A Gentle Request

Recently, we have been getting a deluge of comments on our blog with advertisements for medications, jewelry, and sundry products that have nothing to do with spiritual development and are completely irrelevant to the post that we have put on our blog.

While we certainly want you to prosper and make your affiliate commissions, or to make the world learn about your organizations or your product and services, this is an inappropriate forum for these comments.

We will perfunctorily delete them and report them as spam when it is clear that your intent is simply to send us unsolicited material inappropriate to our web site and those who are coming to it.

The purpose of the comments section beneath each of our blog posts is to allow you to comment on the article. You liked it. You disagree with one of the points. You gained value from it. You didn’t understand something. That is what it is for.

Please respect the intent of the comment section, and stop posting irrelevant and inappropriate material.

This website is written in the English language. Those who come to this website read and understand English. A number of you have been submitting comments in Russian, Chinese, and other languages that I and my readers do not understand. If you wish to post, could you please do our readers the courtesy of first dropping your comments into Google Translate or what ever translation software you use, and then posting it in English for your comment?

Thank you for your attention to these ground rules for posting on our site. We want to hear your opinion. We don’t want your spam.

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