The Challenge of Working with Concretized Thought

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I have heard you use the term, concretized thought. What do you mean by this?

A: There are three major levels of thought:

  • Concretized
  • Abstract
  • Spiritual

The seven levels of Concretized Thought are:

Naming – This establishes a one to one correspondence to physical objects and people. This creates the sense of reality for the environment and the objects and people who are in it.

Attribution – This assigns qualities or labels to physical objects or people. This places subjective judgments about these objects and people, and emotionalizes them.

Experience – This is your memory for life events and the people in your life, which generates your life narrative and your sense of connection to other people.

Learning – This is your memory for facts and information. This mnemonic reservoir is only as accurate as the quality of the information you learn—if you learn information that is incorrect, you will share that incorrect information with others and believe it.

Attitude – This is the stratum of emotionalized beliefs. You might idealize other people and things; you may demonize them. Negative attitudes form the basis of prejudice, arrogance, and racism.

Beliefs – A dictionary definition of beliefs is “the acceptance of the truth or actuality of something without certain proof; [it is a] mental conviction.” Commercial advertising, journalism, politics, and religion are examples of agencies that seek to shape beliefs; this in turn, may lead you to develop positive or negative attitudes about certain topics, objects, or other people.

Opinion – This is communication of your beliefs as speech, writing, or through other media.

Concretized thought can be vitiated through distorted beliefs and incorrect information. Especially when information is communicated to you in an emotionalized or sensationalized fashion, it may powerfully shape your beliefs and attitudes; those who disseminate falsehoods and wrong information can readily manipulate people, who are unable to verify the information they receive.

The seven levels of Abstract Thought are:

Mindset – This is a perceptual frame that is a container of your beliefs about the world, other people, and yourself. It may be difficult to break out of a mindset that posits certain beliefs about your potential and what is possible in your future; limiting mindsets may hold you back from taking risks and realizing your dreams.

Values – This is the content that arises from your conscience, which dictates the standards and moral rules that shape your behavior, mold your character, and influence the way you relate to other people. Values affect your beliefs about what is right or wrong; what is good and evil; and what you should and shouldn’t do.

Plan – This is a mental roadmap of the behavioral steps you must take to accomplish a goal. Planning, together with the execution of that plan, form the basis of your ability to work and carry out the functions of adult life in family, academic, and vocational settings.

Goal – This is a statement of what you choose to achieve. When goals are clothed in desire, they are called dreams. Goals are ideas of what you want; a plan provides the steps for you to achieve that goal; action enables you to attain that goal.

Problem solving – This is the action of your intellect, which uses intelligence to solve problems. Education and training develop your problem-solving skills.

Reflection – This includes thinking about the meaning of concepts and how they relate to other ideas. Reflection creates theoretical models of the world; science tests those models to see if they are accurate. Reflection about your life and the choices you have made is called introspection; reflection about your values is called values clarification; reflection about your options is called decision.

Personal intuition – This is the mental function that allows you to “check in” with the different levels of your mind and to get information on what you are experiencing. As you know and understand your self, you can extend this into an empathic reflection into the experience of others. This ability to have empathy for others is the basis for what has been called emotional intelligence.

Abstract thought draws upon the faculties of your Metaconscious mind. Problem solving and reflection may help you work with concretized thought to uproot the false information and beliefs that undermine its reliability and accuracy. Critical thinking and the ability to examine your beliefs and values help you to gain greater control over the ideas and information that enables others to deceive you or manipulate you.

Spiritual thought also has seven major facets:

Revelation – This is the passive reception of information from an archetype or spiritual being. If revelations are not subjected to reflection and analysis, they can lead to irrational beliefs. Some of the conspiracy theories circulating today stem from insights or revelations that have not been thought through, and are simply presented as truth.

Dialogue – This is an active question and answer discussion with different aspects of the personality or with elements of the Superconscious mind. At the personal level of dialogue, you might interview your ego, or a personification of one of your issues in your unconscious mind (subpersonality), your conscience, or your Self. In the spiritual level of dialogue, you might ask questions and listen to the answers from your attentional principle, your spirit, a nucleus of identity, or your ensouling entity—or you might dialog with spiritual beings who are outside of your own axis of being, such as angels, Ascended Masters, spiritual guides, the Holy Spirit, or the Divine. Dialogue is the foundation of journaling.

Guidance suggestion – This is a directive given to your attention in meditation, hypnosis, or psychotherapy to focus your attention on an internal aspect of your mind. You may be asked to observe this internal object of meditation; you may be asked to dialogue with it; or you may be asked to interact with it. Guidance suggestion underlies guided meditation, hypnotherapy, and many of the imagery therapies that interact with intrapsychic elements.

Creation – This anchors thought forms in the Astral Plenum though affirmation, visualization, claiming by faith, and decree. Thought forms are purported to substand the phenomena of miraculous manifestation; the New Age community relies upon the creation of positive thought forms to activate the Law of Attraction.

Love – This is the thought stream of love and devotion that comes from your spirit. You become aware of this type of thought when you meditate upon your spirit.

Attunement – This is the beam of directed thought from your attentional principle that carries the Divine Light during attunements. In addition to making attunements, this beam of intention can activate a transformational mantra, actively focus your attention on an object of meditation, or enable the attentional principle to travel through the bands of the Continuum of Consciousness.

Illumination – This arises from the activation of the Illumined Mind of your ensouling entity. This allows you to access the knowledge of the Superconscious mind, to receive the wisdom and guidance of your ensouling entity, and to discern the true nature of your ensouling entity.

You access spiritual thought in the Superconscious mind. Spiritual thought allows you to work on yourself and uproot the false beliefs that plague concretized thought; it promotes insight, understanding, creativity, and the expression of your ensouling entity’s wisdom, love, and ability.

The Psychological Matrix

There is interaction between eight of the levels of concretized and abstract thought that can distort belief and behavior:

  1. Attribution can go astray when people have negative experiences, incorrect learning, mistaken attitudes, and false beliefs that influence your ideas about other people. Attributions that come from the unconscious mind are called projections; desire and fear distort projections.
  2. Life narrative can be subverted through traumatic, abusive, or difficult life experiences; erroneous learning, warped attitudes, and untrue beliefs can distort your perception and experience of your life and self-image.
  3. Learning can be vitiated when you receive incorrect information.
  4. Attitude can be conditioned though attribution, experience, learning, and belief.
  5. Belief can be influenced through your experience, learning, and values; the opinions and judgments of others also play a role in shaping your beliefs.
  6. Opinions communicate your values, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, and attributions; when these levels of the psychological matrix have been corrupted, your opinions reflect this bias.
  7. Mindsets are held in place through other’s opinions; and through your values, beliefs, attitudes, and experiences. Negative mindsets can impede growth and change; positive mindsets can facilitate forward movement in your life and achieving more of your potential.
  8. Values can influence your mindsets, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes; how you regard your life experiences; your attributions, and your behavior. When you accept the values of others as your own (introjection), this can powerfully affect how you view yourself, others, and the world.

Your psychological matrix is constructed from the interaction of these eight facets; when these have been perverted, your beliefs and mindsets may imprison you. Those who begin to work with spiritual thought—aspirants and disciples—can begin to purify this psychological matrix.

Purifying Your Psychological Matrix

There are a variety of methods that you use to begin to purify your psychological matrix:

  1. Attribution – Ascribing correct descriptors to a person’s character and behavior; re-owning your projections
  2. Life narrative – Working out traumatic and abusive life experiences through psychotherapy and forgiveness; experiencing emotional healing through reception of the Holy Spirit or Comforter
  3. Learning – Correcting inaccurate information; utilizing critical thinking, reality testing, and reflection to uproot incorrect learning
  4. Attitude – Cultivating loving kindness, compassion, and understanding towards yourself and others
  5. Beliefs – Deconstructing false beliefs through cognitive behavioral therapy; immersion in the stream of the Illumined Mind
  6. Opinions – Gaining direct experience and accurate knowledge that counters inaccurate learning and beliefs; connecting with your attentional principle, your spirit, and your ensouling entity and receiving truthful guidance
  7. Mindsets – Shifting attention into alternate frames of perception (reframing); operating from the deeper perspective of the Self and the Soul; moving your attention into higher levels of awareness (consciousness raising)
  8. Values – performing values clarification and introspection; exposure to moral teaching that enables you to evaluate your behavior and the values you have chosen; choosing to improve your character; and discovering your Dharma—the inmost core of truth within your heart.

You learn several of the modalities of spiritual thought in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. Through these applied methods you can begin to reform the layers of concretized and abstract thought that imprison you in the labyrinth of your psychological matrix.

One thought on “The Challenge of Working with Concretized Thought

  1. Thank you for reminding humanity of our wonderful God who forgives all sins and heals all diseases (Psalm 103:3). I’ve personally seen God touch people around the world; healing their hearts, renewing their mental health, healing their bodies, restoring their relationships and families. Our loving God is truly a miracle worker who loves and wants to help us overcome our struggles to find peace, rest and comfort in Him. ~ Paul

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