Stages of Experience of Transformation

By George A. Boyd ©2021

Q: I have been doing a transformational technique, a mantra given me by my Guru. I’m not sure it is working. How can I tell whether I’m making progress or not?

A: The way we measure progress of a transformational technique is whether it moves a spiritual essence towards its source. Depending on the transformational technique you have received, it might move a nucleus of identity or an ensouling entity.

Your experience of opening to the next stable point along the Path of this spiritual essence may take a variety of forms:

  1. Muscle relaxation – one of the first things you may feel is your muscles let go of their tension.
  2. Emotional release – when this stage dawns, as your muscles release, you will also discharge emotions that were repressed into the unconscious mind. You may process and release old patterns of reacting.
  3. Revelation – when you open to this stage, you may receive intuitive guidance or revelation when your spiritual essence moves to a new nodal point.
  4. Kinesthesia – at this stage, you distinctly feel that something inside of you is moving. This leads you to surmise something is happening, but you can’t verify what is occurring.
  5. Downpour – when your meditation progresses to this stage, you will actually feel the downpour of the Spirit, which burns away your karma behind your spiritual essence and moves this essence to a successive nodal point. This is the level at which you are first able to verify whether transformation is taking place or not.
  6. Beholding the Light – when you reach this stage, you will behold the Light with your attentional principle. You will witness the Light burning karma and unfolding your spiritual essence as it occurs. At this level, you can confirm transformation is taking place.
  7. Sending the Light – at this deepest level, you are able to send an attunement and actively unfold the spiritual essence of your Path. This is called the Power of Translation. At this level, you can consciously generate transformation, so you know that it is taking place, because your attunement causes it.

As your meditation experience progresses through stages one to three—generating physical, emotional, or cognitive change—you cannot be certain your transformational method is genuinely moving your spiritual essence along its track, or whether these are just by-products of the relaxed, alert state of awareness native to meditation.

Stage four marks the level when you feel something is happening at a level deeper than your personality, but you can’t verify it.

Stages five through seven are where you actually can verify your transformational technique is working to move your spiritual essence along its track—you feel it, see it, and ultimately, are able to produce it.

In Mudrashram®, we include Raja Yoga meditation in our program, which enables you to go within to levels where you can feel and see the Light of the Spirit unfolding your spiritual evolutionary potentials. You learn these techniques in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

In this same class, we teach a transformational mantra that unfolds your ensouling entity at the cutting edge of spirituality. We call this mantra, the Alayic Divine Name or the Quintessence Mantra.

We encourage you to commune with your spiritual essence while you are doing your transformational method. This will enable you to reach stages five and six, where you can feel and see transformation taking place in real time.

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