How Mudrashram® Can Help You Reach Your Spiritual Objectives

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Aspirants report that they are seeking solutions to their core spiritual issues in eight major areas. We provide a brief summary of how Mudrashram® has developed specific tools to help you resolve these issues below.


How Mudrashram® helps
 you achieve this objective

Where you can learn this
 in our training programs

Relationship with God

We teach you how to connect with your spirit and to travel back to God in full consciousness (Nada Yoga); we teach you how to consciously journey through the inner Planes as your attentional principle and enter into the Presence of God (Raja Yoga); and we teach you to unfold your Soul’s spiritual evolutionary potentials so you can move along your path to where God dwells, you can ascend to spiritual Mastery and Liberation (Mantra Yoga)—these are the three core techniques of Integral meditation.

You can learn these core methods of Integral meditation in our intermediate classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—you learn advanced theory and techniques for these three methods in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation


Using the three core techniques of Integral meditation, you will finish your spiritual work in the Subtle and Planetary Realms, and you will no longer have to reincarnate physically. You will complete your spiritual work in the Transplanetary and Cosmic Realms, and you will no longer have to reincarnate in any astral form. You will complete your spiritual work in the Supracosmic and your aligned Transcendental Path; you will rise on the Bridge Path to Mahatma Stage, where you will no longer have to reincarnate in any causal world.

Our intermediate classes, augmented by actually journeying to all of these higher levels in our advanced course.

Perpetual Suffering

You learn specific methods to work with the karmic issues in your unconscious mind that give rise to suffering: you will learn a variety of tools drawn from invocational methods, intuitive meditation (Jnana Yoga), and activation of the inner Light Fire within you (Agni Yoga) to work on these issues and resolve them.

Our intermediate classes

Seeking Enlightenment

You learn how to activate the Illumined Mind to get guidance, to contemplate and derive meaning and understanding of spiritual ideas, and to discern and realize the essential nature of your Soul (Jnana Yoga)

You learn the fundamental techniques of Jnana Yoga in our intermediate classes, and even more profound methods to activate the Illumined mind and gain enlightenment in our advanced course.

Actualizing Spiritual Potentials

You learn a variety of ways to tap the spiritual potentials of your Superconscious mind: to awaken the vehicles of consciousness of your higher mind (Kundalini Yoga), to gain intuitive knowledge and insight from your higher mind (Jnana Yoga), and to engage in spiritual ministry and attunement (Agni Yoga).

Our intermediate classes, plus you learn about how you activate your spiritual powers in our advanced course.

Inner Sensing

You learn what are the octaves of sight in our public webinar, “The Vision Workshop.” You learn how to activate the attentional and metavisional octaves of spiritual sensing using Raja Yoga; the spiritual octave of sight using Nada Yoga; and the higher intuitive and core octaves of sight using Jnana Yoga.

You learn the fundamental techniques of Raja Yoga, Nada Yoga, and Jnana Yoga in our intermediate classes, and even more powerful methods to activate these forms of inner sensing in our advanced course.

Knowing Soul Purpose

You learn about the different octaves of purpose are in our public webinar, “The Purpose Workshop.” Through Raja Yoga you are able to travel into the presence of your Soul and trace its track across the higher unconscious to behold each stage of its journey to Mastery and Liberation, which is called its Intrinsic Soul Purpose. Through Jnana Yoga, you gain the ability to dialog with your Soul and allow it to reveal the aspects of its purpose that it is expressing in your life right now, which is called your Expressed Soul Purpose.

You learn the fundamental techniques of Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga in our intermediate classes, and additional methods to visualize the higher reaches of your Soul’s Intrinsic Soul Purpose in our advanced course.


You learn how to activate the Quintessence Divine Name, which allows your Soul to unfold through the Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, your aligned Transcendental Path, and the Bridge Path. You are able to accelerate your spiritual development exponentially, so you can do thousands of lifetimes of spiritual growth in this very life. We offer Light Immersion, which we call Light Sittings, for active students to assist them speed up their spiritual progress even more.

You learn the fundamental techniques of Mantra Yoga and Guru Kripa Yoga—the reception of spiritual Grace and Power from a spiritual Master that unfolds the Soul—in our intermediate classes, and you learn additional methods for Mantra Yoga and the key transformational method, Kriya Yoga, in our advanced course.

We invite you to explore the articles on this blog, our Open Stacks page, and our Library on this website. You can purchase one or more of our public books to learn more about our innovative and comprehensive system of Integral meditation on our sister website, Mudrashram® Publishing.

You are welcome to take webinars that interest you, available in our Public webinar area.

After you have had a chance to examine our teachings, and feel that what we offer resonates with your sense of truth and provides a elegant solution for what you are trying to achieve spiritually, we encourage you to sign up for—if you have never meditated before—our beginning meditation program, the Introduction to Meditation Program.

Those who have meditated before or who have completed the Introduction to Meditation Program, you can sign up for one of our intermediate programs. Once you complete one of our intermediate programs, you become eligible to take the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation and the additional advanced programs designed to maximize your spiritual experience and accelerate the attainment of your spiritual objectives.

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