Concerning the Three Threads

By George A. Boyd ©2022

Q: You speak of three threads that connect with the Superconscious mind. What are these threads? Can you explain how these threads function?

A: The three threads are the thread of faith, the thread of consciousness, and the thread of remembrance, also called the Antakarana.

The thread of faith connects you with the Self, the Soul and the form of God in the First Mesoteric Initiation. This is activated when you believe in your Self, your Soul, and God. This thread is associated with praying to God.

The thread of consciousness is the track on which attention travels in meditation. It passes through each level of the mind and every level of the Continuum. It runs through each vehicle of consciousness and through each active ensouling entity. The attentional principle and spirit can be accessed along this track. Raja Yoga meditation trains you to move your attention along this thread.

The thread of remembrance contains your insights, revelations, realizations, and inner experiences that you have had at each nodal point of the Path. When you open this track, you contemplate upon the knowledge and understanding that you have gained at each step of the Path. In response to your questions, this thread gives you answers. It can channel its knowledge through you via automatic writing, intuitive transmission, and inspired speech. Jnana Yoga meditation taps into this thread, and allows you to access its intuitive knowledge for each of its seven chords:

  1. The first chord accesses the conscience. You activate this chord through introspection and values clarification.
  2. The second chord opens into the intellect. You utilize this chord through study, using problem solving skills, conceptual thinking, and review and testing.
  3. The third chord unlocks your worldview. You enter into this level through philosophical inquiry, journaling, and inner dialog.
  4. The fourth chord channels your psychic guidance to inform your decisions and promotes finding meaning and understanding of your life experiences. You turn on this chord when you ask for guidance for your life, using Reflective Meditation.
  5. The fifth chord taps into your Soul’s wisdom to gain insight into the meaning of ideas, symbols, and archetypes. You awaken this level when you reflect on the meaning of symbols and archetypes, scriptural passages, or evocative ideas, applying Reflective Meditation and contemplation.
  6. The sixth chord brings remembrance of the true nature of the Soul. You commune with this chord when you use advanced Jnana Yoga practices that promote discernment, enlightenment, and Gnosis.
  7. The seventh chord tracks across the unconscious mind. It connects you with the origin of your vehicles of consciousness, your spirit, and ensouling entity. You go through this thread when you practice advanced Jnana Yoga practices and consciously move through the unconscious band of the mind.

You learn to employ the thread of faith in religious groups, who train you how to pray and invoke the form of the Divine known in that tradition.

You can learn how to activate the thread of consciousness and the thread of remembrance in our intermediate meditation classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

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