas.
  3. Ego activation – Your desires are highlighted. The world revolves around you. You may wish to present the best impression of yourself to others, which may engage your defenses and lying to not show others any weakness or vulnerability.
  4. Mindfulness – You are able to collect your attention and observe the contents of awareness. You become aware of what is arising in the present time.
  5. Attentional travel – You are able to shift your attention and examine the focal points within your mind, and consciously shift perspective.
  6. Third eye opening – You awaken as the attentional principle, and you are able to use intention and suggestion to work on your life issues.
  7. Conscious life direction – You awaken the Self, which directs your entire personality through volition. You take charge of the direction of your life.
  8. Awakening of the heart – You become aware of your spirit. You awaken your inner wellsprings of love and devotion.
  9. Archetypal identification – You awaken a nucleus of identity and identity with it. You express the native virtue, abilities, and intuitive knowledge that this essence holds.
  10. Enlightenment – You become aware of the Soul and identify with it. You experience enlightenment and Gnosis.
  11. Higher octave awakening – You awaken an ensouling entity, spirit, or nucleus of identity in the Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, or Transcendental bands of the Continuum. You identify with the essence and express it.
  12. Satchitananda – You awaken as the Infinite Consciousness, and behold each of these other octaves within you.

Those that meditate open the possibility to activate cylinders four to twelve; those that don’t awaken their witnessing faculty, commonly are delimited to operating only with their first three cylinders. We teach you how to awaken cylinders four through ten in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We introduce you to cylinders eleven and twelve in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Through awakening your awareness and learning how to do inner work, you can activate each of your human and spiritual potentials, and begin functioning on all of your cylinders. If you are interested in learning how to do this, we can teach you how.

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