Who is George A. Boyd?

George A. Boyd is a meditation teacher, counselor, poet, and author.

George has studied and practiced meditation since 1965.

He is an master meditation teacher and an innovator in the field of meditation. He developed a system of Integral meditation in 1983 that he has taught to groups and individuals since that time.

He is the founder of the Mudrashram® Institute of Spiritual Studies and the editor and publisher of Mudrashram® Publishing.

George holds a BA in Psychology from UCLA, an MA in Clinical Psychology from California State University, Dominguez Hills, and an Alcohol Drug Counseling Certificate from UCLA Extension.

He has additional training in Psychosynthesis, Voice Dialogue, Focusing, hypnotherapy, Movement Expression™ dance work, Neuro-linguistic Programming, plus has Certificates in Life Coaching and Virtual Coaching.

He worked as an academic and vocational counselor for 16 years and as a drug counselor for 3 ½ years.

He is a prolific poet. His poetry is noted for its mystical and spiritual themes.

He has self-published nineteen books and six workbooks for meditation classes that he has developed, plus a correspondence course for advanced meditation students. In 2022 and 2023, he published 14 eBooks on Amazon Kindle.