Information about the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation

What Is the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation?

The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation (MACIM) is a program developed for those who

(a) Have completed either the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program
(b) Who have six months experience meditating using the techniques taught in our foundation courses, and desire to look ahead on the Path and learn about the Path ahead, which leads to Mastery and empowerment
(c) Have gained competence in using the three core techniques of Integral meditation—transformational mantra, Nada Yoga, and Raja Yoga
(d) Are able and willing to sit in meditation for extended periods of time—up to an hour or more—to explore the profound heights of the Great Continuum of Consciousness
(e) Are able to take a course in person in Southern California, or who are willing to put together a group in their local area and pay for our expenses to bring it to you [in-person format]—or take this course as a live webinar [webinar format], or do it on-line as independent study [on-line format].
(f) Have a strong aspiration to explore the three highest bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, the Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental Spheres
(g) Desire to work more closely with the teachers of the Mudrashram® lineage, Swami Prem Dayal, Swami Charan Das, and Swami Prabhu Maharaj, and ultimately prepare for discipleship

What Will I Get from this Course?
  • You will learn a comprehensive guided program of Integral Meditation, which will give you the advanced techniques to powerfully enhance and accelerate your spiritual progress. You will be trained in the most powerful meditation techniques that will help you make a quantum leap in your ability to meditate.
  • You will be initiated into a Kriya Yoga technique, and you will explore the Kriya Yoga system of transformation
  • You learn to awaken your spirit’s devotion, which will ascend even more swiftly—in full consciousness—to the Divine Source from which your spirit was born, and you will learn about all twelve segments of the Nada
  • You will learn to travel with full awareness onto the inner Planes of Light through all levels of the Great Continuum of Consciousness—Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental
  • You will go deeper and higher in meditation than you have every gone before, and you will be able to visualize the entire track of your future spiritual growth—with knowledge of each step of the journey

Those of you who take the in-person versions of this course—the webinar format, the six day intensve format, or the local once-weekly format—will have the added benefits of:

  • You will be able to ask your questions in real time with a live instructor, and get immediate answers
  • You will receive immediate feedback as to whether you are doing each technique correctly, and you will receive guidance for deepening your experience for the technique
When Do I Need this Course?
  • If you want to learn even more advanced methods of meditation that will give you the secret keys to full conscious ascension to Mastery at even higher levels of Light, and walk through the portals to unlimited spiritual growth to see everything that is ahead of you on the Path, the MACIM is what you need.
  • If you feel excited about the prospect of learning to meditate at even a more profound and powerful level, and learn addition methods to advance your spiritual evolution, the MACIM is for you

You might choose the in-person format of the class if

  • You learn best in an in-person class with a live instructor, and you can commit to come to all sessions of the class, the MACIM will give you the training you need to become an advanced and expert meditator.
  • You want to be taught directly by an instructor and be guided to the profound heights of the Great Continuum of Consciousness in person.
In What Formats is the MACIM delivered?

The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation is now available as an on-line version course with additional videos to support your learning. It is designed for those of you with much meditation experience, and you learn well independently. To earn your certificate of completion, you will need to pass a final exam.

MACIM is taught as a nine-week webinar series where all participants can speak live and are visible on the screen. It is also taught as a six-day intensive in different parts of the USA. It is also available in Southern California as a seven week course, taught one evening a week.

The MACIM is available On-line
(Self Study format)
(Webinar format)
(Intensive formt)
What Does the MACIM Include?

The in-person Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation is organized into sessions taught over between six and nine days. In the on-line version, you will cover the modules at your own pace, and complete the course by passing a final exam.

The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation will require you to spend much longer periods of time in meditation. You will go much deeper into meditation than in the Master Course or Accelerated Meditation Program. The Advanced Course covers:

Part One

  • Maps of Consciousness for Higher Octaves: Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental
  • Enhancing concentration: Advanced Tratakam and Breathing Techniques
  • Microconcentration
  • Advanced Raja Yoga
  • Journey through the Higher Octaves

Part Two

  • Exploring the Cosmic Sphere
  • Meditation on the Divine Eye
  • The Astral Soul
  • Developing the Higher Will
  • Understanding Siddhis
  • Creative Meditation
  • Meditation on the Guide (Dhyan Yoga)
  • The Little Wheels Technique
  • Meditation on God Consciousness
  • Mastery in the Cosmic Sphere: Yogi Preceptors, Light Masters, and Cosmic Masters

Part Three

  • Exploring the Supracosmic Sphere
  • Advanced Mantra Yoga
  • The Mudrashram® Mantra
  • The Octaves of Bija Mantra
  • Advanced Jnana Yoga Meditation
  • Viveka
  • Union with the Supracosmic Soul
  • Advanced Nada Yoga: Developing Bhakti
  • Nada Yoga in the Higher Spheres
  • Advanced Transformation Techniques
  • The Human Growth Continuum: Understanding Transformation and Initiation
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Swami Kriya Diksha

Part Four

  • Exploring the Transcendental Sphere
  • The Eight Paths of the Transcendental Sphere
  • The Jewel of Alaya
  • The Form of the Disciple
  • Discipleship in the Mudrashram® tradition
  • Invocation of the Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage
  • Satchitananda
So why should I take the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation?

If you’ve taken one of our intermediate courses, this is the next step for you!

Look at all you will get in this extraordinary class! You will:

  • Learn and practice the most profound techniques of meditation.
  • Travel to the highest levels of the Great Continuum of Consciousness
  • Receive initiation into Kriya Yoga, and learn the secret Mudrashram® Mantra, by which you can call the Masters of our tradition, and invoke their Grace and Protection
  • Be able to accelerate and deepen your experience of meditation.
  • Streamlined for our current times, this timeless knowledge is yours for a fraction of the time and cost you would have to invest if you had to search out this material for yourself.

These are advanced secret methods taught by the Mystic Masters will enable you to even more rapidly accelerate your spiritual growth, doing the spiritual work of many lifetimes in your current life!

After the course is completed – For Your Continuing Spiritual Education

We highly recommend the book,The Advanced Practice of Meditation—this is a $39.95 value, which you can obtain for only $30.00. This book is only available to completers of our advanced course.

The Satsang Program Home Study Course—this is a $297.00 value, which you can obtain for only $108.00. This program is only available to completers of MACIM.

The Mudrashram® Correspondence Course—this is a $797.00 value, which you can obtain for only $200.00. This program is only available to our MACIM completers.

The Enhanced Mudrashram® Correspondence Course—this includes the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course, the Satsang Program Home Study Course, and the Adventures in Pinda webinar series. This is a $1,732.00 value, which you can obtain for only $447.00. This program is only available to our MACIM completers.

To order the online version, register for our Online Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

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