Concerning Transformation on the Four Poles

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: I’m not clear about how transformation works in your Integral meditation system. I’m aware that if I do the mantra my Guru gave me, my cosmic consciousness moves closer to Brahman and God Realization every day. How is your approach different?

A: In our Integral meditation system, we recognize there are three distinct types of transformation: spiritual, perceptual, and personal.

Spiritual transformation includes:

  1. Pole One – Unfolding of your cutting edge ensouling entity from nodal point to nodal point along its spiritual evolutionary track. This is called Initiation.
  2. Pole Two – Your spirit opens the Nadamic channels and unites with the reflection of your ensouling entity in the Nada. [In the Transcendental Sphere, your spirit can unfold your ensouling entity through a meditation process we call shepherding.]
  3. Pole Three (A) – This is the track of balanced development. As the ensouling entity unfolds, each seed atom and nucleus of identity aligned with the ensouling entity unfolds in synchrony, in perfect correspondence to the ensouling entity on each Plane.
  4. Pole Three (B) – This is the track of imbalanced spiritual development. In this scenario, one or more seed atoms or nuclei of identity unfold outside of the axis of being, out of synchrony and alignment with the cutting edge ensouling entity.

Perceptual transformation includes:

  1. Upper Pole Four – Moving the attention and attentional principle to selected focal points in the Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, or Superconscious mind awakens awareness, and opens a new perspective. The ability to reframe or revision life issues and personal problems is important for catalyzing the process of change.

Personal transformation includes:

  1. Lower Pole Four – This comprises the activity of your personal integration centers, your ego in the Conscious mind and the Self in the Metaconscious mind. Personal transformation comprises changes in your behavior and life.

Examples of personal transformation include:

  • You change your behavior and habits to improve your health and serenity
  • You learn methods to lower your stress
  • You change your emotional reactions, so don’t get upset as often and you are better able to cope with the challenges of life
  • You change your values and character, so you treat others with respect and kindness
  • You change your ability through acquiring new knowledge and skills
  • You change your ability to carry through on your objectives, so you are more effective at reaching your goals
  • You are able to better deal with anxiety, compulsions, and depression through gaining insight and moving forward in your life
  • You attain your personal dreams through persistent constructive action

We show you how to generate each of the balanced types of transformation in Mudrashram®.

In the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, we teach you spiritual transformation upon poles 1, 2, and 3a—and how to avoid the imbalanced approach of pole 3b.

We also show you how to bring about perceptual change through Raja Yoga, which operates on upper pole 4.

We give you tools to work on the issues of your personal life for lower pole 4, to help you generate personal transformation.

You learn these methods in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

While the meditation you are doing to unfold your cosmic consciousness is blissful, and brings a downpour of revelation, immersion in Divine Love, and awakens your dormant powers in the First Cosmic Initiation, what you are actually doing is adopting strategy 3b, where you are unfolding a nucleus of identity outside of the cutting edge of spirituality.

In our Integral meditation system, we do not immediately begin unfolding your cosmic consciousness. Instead we unfold it in synchrony with your Astral Soul and its other centers, and with each other octave of being.

Rather than isolating your cosmic consciousness, and moving it along its track through the First Cosmic Initiation, out of alignment with the rest of your being, we unfold it concurrently. While our system is more complex, we work on all our poles—poles 1, 2, 3a, and upper and lower 4—so you avoid creating spiritual imbalances. And that, in a nutshell, is the difference between these approaches.

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