Expanding Consciousness

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: People talk about expanding their consciousness. If consciousness operates in the brain, how is that possible? What the heck are they talking about?

A: There are several viewpoints on what expanding consciousness is. There are two major types of this change in perception that occurs when consciousness expands:

Attentional – This type is predicated upon the movement of attention and the concomitant opening of awareness.

Transformational – This type looks to the unfolding of the Soul and the changes that occur in its vehicles of consciousness: this is most pronounced in the brain center of the Soul’s essential vehicle.

In both types, there is a new perspective:

In the attentional type, your attention moves to a new place on the thread of consciousness and views from that standpoint.

In the transformational type, your ensouling entity moves, and it opens an area of the unconscious mind that was formerly behind the ensouling entity, and can now clearly view the contents of this reclaimed level of the Superconscious mind.

To bring about attentional expansion of consciousness, we teach Raja Yoga in our intermediate meditation classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. To generate transformational expansion of consciousness, we impart to you a transformational mantra in our intermediate meditation classes.

In the waking state of consciousness, which is the ground state of your attention, you witness the activity of your brain. Many people mistake this activity of consciousness that operates in the living brain as consciousness itself; those who meditate, however, learn to isolate the attention and discover this inner witness. This collection of your attention leads to the isolation of the “attentional sphere;” this is the state of witnessing mind—or as the Buddhists call it, mindfulness.

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