Pokémon Stop! (Working with Thought Forms)

By George A. Boyd ©2016

In the wake of the technological innovation that allows millions of people to collectively hallucinate using their smart phone [Pokémon Go]; it is important we investigate the nature of these mysterious creatures—for if we can make them go, we need to be able to also make them stop.

Pokémon are examples of thought forms, which are the animated presentation of your imagination that embody your desires and wishes, your hopes and fears. For most people, these mysterious characters of the mind seem to have a life of their own. But to shut these down—so they can have mental silence and peace—this process eludes them.

We will discuss the possibility of how you can work with thought forms, so you can at least temporarily turn them off, both the thought forms that distract you and those torment you and bring you misery. The persistent thought forms we call subpersonalities.

Types of Thought Forms

There are three types of thought forms, which you express through the faculty of imagination.

  1. Active imagination – this is the aspect of imagination that is involved in visualization, which enables you to create a thought form temporarily to work out a problem, and then, you make it vanish.
  2. Characterological imagination – these make up integrated subpersonalities that are used in humor and personification.
  3. Unconscious imagination – these are non-integrated subpersonalities that dwell in the unconscious mind, which operate outside the personality.

When do you use these types of imagination?

You use active imagination when you design,create cartoons, or modify existing products. It operates in the etheric body of the Metaconscious mind, and the intellect modulates it. The intellect guides what you create, and like a white board, you can readily dissolve this thought form when you are done with it.

You use characterological imagination when you personify different people, when you role-play, and when you do comedy or dramatic acting. It operates through the persona, guided by your will. These thought forms persist, but you can turn them off and on as you will.

Unconscious imagination, which has been called fantasy, or primary mental processing, dwells in your unconscious mind, outside of your ability to control them voluntarily. They persist until you fulfill the desire that creates them. These thought forms can persist for a lifetime

Unconscious imagination embodies your wishes, fears, desires, and yearnings that you cannot integrate into your personality, and express in your life. You do not control them with reason, conscience, intellect, or will. They are personifications of the dark substrate of the unconscious mind that we call karma.

Characterological thought forms are ego-syntonic: you incorporate them into your personality and accept them as a part of your Self. Unconscious thought forms are ego-dystonic: they do not fit into your personality, they feel alien, and you have no way to express them in your current circumstances in your life.

An example of this ego-dystonic thought form is when you yearn for a relationship with someone, but you have no current opportunities for a partner or your external circumstances do not permit the expression of your romantic urges [e.g., you are living in an ashram or convent that does not allow you to engage in romantic or sexual behavior].

Where Do Unconscious Thought Forms Dwell?

Those who are clairvoyant see human beings have a series of energy shells that interpenetrate the physical body:

  1. Etheric – the field of life force
  2. Astral – the emotional field [this is primarily where the thought forms dwell]
  3. Lower mental – the field of your entire personality, comprising your Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind—this is called the mental aura
  4. Higher mental – the field of the Superconscious mind, sometimes called the spiritual aura

Most people encounter their unconscious thought forms in the emotional field. They appear as a swarm of animated entities that cling to the edge of the astral aura. They persist despite the admonitions of the conscience, the logical arguments of reason, the pragmatic and problem-solving solutions of the intellect, and the command of the will.

Psychics refer to these unconscious thought forms as entities or elementals. They have a variety of methods to ostensibly remove them—but we note that many of these interventions are temporary—for if the desire that underlies these entities is not fulfilled, they come back.

How to Work with Unconscious Thought Forms

Methods that psychics, other spiritual healers, and therapists use to remove these thought forms that entify in the unconscious mind include:

  1. Attunement – this approach burns entities off the aura. Light Immersion and “spiritual healing” typify this approach.
  2. Dialog – this approach speaks to the subpersonality and interviews it. The Rainbow Method [which we teach], Voice Dialog, and Psychosynthesis use this.
  3. Rational argument – this approach attempts to argue with theirrational beliefs that underpin these subpersonalities. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, and the Socratic Method implement this approach
  4. Present time immersion – these “enlightenment” approaches emphasize dissolving thought forms through holding the attention on the wave of the present time. Eckhart Tolle groups, some coaches, and New Age healers embrace this approach.
  5. Historical uncovering – these approaches attempt to find out where the core issue that the entity embodies originated. Process meditation, psychoanalysis, and hypnotic regression adopt this approach.
  6. Invocation – this approach calls upon an empowered agency in the Superconscious mind; the one who calls upon this Being believes it is compassionate, powerful, and able to help. It utilizes prayer to God, the Holy Spirit, a saint, a mighty angel, or a spiritual Master to remove the entities.
  7. Transformation – this approach draws down the Divine Light to dissolve, transmute, and integrate the entities in the unconscious mind. Transformational (bija) mantra and Kriya Yoga apply this approach.

There are three potential outcomes of these interventions.

  1. Dissolve the entity permanently – this occurs most often through methods one and seven, attunement and transformation.
  2. The entity temporarily dissolves, but returns changed – this is most commonly generated through method two, dialog, but methods three (rational argument), four (present time immersion), five (historical uncovering), and six (invocation) can also produce this result.
  3. The entity temporarily dissolves, but comes back unchanged – this is the most common effect of any intervention.

Outcome one, permanent dissolution, appear to occur when (a) issues that are part of destiny karma are completing, or (b) entities that appear in the Superconscious mind that were created in past lives that have no relevance to the current life. These are the entities that commonly dissolve using attunement and transformation.

Outcomes two and three, temporary dissolution, typically mark entitles that are part of your destiny karma—unconscious issues that you have to deal with in your current life, which may stem from events in the current or recent past lives.

When Entities Change

When these thought forms change, they can change along several parameters. For example, these can be changes to:

  1. Temporal and visual appearance – the subpersonality can change appearance, ranging from that of an infant to that of a old man or woman; it can also transform from one visual presentation to another
  2. Emotional tone – the emotion that the subpersonality embodies can shift, sometimes radically—for example, different subpersonalities can variously express feelings such as apathy, depression, grief, anxiety, fear, rage, irritation, boredom, interest, or enthusiasm.
  3. Emotional maturity — the reaction of the entity can range from infantile tantrums to mature dispassion and wisdom
  4. Solidity of the entity’s form – the entity’s density can shift from as dense as granite to a diffuse as a vapor
  5. Loquacity – the entity can communicate regularly and actively or it can be non-communicative, remaining in stark silence.
  6. Magnitude – this is the size the entity appears, which can range from the size of a pinpoint to that of a giant.
  7. Coherence – the subpersonality’s communication can range from a jumble of disoriented speech to a cogent, clear message
  8. Identity expression – the subpersonality shifts from being shy, meek, and timid to bold, arrogant, belligerent, and grandiose

We refer to this transformation of thought forms as evocatory transformation. This type of transformation occurs when the characteristics of a thought form change, but there is no concomitant change to character, consciousness, or being.

Some people mistake the transformation of these entities for genuine spiritual transformation. So while the characteristics of these subpersonalities can change, the Soul and its vehicles do not move, the spirit makes no progress towards its source, and the unconscious does not transmute. Only the thought form has changed to embody a new emotion, a new attitude, or a new perspective.

In the short video below, we playfully demonstrate a thought form that appears as “Supreme Commander, Master Pokémon.” Since many of the Pokémon that artists create are childlike and not particularly powerful or masterful, our transformation of a childlike thought form to embody confident emotional tone [3], adult emotional maturity [4], active communication [5], orderly thematic communication [7], and bold and grandiose identity expression [8], typifies changes that could occur to a thought form when it radically transforms after temporary dissolution.

Radical transformation of thought forms does occur, but it is likely not a frequent occurrence. While transformation into its complete opposite is not the rule for thought forms—for example, a rage-carrying thought form changes into a holy, loving, and forgiving one—there is generally some movement along a gradient towards positive improvement.

In this type of more gradual transformation, a thought form embodying rage might moderate into one that carries irritation and frustration, which demonstrates a migration of its emotional tone towards the more positive pole, and a waning of the intensity of the anger it was carrying. Changes to other parameters go along with this alteration in emotional tone: its appearance and size might transform into a small vexed imp from a large, raging red demon; it might communicate different ways of describing its emotional state, “this frustrates me,” instead of “I will destroy them;” and the identity expression becomes less belligerent.

Working with Thought Forms that Distract You

When thought forms operate in the mode of distraction, you are aware of your fears, desires, and worries. They interrupt your thinking. They break your concentration. They upset your peace and serenity. You want to banish them and make them leave you alone: they ignore you.

As a result of this invasion of your mental space, you can’t focus. You are inundated with fits of silliness. You find yourself brooding upon your anger and resentments instead of doing your work. A swarm of worries attack you. You start having romantic fantasies. This interferes with your productivity. This disturbs your peace of mind.

Methods to turn off these impish troublemakers include:

  1. Command them to be still and silent – In this approach, you call upon a deeper aspect of your mind—your Self, your spirit, or your Soul— to take charge of them.
  2. Acknowledge their issues and make an appointment to deal with it – Here, you engage with the subpersonality that is distracting you, and acknowledge what it is feeling. You might say, “You seem to be really worried about this. How about if you and I have a session to examine this and resolve it at 7pm tonight?” If this thought form agrees, you then will ask it to not disturb you until then.
  3. Do a mantra or prayer to set your mind back to stillness – Some people repeat a mantra like “Om,” “Ram,” or “Om Mane Padme Hum,” or a prayer like “Our Father” to release the emotional energy in the astral band of the aura where these entities congregate.
  4. Vipassana on the elements arising in your consciousness – In this method, you focus your attention on each thought form that arises in the present time, notice what it is, and let it pass away. This method presumes you do not have other tasks to which you must give your concentration and get done. This technique could be done during a work break, a bathroom break, or lunch, if these thought forms invade your mental space at work.
  5. Analyze and take action – In this tactic, you analyze what is the source of the distraction, and you either take immediate action to resolve it, or you give powerful suggestions or affirmations to quell the concern of the subpersonality. So for example, to a frightened subpersonality, you could give the suggestion, “Don’t worry, I’m here for you. I’ll protect you and keep you safe. It’s OK.”
  6. Invocation – In this way of working with a mischievous subpersonality, you might pray to a Divine Being or the Holy Spirit to bring your mind back to stillness and to enable you to focus again.
  7. Use a Centering Technique – These techniques move your attention into union with the Self, shifting your focus from the emotional band of your aura where these entities dwell to the lower mental zone of your mind, where you have greater control over these entities. [We teach eight Centering Techniques in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.]

While none of these interventions will necessarily make them go away permanently [if they are part of the issues that make up the destiny karma of your life], these methods can clear your mental space so you can focus on your immediate tasks and complete your objectives. You may find that you might need to vary the method you use to address different subpersonalities. For example, an angry entity might respond to command, whereas a frightened one might need comforting suggestion.

Dealing with Misery-Creating Thought Forms

If you have experienced abuse, molestation, or trauma in your life; have been robbed or assaulted; have been terrorized or known terrible fear; or many of your dreams have been frustrated—you may have misery-creating thought forms. Misery-creating thought forms produce phobias and panic attacks, crippling anxiety, severe depression, post traumatic stress disorder, insomnia and sleep disorders, and paralyzing indecision and uncertainty.

To overcome misery-creating thought forms, you normally will require loving and supportive people in your life, and the professional help of a counselor or therapist, who has been trained to help people with these issues. There are self-help methods, but if they do not allow you to get a handle on these more severe issues, you do need to seek the assistance of a professional—andif your issues are so severe that you cannot function, or you are homicidal or suicidal—you may even need hospitalization and medication.

Self-help methods that have been used to treat these deeper, more painful issues include:

  1. Emotional healing – these methods include prayer and dialog with the Divine, and reception of the Holy Spirit into the core of your pain and misery.
  2. Mental healing – these interventions bring down the Light of the Illumined Mind to uncover and uproot the beliefs underlying these painful emotional complexes.
  3. Intensive process meditation – this approach identifies each aspect of the misery-creating thought form and does a specific process meditation to deconstruct every part of it.
  4. Spiritual awakening – these practices bring your attention into union with a spiritual essence, which brings about a radical change in the way you perceive these painful issues. The powerful and life-changing insights that occur in this state can uproot these misery-creating thought forms and sometimes even dissolve them. Passive ways of producing this state include ingestion of psychedelic drugs or receiving an attunement (Light Immersion) from a spiritual Master; active ways include meditations that produce the state of Satori or Samadhi. Kundalini awakening can produce this state.
  5. Transformational meditation – these meditations draw down the Divine Light and actively dissolve, transmute, and integrate the elements of the unconscious mind, and move the Soul and its vehicles progressively towards the Source. These types of meditations actively burn away the karmic seeds that underlay these misery-producing thought forms, and those issues that are not embedded in the matrix of destiny karma can be eradicated through these methods. [We teach how to use a transformational mantra in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.]
  6. Radical forgiveness and confession of the truth – these processes, which are used in programs like A Course in Miracles and evangelical faith healing groups, facilitate forgiveness of self and those who have perpetrated injury and abuse upon you, promote understanding of the pain and misery of those who harmed you, and confess your own moral failings on the altar of the Holy Spirit within the heart. Unlike emotional healing, in which you simply receive the Love of God, this method involves inquiry and honest self-exploration.
  7. Multi-faceted intervention – in this scenario, you use multiple techniques to understand, process, and work out the issues that your misery-creating thought form embodies. You might use autohypnosis, affirmation,targeted process meditation, methods of reflective and receptive meditation, prayer, and dialog methods like the Rainbow Technique to resolve these issues.[We teach each of the methods listed here to work on personal issues in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.]

While chasing Pokémon hallucinations in the environment is engaging fun, the inner Pokémon thought forms might not be so entertaining or benign. We have discussed the different types of thought forms; ways healers and therapists seek to remove them from the emotional band of the aura; and how to deal with the ones that distract you, and the ones that torment you. We encourage you to identify the thought forms that are active within you, and learn ways to work with them to control them, and ultimately resolve the issues they carry.

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