When You Break Out of the Bubble of Belief

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Editor’s note: Many people see the world through the prism of their religious or political belief system, and never transcend it. When you move beyond this constructed framework, you see the world anew. This poem speaks to this experience of going beyond belief.

When you break out of the bubble of belief, you see the world as it is.

You experience the levels of the mind as they are, and you witness the content there.

You directly experience your intentional consciousness, your spirit and your Soul, beyond concept or metaphor.

You touch your enlightened mind and you realize your Soul, beyond words and beyond descriptions.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, you transcend paradigm, doctrine, and credo.

You travel on the Continuum of Light as a conscious being, a traveler to Supernal Worlds.

You at once encounter the many wondrous forms of God on each successive Plane,

And you behold your forms on each Plane of Light—and witness the gifts each form contains.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, you travel on rivers of light and sound back to God.

You detach from the tethers that tie you to this world and journey through worlds of ineffable splendor.

You dissolve all hindrances and return to the fount from which you arose in the beginning,

And you unite with your Divine Beloved for all eternity.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, your Soul evolves.

You open and actualize each nodal point upon the Way, and grow in wisdom;

You grow in love and virtue; you bring out your dormant powers;

You fulfill the intrinsic purpose for which you were sent into Creation.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, those who remain within it, condemn you.

They cannot conceive anything exists beyond their scripture, their cosmology, and their mythos.

You become threatening to them because you are free,

And because, you have escaped from the ethereal cage that binds them.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, you can interface with the content of the mind.

You witness your thoughts and feelings and choices arise in the slipstream of your life:

Like an artist, you can change the picture that you see,

And write a brighter destiny—greater than any one you could ever conceive.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, the chains of karma no longer imprison you.

You bring down the beam of fiery, Divine Spirit to dissolve these karmic accretions,

You redeem the potentials hidden in your unconscious mind, turning its darkness into light;

Transforming its nescience and torpor into consciousness and new ability.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, you awaken to new possibilities.

The door of the sepulcher opens, and you walk out of the tomb.

You are resurrected into your immortality that has always dwelt within you.

You know the bliss of being and you repose in transcendent peace.


When you break out of the bubble of belief, you do not wish to return to this prison.

Though others may regard you as a madman, an apostate, or a traitor—someone whom the devil has deceived.

You regard them with the heart of compassion and with serene detachment,

And you hold out your hand to those who yearn to emerge from their suffering and bondage.


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