Another Look at the Moral Will

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I am unclear how the moral will expresses in me. Can you shed some light on this?

A: [The moral will is the octave of will that is anchored in the Moon Soul or Christ Child nucleus of identity in the first Planetary Initiation.] We can examine the places in the mind where the moral will operates, how it expresses across the Seven Rays, and its influences on your life and the larger society in which you live.

When we examine the moral will and its reflections in your inner vehicles, we can visualize its operation as a series of resonances that operate in different strata of the mind and your brain:

Brain – The moral will appears as a vortex in the Moon Soul in the First Exoteric Initiation.

Point between the eyebrows – The moral will’s first reflection may be found in the 11th nodal point of the Heavenly Realms Subplane of the Psychic Realm, where it dwells in the Lower Heavens. This urges you to live up to noble spiritual ideals and to express a saintly character.

Throat – The moral will’s second reflection resonates in the 10th nodal point of the Universal Mind Subplane, where it draws upon the Law of Divine Power to anchor affirmations that support good behavior and acts of kindness and charity.

Heart – The moral will’s third reflection is anchored in the point between the eyebrows center of your form on the highest Subplane of the Biophysical Universe, in the Planes of Etheria. This sets up the resonance for harmonious living and right activity in human life and in the family.

Solar Plexus – The moral will’s fourth reflection is established in the 10th nodal point of the Subtle Mental Subplane in the Middle Subtle Realm. This brings the revelation of scriptural truths and Divine commandments that enjoin ethical behavior.

Navel – The moral will’s fifth reflection operates in the Subtle Causal Body in the Lower Subtle Realm. This brings the blessings of a saintly character.

Base of the spine – The moral will’s sixth reflection activates the solar plexus center in the vehicle of the Conscience of the Metaconscious mind, where it sets up the rules for self-discipline, promotes self-restraint, and exhorts renunciation of sensual pleasures and carnal habits.

Feet – The moral will’s seventh reflection acts to mobilize inhibitory neural pathways that suppress certain behavior. This stops you from acting in certain ways.

When the moral will is activated, we see that it can be detected at each of these levels. When the moral will’s activity is viewed across the Seven Rays, it is perceived differently:

First Ray – This conveys Divine direction through commandment or prophesies. It directs you to act in obedience to God.

Second Ray – This grants understanding as to why you should follow the commandments of God. It gives you a reason why you should follow what the Divine tells you what you to do.

Third Ray – This provides knowledge of the consequences of evil actions and good actions. The moral will gives you the injunction to follow the Path of righteousness and goodness.

Fourth Ray – This brings a feeling of peace; you feel Divine Grace is touching you. This indicates you are living in harmony with the inner direction of the Divine.

Fifth Ray – This guides your Conscience to exact observance of Divine commandments, which leads you to be scrupulous and conscientious, and to carry pit introspection into your motives, so you can live with a “pure heart.”

Sixth Ray – This inspires the fear of God. It insists you abandon rebellion against God and to be obedient to God’s will.

Seventh Ray – This establishes habits and rituals to carry out Divine commandments and principles of righteous living. For example, this might encourage you to do daily prayers, engage in scriptural study, attend religious services, and to inner purification to live in accordance with the inner direction coming from the moral will.

You may experience the moral will through one or more of these its expressions. As you understand these different ways the moral will expresses, you will come to recognize when it is operating.

The moral will operates in progressively broader scopes of activity:

Individual behavior – You choose to follow the direction of the moral will.

Family – You or another family member hold other family members to live up to the ideals of spiritual living, as the whispering of the moral will directs.

Social group – You and members of a friendship group or club to which you belong hold each other accountable to follow rules and principles of ethical behavior.

Company – The leader of a company or a manager brings spiritual values into the policies that employees are expected to follow. Management holds employees to these standards.

Community – City council members and those who sit on country boards of directors bring their values into play to shape board decisions as to what is enacted and funded.

State – State legislators and the governor of the state use the moral will to guide the development of state laws that affect the citizens of the state.

Nation – Members of congress and the senate, together with the president and his cabinet, frame national policy and legislation according to the principles of the moral will that guide them.

People who express the moral will not only utilize it to guide their own lives, but they also bring it into expression in larger social circles, where their values influence and affect the lives of others.

We encourage you to study the moral will through these three perspectives. This may help you better grasp how it operates within you and affects the world around you.

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