Information about the Accelerated Meditation Program

What Is the Accelerated Meditation Program?

The Accelerated Meditation Program (AMP) is a program developed for those who:

  1. (a) Are comfortable doing meditation, and have successfully practiced meditation before
  2. (b) Have some experience meditating, and have been able to have some experiences in the Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind; the depth of their meditation has gone out of the Conscious mind, and they have entered an altered state of awareness at will
  3. (c) Have some grasp of what meditation is and how to do it
  4. (d) Might have had frustrating experiences in the past trying to meditate, but they are reasonably confident that they can find a way to learn meditation successfully, and want to learn
  5. (e) Are unable—for reasons of income, distance, or personal circumstances—unable to come to Southern California to take the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation in person
The by mail version of the AMP

It occurred to us that, while many people are ready to take level one (intermediate) meditation courses—they cannot attend the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation (MMCIM), which is taught in person.

The Accelerated Meditation Program (AMP) is currently available through the mail for those of you who cannot come to Southern California—there is no reason that anyone we can reach through the United States Postal Service can’t take this course.

You can order the by-mail version of the Accelerated Meditation Program directly from our sister site, Mudrashram® Publishing. The by-mail version includes the book, A Mudrashram® Reader: Understanding Integral Meditation. It also includes two compact disks in which several of the meditations that are presented in the course are recorded, so you can listen to the recordings while you meditate to guide you.

What Will I Get from this Course?
  • You will learn a comprehensive program of Integral Meditation, which will give you the key techniques to improve your personal life, and to make conscious spiritual progress. Every meditation technique you need for Self and Soul Mastery is included in this course.
  • You will receive your transformational mantra, which will enable you to make unlimited spiritual progress and to self-initiate.
  • You learn to awaken your spiritual heart, and travel back in full consciousness to the Divine Source from which your spirit was born
  • You will learn to open your “third eye” of consciousness, and travel with full awareness onto the inner Planes of Light
  • Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a video coaching session where we will go over the three core techniques of Integral meditation—your Transformational mantra, Raja Yoga, and Nada Yoga.
  • Optionally, if you wish, you can learn how to safely awaken the energy of your Kundalini Shakti with an add-on video coaching session, where you will learn this technique under direct supervision
When Do I Need this Course?
  • If you want a complete meditation program that will give you the master keys to full conscious ascension to Mastery, and to the portals to unlimited spiritual growth, the AMP is what you need.
  • If you not feel excited about the prospect of learning to meditate successfully and consciously take change of your life and your spiritual evolution, the AMP is for you
  • If you cannot take the in-person class, but you can commit to do regular study of the materials, the AMP will give you the training you need to become proficient in Integral meditation
In What Formats is the AMP delivered?

The Accelerated Meditation Program available as a by mail course—and now, as an on-line version course with additional videos to support your learning.

You also have the option of taking the Enhanced AMP with either group or individual coaching.

For all on-line or by-mail versions of this course, upon completion of the course, you will meet with our master meditation teacher over the Internet, and review the key techniques with him.

Enrollment in the AMP also entitles you to come to our group question and answer webinars, where you can ask questions and get clarification.

The AMP is available On-line
(Self Study format)
(Group Coaching)
(Individual Coaching)
By mail
(distance learning format)
Why was the AMP developed, when you already had the Master Course?

The Accelerated Meditation Program was developed to address the needs of those seekers and students of meditation who, because of reasons of distance, income, or scheduling conflicts cannot take the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation in person.

It became clear to us that much of the material that is covered in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation could be taught as a distance learning program, provided that a reading could be done to make an attunement with the seeker or meditation student.

Since this could be readily done from a mailed or e-mailed photograph sent by the student, the major barriers to a distance-learning program seemed to be surmountable.

To do the more advanced work of meditation covered in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course and the Satsang Program Home Study Course, aspirants need to have a familiarity with several key concepts.

They further have to develop the ability to contact the spiritual essences of attentional principle, spirit, and Soul, and to be able to awaken and unfold these essences. They further need to do this work under the Grace and Protection of Master Teachers, so they do can it correctly and safely.

What Does the AMP Include?

The Accelerated Meditation Program is broken into four major modules.

  1. Module One – The Core Work of Awakening and Transformation
  2. Module Two – Developing Wisdom and Intuition
  3. Module Three – Empowering the Will and Abilities of the Higher Mind
  4. Module Four – Developing Compassion and Living in Harmony with the Soul

The four modules of the Accelerated Meditation Program are further divided broken into 20 lessons:

  1. The Mudrashram® Prayer
  2. The Awakening Meditation
  3. Introduction to this Teaching
  4. The Great Continuum of Consciousness
  5. Integral Meditation: steps of the process
  6. The Four Poles of Being: the Great Work, and overcoming karma
  7. Centering Techniques
  8. Kundalini Yoga (we teach the technique for Kundalini Yoga after the course is completed under direct supervision—this is an optional add-on. [For some students, who might have had problems with kundalini from prior meditation training, do not want to learn how to awaken this primal energy!]
  9. Nada Yoga (we practice and review this technique after the course is completed)
  10. Invocational methods
  11. Mantra Yoga (we practice and review this technique after the course is completed)
  12. Raja Yoga (we practice and review this technique after the course is completed)
  13. Guru Kripa Yoga
  14. Jnana Yoga
  15. Agni Yoga
  16. Meditation on the Octaves of the Will
  17. Dharma Yoga
  18. Meditation on Compassion
  19. Acceptance and Change
  20. Practical Meditation

The AMP also has an Addendum, which contains additional articles, and a Glossary of Meditation Terms.

Every version of the AMP—by-mail and on-line—also include an Augmented Basic Soul Reading, which includes:

  • Information about where you are on the Path (your cutting edge of spirituality)
  • The Rays that influence your Soul, your personality, your mental functioning, your emotional relating, and your physical-etheric attunement
  • Your transformational mantra (absolutely priceless—your key to unlimited spiritual growth!)
  • Your Nadamic tone (your key to tapping into your spirit and opening the Path of Inner Light and Sound—also priceless!)
  • Specific information about the meditations you need to do at the current stage on the Path

You will also receive an excerpt from the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course that gives specific information about the Plane on which your Soul dwells, and gives you additional meditations for exploring this realm.

Upon successful completion of the course final exam, you will also receive

A Key Technique Review Session—a $150 value—in which you will meet with our master meditation teacher via Skype or other live video format, where you will review the three core techniques—(1) Transformational mantra (Mantra Yoga), (2) Opening the light and sound currents with your spirit (Nada Yoga), and (3) Traveling in full consciousness through the Planes of Light into the presence of your Soul (Raja Yoga)

You may optionally purchase as a course add-on, the Kundalini Meditation Training—a $75.00 value, which you will receive for the discounted rate of only $35.00.

After the course is completed – For Your Continuing Spiritual Education

We highly recommend the book, The Fundamentals of Meditation—this is a $49.95 value—which you can obtain for only $30.00. This book is only available to completers of one of our intermediate courses, either the Accelerated Meditation Program or the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.

To order the online version, register for our
Online Accelerated Meditation Program.

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