How You Can Activate Your Inner Seeing Power

By George A. Boyd ©2018

Q: How do people see auras and visions of the spiritual worlds? Is that a special Gift from God, or can anyone learn to do this?

A: Behind physical vision are seven other layers of vision:

  1. The vision of your astral body
  2. Your mind’s eye: what you “see” with your attention
  3. Your personal intuition, which allows you to see what is going on at each level of your personality
  4. The vision of your intentional consciousness, or attentional principle, which we call metavision
  5. The vision of your spirit, which we call heart sight
  6. The vast intuitive vision of your Higher Mind, or Buddhic capsule, that enables your Soul to “see” all of the realms it has opened up as it journeys across the Superconscious mind
  7. The simultaneous vision of each of these different levels from core sight, the Soul’s innate vision

Most people are familiar with the first three types of vision, your astral vision, your attentional vision, and your personal intuition. For example:

When you are asleep and your physical eyes are closed, yet you see the images and scenery of your dreams. This is astral vision. You also use this type of vision when you enter the state of hypnosis, or do astral projection.

You may have experienced listening to a lecture and you were only aware of the content of what the speaker was teaching you. This is attentional vision, which allows you to “see” ideas and associations. You can train this faculty in meditation to explore each level of your mind and activate the higher octaves of vision.

Personal intuition allows you to check in each level of your Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind, so you can monitor what you are experiencing. You might check into your feelings, the voice of logic, or your conscience, to help you decide what is the best course of action to take.

By focusing your attention on your attentional principle, your spirit, and your Soul, you can begin to activate vision types 4 to 7.

Realize that all of these forms of vision are operating just behind your physical vision in progressively deeper layers. To tap these other layers of vision, you need to (a) focus your attention there, (b) allow your awareness to open into this level of the mind, and (c) let your sensory energies withdraw into this deeper layer of the mind, where this higher order of vision operates.

What is true for vision is also true for the other senses—hearing, taste and smell (these conjoin in the deeper aspects of inner sensing), and touch—when you are able to withdraw your sensory currents into these deeper layers of the mind, these other subtle senses begin to function.

This withdrawal of sensory currents is called Pratyahara in Yoga Philosophy. You do this when you fall off to sleep, or when you enter a state of hypnosis—this allows you to activate the senses of your astral body.

When you collect your attention and concentrate upon the mental schema of something you are learning, you use attentional seeing. When you are deeply concentrated, you are just aware of what you are learning.

Your astral body’s vision regularly sees auras. If you travel in your astral body through the physical universe into what we call the Astral Light, it is possible to behold the inhabitants and scenery of the dimensional worlds or “Astral Planes.”

If you would like to learn more about the different levels of vision, you may enjoy the Vision Workshop, which is one of our Public Access Webinars. You can order it on our website, and read the notes and listen to the guided meditations, so you can learn how to access these deeper levels of sight.

For those of you who have not meditated before, and would like to learn to use attentional sight to explore the levels of the Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind—beyond just focusing on a mental schema for a subject you are learning in school or on a project you are doing for your work—you can learn how to do this in our beginning meditation program, the Introduction to Meditation Program. This is available online, or you can do an in-person class with one of our trained Introduction to Meditation teachers.

If you have meditated before, and you would like to learn techniques to awaken your immortal spiritual essences and activate your four highest octaves of sight, you can take one of our intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

If you can learn to focus your attention and withdraw your senses, anyone can learn to see auras and view the inner Planes—and with time and practice, to fully utilize each of your seven inner octaves of sensing.

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