Imagination Viewed through the Seven Rays

By George A. Boyd ©2017

Some aspirants conflate the intention-driven movement of the attentional principle in the Raja Yoga technique of direct projection that we teach in our intermediate classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—with the aspect of imagination that creates things that don’t exist. It will be helpful to understand the perspectives of the Seven Rays to become clear on which aspect of imagination needs to be isolated and cultivated.

These expressions of imagination across the Seven Rays are described below:

  • 1st Ray – This type confers the ability to create or “mock up” images, scenes, or imaginary characters. Graphic artists use this type of imagination to create animations, storyboards, and cartoons. Architects employ it to imagine the details of their finished building. This is primarily visual imagination.
  • 2nd Ray – This type tells a story or recounts the narrative of real life events, or creating the adventures of a fictional character in a novel or screenplay. Fiction writers, and documentary and fictional screenwriters utilize this type of imagination. This is the imagination that arises from remembered experience.
  • 3rd Ray – This type bestows the ability to create song lyrics, fictional narrative, or poetry through dialoging with subpersonalities, or the mental representations of historical and mythic characters. Some get their inspiration from listening to the ideas that bubble up from the deeper strata of their mind. Poets, musicians, rap artists, fiction writers, and screenwriters tap this source of imagination for lyrics and dialog. This form of imagination comes from inner listening or speaking.
  • 4th Ray – This type visually captures the experience of the attentional principle as it moves in full consciousness along one of the Seven Ray paths. This is the aspect that seekers often believe is fantasy, when in fact, this is the actual experience of the attentional principle. Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, made use of this aspect when he did his “thought experiments” to explore light. This form of imagination comes from spiritual experience.
  • 5th Ray – This type applies the ability of the mind to hypothesize, to infer, to speculate, and to extrapolate to make projections for the future, to visualize potential outcomes for different alternatives, and to suggest ideas for experimental testing. Scientists draw on this type. This form of imagination comprises creative modes of thinking.
  • 6th Ray – This type projects your wishes and hopes on another person, on an archetype, or a spiritual being. This type is involved in attribution, where you infer people possess certain qualities or character traits. It also plays a role in idealizing another person, or worshipping a Divine Being. It also expresses in imagining what heaven might be like, what angels are like, or being with the spiritual Master in Heaven will be like. Religious believers of sundry faiths regularly adopt this form of imagination. This form of imagination stems from emotion and human desire.
  • 7th Ray – This type grants the ability to embody and personify subpersonalities, fictional characters depicted in scripts, or real life characters in documentaries. Actors, mimes, dancers, and comedians demonstrate this form of imagination. This form of imagination expresses through movement and enactment.

To perform Raja Yoga, aspirants and disciples need to stop discounting the inner experiences of their attentional principle as fantasy. They need to accept that this is not a rational function of the mind, but it is a viable and real form of experience not limited to the perceptual environment of the physical senses. Reason has its role in reality testing, but to limit human experience to what can be known by reason is to excise 90 per cent of human functioning.

It will be helpful to understand that the attentional principle and the spirit have an experience that is not limited to the physical senses, but employs more subtle senses to perceive the inner, subjective world of the mind and the dimensional worlds of the Great Continuum of Consciousness. This is an independent experience from the life narrative of the human ego.

The key skill that aspirants and disciples must master to enter into the attentional principle’s and spirit’s experience is to shift their attention into their perspective, so you can view with the inner eye of these spiritual essences. We teach the methods to do this in our intermediate meditation classes.

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