Aberrations of Volition

By George A. Boyd ©2017

Normally your volition is anchored in the ego, Self, and Soul, and you operate autonomously. There are, however, a variety of states in which volition appears to operate outside these parameters, giving rise to states that feel like they are beyond your ability to control them. These are briefly described below.

  1. A higher aspect of the will in a nucleus of identity or higher octave ensouling entity, which has been activated through meditation practices earlier in life or in a prior incarnation, may begin to overshadow the personality and give behavioral commands. This may occur concurrently with a Kundalini awakening—the Kundalini is raised into this essence when this overshadowing occurs—or this can occur without it.
  2. In this state, an entity in the unconscious mind split offs from the personality and exercises control over thinking, feelings, and behavior. These split-off elements of the mind, which appear to act as islands of volition, have been called subpersonalities. Working with these subpersonalities typically utilizes hypnosis or imagery psychotherapy. This type appears to correlate with the experience of those who demonstrate addictive behavior—even though they “choose” not to do something, these patterns take them over and enact the behavior despite their objections.
  3. In certain spiritual traditions, the Masters or Initiates may induce spiritual awakening experiences. When an Initiate takes someone as their “disciple” through this energetic transfer, they may begin to exert control over them. A beam of Light or Shakti appears to anchor in an inner center within these “chosen disciples,” connecting them directly with that Initiate. These multiple rays emanating from the Initiate form a pattern like a wheel—we call this emergent pattern, the wheel attunement. Those caught in this attunement may report that they receive direct commands to carry out overt behavior or to do specific meditations.
  4. As a result of doing Vipassana or Zen meditation practices, some practitioners report that they enter a void or vacuum state in which it appears that there is no Self or doer, and actions appear to arise of themselves. In Taoism, this state has been called wu wei.
  5. In states of severe inner conflict, people may experience “Jekyll and Hyde” splits within themselves, where their normal personality functioning appears to be taken over by a separate or alternate personality within them. Each alternate “Self” appears to have its own volition. This state appears in dissociative or multiple personality disorders. Therapies that work to achieve personality re-integration are used to address this type of volitional aberration.
  6. When people surrender their will to God, a spiritual Master, a god or goddess, or their Higher Self, they often find that this agency of the Superconscious mind begins to direct their behavior, giving them specific guidance as to what they should do. This seeking of a Higher Power’s direction is voluntary. This voluntary allowing of a Power outside their own Soul to guide and direct them can be extended to a variety of other “invitation scenarios:” letting a god, goddess, or “spirit” take over their voice and movement (possession trance), asking a spirit guide to speak through them (channeling), or requesting “God” or the “Holy Spirit” to speak through them (prophecy).
  7. This state appears when someone enters an altered state of consciousness and powers begin to operate that are not available to normal personality functioning. These powers can arise as a result of the Infilling of the Holy Spirit (the Gifts of the Spirit), union of attention with a higher spiritual essence (Samadhi), or the full awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. This is a highly ecstatic state. The powers that arise in this state go away when the Holy Spirit withdraws, attention returns to normal awareness, or the Kundalini goes back down to the grounded state.

Type 1, 3, and 6 volitional aberrations require you to break the connection with the internal or external agency that exerts control over you. We discuss type three in greater depth in our articles in the Library, “Induced Kundalini Awakening” and “When Spirituality Is Less than Free.”

Integrative psychotherapies can help you deal with type 2 and 5 volitional anomalies. Self help methods like the Rainbow method and the Mandala Method that we teach in our intermediate meditation programs, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program, may assist you gain insight into these patterns. These approaches aim to bring the wayward subpersonality or complex back into integration with the Self.

The volitional alterations of type 4 and 7 can usually be rectified through returning attention to the waking state of awareness from the altered state of consciousness that contains the abnormal perception of volition (type 4) or the activation of supra-personal “powers”(type 7), and/or lowering the Kundalini Shakti.

If you are aware that you are experiencing one or more of these types of aberrations of volition and it is interfering with your functioning, we encourage you to pursue the strategies appropriate for your situation. If you are beginning to lose control of your life and destiny through your spiritual practices, you may wish to back off from them for a while, to help you regain your balance and perspective.

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