Gift Certificates for Our Services

Giving a Gift Certificate for Services on this Web Site

You may now give a gift certificate for our services as a gift for your loved ones. Our gift certificates are available in $35.00, $70.00, $90.00, $105.00, $360.00, and $480.00 amounts. These services and the value of their gift certificates are shown below.

Our $35.00 Services

Foot Reading

Tarot Card Reading

Basic Soul Reading

Seed Thoughts for Meditation

Our $70.00 Services

Soul Purpose Reading

Higher Octaves of Spiritual Development Reading

Spiritual Teacher/Spiritual Path Compatibility Reading

Meditation Technique Analysis Reading

Triple Scan Reading (includes the Foot Reading, Tarot Card Reading, and the Basic Soul Reading)

Our $90.00 Services

Meditation Consultation

Practical Meditation Consultation

Our $105.00 Services

Karma Reading

Relationship Compatibility Reading

Our $360.00 Services

Metavisional Past Life Reading (detailed reading of all lives in this Cycle of Time)

The Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation

Our $480.00 Services

The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation

[Your loved one must have completed a basic course, either the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program first, and preferably studied with us for six months, to take this course]

Giving A Book or Program as a Gift

You can also purchase our books and programs for your loved one. Some books and programs have prerequisites or required applications. Be sure to consult the page for the book or program you are thinking of getting your loved one.

For example, you loved one would have to fill out an application to take the Accelerated Meditation Course in the by-mail format available from our sister site, Mudrashram® Publishing. You can pay for this after your loved one has been notified of their acceptance for this program.

To obtain books of the Initiate’s Library level one, the Satsang Program Home Study Course, or the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, your loved one must have completed a basic course, either the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program first.

To obtain books of the Initiate’s Library level two, your loved one must have completed the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Ordering by Pay Pal

First let us know that this is a gift. Write, for example, in the comment area on Pay Pal: “This is a gift for my beloved, John. His full name is John Doe. His email address is john.doe at”

If you know what way your loved one would like the service delivered, you can let us know. Certain programs are only available in person, so consult the page for the service to know in what formats it is delivered. This format list will look like this:

Available In Person By Appointment By Mail Email Video (Skype or webinar)

If a photo is required, please make your loved one aware of this. A photo is not necessary for in-person and video delivery, but it is required for mail or email. Here are some general guidelines about pictures:

About Your Photo Your picture should allow us to clearly see your loved one’s eyes, face, and the space above the head, preferably chest up. If you are requesting a foot reading, we’ll need a picture of your loved one’s feet.
Mailing Your Photo? The photo should be wallet sized 2”x3” [5.4cm x 7.4cm] or above at the best resolution
Emailing your Photo? We prefer that you send us photos with 300 dpi in TIF or PNG format, but JPG is all right. Make the size of the photo small with high resolution. Try to keep the file size under 1.5 megabytes if possible.

To Order A Gift Certificate for a Reading or Service by Mail

By Mail Mail your check or money order payable to Mudrashram Institute in US dollars to Mudrashram, Post Office Box 1424, San Jacinto, CA 92581 • Enclose a picture • Please let us know what reading you are requesting

To Order A Gift Certificate for a Reading or Service Online

You will simply click the order button on the page of the service you want. It will look like this:

Online Email your picture to Click Here