The Seven Postures of Faith

By George A. Boyd ©2023

This is a companion article to “How Christians Get Caught Up into Conspiracy Theories.” We continue our inquiry into how Christians’ experience changes as they make progress on their spiritual journey towards sainthood.

Q: What are the different expressions of faith? Does faith have different facets during different stages of a Christian’s spiritual journey?

A: There are seven major postures of faith:

  1. Ego-based faith – The expression of faith at this level includes literal belief in the truth of the Bible, claiming Divine Promises will come true, and proclaiming superiority over others and specialness as a Christian. At this level, Christians demonstrate judgmentalness, intolerance towards those of other faiths, and readily believe that only they will be saved and everyone else will go to hell. They condemn others who do not adhere to their beliefs and values.
  2. Character-based faith – Faith at this level emphasizes correcting values, beliefs, and behavior to establish more loving, kinder, and ethical relationships with others. Believers at this level of spiritual maturation seek to live up to the core values of their faith and follow the teachings of Jesus; they want to “walk their talk” and improve their character, so they can be good examples for their families and their communities.
  3. Missionary faith – Those who reach this level, after having incorporated the moral values of their faith, feel they need to act on the Great Commission to bring others to the faith. At this level, they speak about how their faith has changed their lives, given them hope when they once felt despair, and provided a sense of meaning and purpose—when formerly, they had none.
  4. Visionary faith – Christians crossing the Psychic Realm begin to have mystic experiences. They may receive revelations; angels and Biblical figures may come to visit them in their dreams and meditations. They may receive a variety of messages, ostensibly from Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or from saints that tell them they are blessed and holy, and they are one of God’s chosen elect.
  5. Wisdom-guided faith – The sojourner who arrives at the Wisdom Plane listens to the inner voice of wisdom, which instills prudence, fosters good judgment, inspires personal restraint, develops forgiveness and understanding. Those that operate from this platform “tell the truth with love,” to facilitate others gaining insight into their behavior and how it affects others; those that can hear what those on the Wisdom Plane communicate to them, and implement it, usually change for the better.
  6. Communion-based faith – Those Christians who enter the First Planetary Initiation activate the Christ Child nucleus of identity. They receive direct guidance from the Holy Spirit, which comes to dwell in the inner altar at the core of the Moon Soul.
  7. Empowered faith – Christians who complete their journey through the First Exoteric and First Mesoteric Initiation attain the form of the Saint. From this platform, they can minister the Holy Spirit to others.

Many of the excesses of Christians arise from the first posture of ego-based faith. This perspective leads them to arrogantly assume they are righteous, their views are “the only truth,” and that others must follow what they believe or be damned.

Some Christians never grow out of this mindset; this has made others turn away from the Christian faith, based on the hypocrisy, the hatred, and intolerance that these ego-based Christians demonstrate.

As Christians grow in their spiritual walk, in the second posture they start to work with their conscience and their character, and strive to be more ethical and upright people.

As Christians further mature into the third posture, they focus on bringing new people into the fold, and hone their skills of communication and persuasion. In this perspective, Christian’s entire Self and personality is aligned with becoming aligned with becoming an ambassador for their religious organization.

As Christians continue to undergo spiritual growth, in the fourth posture, they begin to open into the Psychic Realm. Here, they begin to receive revelations, and have visitations from numinous beings. While some of these spiritual visitors may imbue the wayfaring Christian with sound doctrine and “gold tried in the fire,” a good number of these messages are distorted, deceptive, and deluded. Believing these revelations can lead believers into adopting conspiracy theories and outright fantasies as the truth.

When Christians begin to receive inner correction from the Light of Wisdom in the fifth posture, they begin to jettison their egotistical assumptions about their faith and abandon the delusional beliefs that they adopted in the Psychic Realm. This instills a greater sobriety and humility in believers, as they come to understand greater truths revealed through the Voice of Wisdom—instead of following the Sirens of the Astral they encountered in the Psychic Realm.

During the sixth posture, Christians gain direct access to the Holy Spirit, as it comes to dwell in the core of the Christ Child nucleus of identity. At this stage, the Holy Spirit begins to manifest in different ways:

  1. The Spirit of Truth – This changes people’s false beliefs and negative attitudes, and uproots the spurious assumptions of conspiracy theories and the erroneous doctrine of cultic groups.
  2. The Comforter – This initiates emotional healing through catharsis, telling the truth, and surrender of willful and defensive attitudes.
  3. The Merciful One – This forgives sins, and brings about reunion with the Moon Soul, which grants the experience of rebirth into a pure and good spiritual essence.
  4. The Divine Counselor – This bestows the guidance of wisdom to correct behavior and align human life to the moral values at the core of the Moon Soul.
  5. The Divine Healer – This ministers physical and etheric healing to believers, and to those for whom they pray.
  6. The Teacher and Revelator – This awakens the Revelatory Center or “Mind of Christ,” which reveals the meaning of scriptural passages, and gives insight into symbols, archetypes, and parables.
  7. The Divine Guide – This leads the Christian’s attentional principle through the inner worlds of Light into the presence of the Christ Child nucleus of identity, where it can directly commune with the Holy Spirit in the altar of the heart.

When Christians attain the prize of sainthood in the First Mesoteric Planetary Initiation in the seventh posture of faith, they begin to minister the Holy Spirit to others. This ministry from the platform of the saint invariably has the ability to send the Holy Spirit to comfort those who are troubled and ask for help. But the Divine may confer additional gifts on some saints:

  1. To manifest a guide form to the attentional principle of others and lead them through the inner Planes to the presence of their Christ Child nucleus of identity
  2. To perform miracles.
  3. To demonstrate the stigmata and other marks of sublime sanctification.
  4. To reveal the truth that enables others to see the error of their ways; to confess their sins, to repent, and make a commitment to follow the Divine Will for their lives.
  5. To heal others’ illness and emotional pain at the physical, etheric, and emotional levels through laying on of hands or through giving people objects charged with the Light of the Holy Spirit.
  6. To directly channel the Holy Spirit to give teaching and counsel.
  7. To demonstrate perfected virtue and holiness.

Unfortunately, many of those who claim to represent the Christian faith are established in postures one or four, where they either come across as bigoted and judgmental assholes or complete crackpots. Perhaps if more of those who have genuine communion with the Holy Spirit in posture six, and those who have advanced to the Glory of Sainthood in posture seven, became the face of this religion to the world—for those who seek the shelter of religion to help them receive guidance for their lives, to reform their character, and experience genuine spiritual growth—the religion would attract new followers, who stay with the faith, and not abandon it in disgust.

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