Persistence of Elements of a Kundalini Syndrome

Persistence of Elements of a Kundalini Syndrome After Dynamic Rebalancing

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Since 2006, we have been offering Kundalini Syndrome Readings for members of the meditation community. Those of you who may be suffering from a Kundalini Emergency Syndrome can obtain our Kundalini Recovery Services through sending us an email with your picture, a description of the symptoms you are experiencing that you believe might arise from this energetic syndrome, and giving us some background of your condition.

When people have a Kundalini syndrome, one of the options we offer people is to have a dynamic rebalancing. This moves the seed atoms, nuclei of identity, or ensouling entities that have been moved off the axis of being from spiritual practice, which are producing the Kundalini syndrome, back into alignment with that axis again.

Dynamic rebalancing can sometimes dramatically improve the symptoms of a Kundalini syndrome. It does so through shifting several parameters that contribute to the symptoms the person is experiencing:

  1. Identity – The rebalancing shifts your identity from the essence activated via the imbalance to the essence on the cutting edge of spirituality, which is grounded in human life. This helps you overcome depersonalization.
  2. Perception – It moves you from the perception that you are above human life—where you view it from a detached perspective and view it as unreal or dream-like—to re-owning your life, as you re-identify with your Soul, your personality, and your unique human life. This combats derealization.
  3. Awareness – It lowers your awareness, backs it down from fixation in the essence that is awakened through the imbalance to returning it to the waking state of awareness, where you are fully grounded again. This may wean you from floating and spacing out.
  4. Volition – It changes you from passively witnessing the unfolding your life in the present time—the state of being—to again functioning as the actor in your life, where you have the capacity for choice, decision, and directing your life direction again. This empowers you to be able to make your own decisions again.
  5. Thinking – It alters your mindset from watching thoughts arise and pass away, as if they didn’t belong to you, to the capacity for directed thought, including: intelligent problem solving; analysis; using creative pathways of thinking, imagination, and visualization to look at problems in a new way; and tapping intuition and listening for its guidance. This enables you to think for yourself again, and not simply repeat the doctrine or teaching of the spiritual group to which you belong.
  6. Emotions – It changes your emotional set from dissociation from your emotions and regarding them with dispassion and detachment to ownership of your genuine feelings and rehabilitation of your ability to feel your emotions again. This overcomes dissociation and emotional numbness.
  7. Actions – It reorients you from trance-like and automatized behavior of doing religious rituals or pilgrimages; following an established schedule, like the daily schedule of an ashram or monastic community; and remaining fixed in somnolent altered states of awareness to self-initiated, goal-oriented, personally relevant purposive action again. This allows you to set the course of your own life again instead of acting on the agenda of your religious group.
  8. Energy – It brings the Kundalini energy down from remaining fixed in the essence of consciousness awakened through the imbalance to return to its fully grounded state. This stops the physical symptoms of your Kundalini syndrome.
  9. Experience – It modifies your experience from floating in an altered state of consciousness, detached from human life, to re-identifying with your life and the meanings you derive from your human experience. This lets you heal the split between your spiritual being and your ego [once you discover that your authentic cutting edge of spirituality expresses in your life and your ego plays a role in enacting the units of behavior that actualize your plans].
  10. Attention – It refocuses your attention from continual association with the essence of consciousness that has been awakened—or fixation and absorption in it—to returning to the waking state of awareness again, in its fully grounded state. This terminates living in a trance.
  11. Memory – It reorients you from the stage of union with the wave of the present time or the experience of eternity to reconnection with your lived human present, with access you your actual remembered life experience. This remediates memory blocking, problems with recalling what you did in the past
  12. Senses – It re-engages your sensory channels from union with the void with no mental content to full sensory contact with the environment and re-establishing relational connections to the people around you. This brings you back to the world instead of hanging out in oblivion.

When dynamic rebalancing is successful, there is little persistence of the symptoms of the Kundalini syndrome or of the consequences of moving selected essences of consciousness off the axis of being. However, we have noted in several instances, this full re-orientation does not occur. We speculate that that this may be linked to several discrete factors:

  1. There is more than one spiritual essence generating the imbalance – This occurs when someone has moved several spiritual essences off of the axis of the axis of being, so the non-rebalanced essences perpetuate the symptoms of the imbalance. This happens when, for example, a Yogi Preceptor has initiated someone and has moved cosmic consciousness off the axis of being; this person has also received initiation from two separate Supracosmic lineages and transferred both of these unique seed atoms off of the ground state. [Many seekers follow this pattern of taking multiple initiations in different spiritual traditions, leaving the spiritual essence of each tradition only partially developed—and each of these spiritual essences continues to subtly pull on consciousness.]
  2. There is a desire to continue to dissociate from painful feelings – Some aspirants continue to associate their attention with the essence that was moved out of alignment with the axis of being because they do not want to confront the pain, fear, and shame that awaits them, were they to return to full re-orientation with their human life and personality.
  3. There are various triggers that lock someone into continued identification – Aspirants may continue to follow the lifestyle that locks them into continued identification with that lifestyle. For example, they may have changed their name and their new spiritual name reminds them of the spiritual essence that was awakened. They may continue to have objects or pictures in their home that takes them back to the feelings they had being in the group that promulgated identification with this spiritual essence. They may continue doing meditations or practice hatha yoga that lifts their attention into that essence again.
  4. The karmic stream behind the essence has been activated – Once aspirants engage with the karmic stream behind a spiritual essence, it may continue to generate impressions, desires, and fantasies even when the essence has been returned to realignment with the axis of being. If these impressions that arise from this alternate karmic stream are of greater intensity than those arising from the spiritual essence at the cutting edge of spirituality, aspirants may continue to be locked in that focus. [The karmic stream behind the cutting edge of spirituality is connected with their unique spiritual destiny, which we call the intrinsic Soul Purpose. We can assist you identify your Intrinsic Soul Purpose with a Soul Purpose Reading.]
  5. Ongoing relationships with those who maintain that altered state of consciousness continue to exert influence – Many aspirants continue to have regular, ongoing relationships with those who continue to do the spiritual practices that have produced the imbalance, and they may place pressure on aspirants to continue the practices and “make progress on this Path.” Friends, relatives, romantic partners, or co-workers—people with whom aspirants have regular contact—can exert these continual demands upon aspirants to resume practice and return to the fold.
  6. Spiritual relationship with the aspects of the Divine that are part of the cosmology in which the spiritual essence dwells – Aspirants may have come to rely upon the aspects of the Divine, the spiritual Master, or other spiritual beings that inhabit the inner horizon in the worldview of the awakened spiritual essence to continue to help them, guide them, strengthen them, or comfort them. They may continue to invoke these beings through prayer, chanting, or mantras, and this lifts their attention to union and re-identification with that spiritual essence again, and to induces them to remain in that state of consciousness.
  7. Continued habits of thinking, relationships, and action – Extended relationships with members of groups that did spiritual practices that unfolded aspirants’ spiritual essence outside the axis of being and promoted attentional union and identification with that essence may have established habit patterns. These habits of thinking, emotional relating, and daily activities may continue to lock aspirants into that spiritualized perspective, and make it difficult for them for them to return their attention to waking awareness and to re-engage with their life again.

If you have recently left a religious or spiritual group, but you notice that you continue to float in the altered state of consciousness that you cultivated in it, there are several things you can do:

  1. Return your attention to the grounded state of awareness. Don’t continue to keep it in union with the spiritual essence you cultivated in the group.
  2. Invite your Soul and your Self to take dominion over your life again.
  3. Consider you are now an ex-member of that group. Remove objects or pictures that remind you of the altered state of consciousness you maintained while you were in the group.
  4. Re-identify with your Soul, your Self, and your life. Set active goals and make plans for your future.
  5. Stop practicing meditations that take you to that altered state of consciousness.
  6. Establish a connection to the forms of the Divine that operate at your cutting edge of spirituality.
  7. Consciously develop habit patterns that reinforce operating from your authentic Self. Take ownership of your life, thoughts, feelings and experience. Commune with the ensouling entity that is embodied and expresses through your personality.

Through using remedial strategies such as the ones we suggest here, we expect that in time—those who experience persistence of elements of their Kundalini syndrome or continued sequelae from spiritual imbalance—can experience normalization of their experience and re-identification with their authentic human nature and fully embody their genuine spiritual nature once again.

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