Is Re-patterning DNA possible?

Re-Patterning DNA? Not!

By George A. Boyd © 2013

There are a number of psychic healers who claim that they are able to re-pattern Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) and change longstanding patterns of emotion and behavior. While such a thing appears possible in the grandiose and sometimes delusional imagination of those who dwell in the Psychic Realm, this doesn’t take place in reality.

Re-patterning DNA would involve moving or repositioning base pairs—or substituting new base pairs for existing ones—in the trillions of cells of the body simultaneously. It is extremely unlikely that any attunement or evocative affirmation they may offer their client is powerful enough to change the genetic code in any cells, much less in every cell.

Some have the additional fanciful notion that it is also possible to add additional strands of DNA. This is purported to grant those lucky enough to have this miraculous intervention done, new powers, which effectively speed up their evolution to become more like the highly evolved aliens who pioneered these methods—and who are supposed to be channeling this guidance through the medium that brings you this revolutionary information.

We suspect that if any of those who have allegedly had their DNA multiplied would have a standard DNA test done, they would discover that no additional strands of DNA appear and there is the standard number of 23 chromosomes. It would be even more instructive to have this test done before having this “alien technology DNA augmentation” done, and then after, to see if there is actually any change in the number of strands or the number of chromosomes.

The helical structure that psychics behold is likely the Ida and Pingala channels that appear on the left and right side of the central channel (Sushumna) in each vehicle of consciousness. The apparent chromosome-like structures they see is not physical DNA—remember DNA is in every cell in the body—but rather the folded structure of karma, which Buddhists call a samskara, or mental impression.

It is certainly possible to interface with karmic impressions. This is probably what psychics who claim to re-pattern DNA are doing.

Some of the ways you can work with these karmic impressions include:

  • Process meditation – You can trace karmic sequences back to their original incident, which releases the emotional charge in these impressions.
  • Attunements – You can send the Light to dissolve and transmute the karmic impressions or invoke the Holy Spirit to do this—this is what Christians refer to as the “forgiveness of sin.”
  • Mantra – You can repeat a mantra keyed to the karmic impressions until these impressions attenuate and dissolve.
  • Re-choosing – Once you have regressed a karmic sequence to its original incident, you can make a new Soul choice to re-create this sequence with an alternative, positive pattern.
  • Dialog methods with visualization – You can interview the thought form that encapsulates these karmic impressions and dissolve it into the Light using methods from Agni Yoga.
  • Kriya Yoga and other methods that unfold a nucleus of identity or seed atom – You can dissolve the karmic impressions in the fiery alchemical vortex that forms around the inner vehicles activated through using Kriya Yoga and related techniques.
  • Dissolving in the channels of the Nada – Certain karmic impressions will dissolve when the spirit opens the channels of the Nada.
  • Transmutation through unfoldment of the Soul – Using transformational mantra or receiving initiatory Light Immersion will unfold the Soul and its vehicles, and will dissolve, transmute, and integrate the karmic impressions that dwell in the space between nodal points.

We encourage seekers to develop the discernment to not be misled by spurious notions about DNA re-patterning, and to learn those spiritual technologies that will enable them to genuinely efface the chromosome-like karmic impressions that hold them back from moving into the next stage of their spiritual evolution—for which no alien inventions are required—and begin to take conscious charge of their spiritual destiny while they are alive.

We teach each of these methods for working with karmic impressions in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We invite those interested in learning these techniques to investigate our meditation programs.

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